Bottom Clockwise: Council Hall Classroom; Josh Wisley talks to Don Lough; Students praying together; Emily Phillips; Megan Beasley uses the class break to nap.
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Dr. Matt McAlack - History of Christian Education Mr. Mike Laymon - 1 John Dr. Wendell Calder - 2 Corinthians Dr. Jim Bjornstad - Cults 2 Mr. Tom Simcox - Jewish Evangelism Mr. Steve Wilt - Prayer Dr. Charles Scheide - Local Church Mrs. Shirley Bubar - Womanhood Dr. Dan Anderson - Nehemiah Mr. Kazuaki Kato - Postmodernism
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f o4\ Mr. Bruce Peterson - Leadership Dr. Joe Jordan - Discipleship Dr. John Whitcomb - Gen. 12-50 Dr. Jim Bjornstad - Cults 1 Mr. Mike Calhoun - Philosophy Dr. Marshall Wicks -
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Dr. Charles Ware - Family Dr. Larry Moyer - Evangelistic Public Speaking Mr. Don Lough - Spiritual Gifts
Contemporary Problems 1 Dr. Russell Woodbridge - Personal Finances Dr Gary Ingersoll - Children's Ministries Dr. Tom Davis - Contemporary Problems 2 Dr. Gerry Franz - History O f Missions
Mr. Jimmy Scroggins - Developing Youth Leaders Mrs. Joy White - Women's Ministries Dr. Tom Phillips - Manhood Dr. Emir Caner - Islamic Evangelism Rev. Randy Patten - Counseling Youth
Proverbs 1:5
60 Iacademics
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