Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2008


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Its 7:58 A.M. and the students are now rushing thru the doors trying to get to their seats before the bell rings. They will then have classes for the next five hours of the day. As the teachers sow' the Word into the minds and hearts of the students, they use the Word of God to go harvest the souls of the unsaved throughout the week! A typical week of Word of Life classes involve the twro core subjects, a ten hour class taught by a guest lecturer, and also three chapel services. One of the main classes the students have is Theology. Dr. Charles Scheide is the professor; he uses his personal studies and his own ministry to help the students understand theology. He would also reference his friends Dr. Paul Enns, Dr. Renald Showers, and Dr. Charles Ryrie. Most importantly, Dr. Scheide teaches the Word and shows us our

theology through the Bible, the ultimate authority. Professor Gary Ingersol teaches Bible Survey; he takes each and every book of the Bible and goes through the history, general purpose, and general outline of each book. This class really enhances the believers understanding as they now have a complete overview of the Bible. Each week Word of Life brings in a guest lecturer to teach us a specific book or topic of the Bible. The students have over 20 different lecturers come and teach them. We have all found classes to be a lot of work but the apostle Paul said it best when he saidj’ "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a w'orker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth” II

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Timothy 2:15 (NKJV).

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now \iJ i3 o io /v t and instruction; to perceive the words ; to receive the instruction of , judgment, and equity; to give subtilty to the pie, to the young man and discretion. Proverbs 1:2-4

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