Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2008

JesTbr gifts and natural abilities matched up with the requirement of each option. We then would ask this critical question, “Which of these options would present us with the greatest opportunity to serve to our Lord Jesus Christ?” or said another way, “Which option would give us the most significant impact of the Lord?” Nothing else in life is more important than how we answered So then, when you consider all the things you could do with your life, which option would grant you the greatest service for your Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ? Prayerfully consider choosing to follow that option! this question.

As I consider what would be an important word of advice, I can clearly offer the following. Fran and I, at several crucial, defining times in our lives, have used the following plan to guide us. When faced with multiple “good” choices as to the direction of our ministry, first we would pray that the Lord would guide us as we evaluated the merits of the choices before us. We would make a list of the “pro’s and con’s” of each of the options. We would ask other godly and influential people to add their insights to our list. We would search the Scriptures to see if there were guiding principles that would influence our list. We would consider how well our own set of spiritual

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