/ / 1988 Open Door
Isaiah 40:31
Life Bible Institute
hroon Lake, New York
* V "We can't let anyone know, but ... n
"I've been searching everywhere
We, the yearbook staff of 1987-88, realize that we have put you students through a lot of anxiety by keeping the blueprints of the yearbook a secret. We have been bom barded by many questions: 1. "Is my picture in the yearbook?" 2. "What is the theme?" 3. "Who is on the staff?" 4. "Can I have a peek? Just a little one; I won't tell anyone else. Well, we hope that we will answer your questions now; and that you thoroughly en joy this book with all of its spiritual hints, special memories, quiet moments, and hap py times. it
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Do you need any artwork?"
"You really made the deadline?"
n Tell us, NOT<71 i i
What Are You Looking For? Faculty
17 33 61 66 69 72 75 95
B.I. Students S.Y.M. Students
Jan./March Students Married Students Foreign Students
for some clues."
117 123 135 144
Campus Life Advertisements
"It's true — we don't know!"
Ladies and Gentlemen ...
Here we go!
'J H he eagle's wings are very pow erful. An eagle can carry a lamb in its claws for many miles. With his wings, he can climb to great heights. We as Christians must help to carry the burdens of our fellow brothers and sisters with comfort and encour aging words from God's Word. We must also have a positive effect on society to keep our nation flying high.
'J'he eagle's 270° vision allows him to see a "big picture" of things no mat ter where he is or what situation he is in. His sharp eyes and well rounded vision allow him to react quickly and efficiently to situations. As students here at Word of Life, we want to see things with that "big pic ture" vision. We look at every aspect of our training as an opportunity to add to that "big picture." Our goal is to glorify God in any way we can so that others can see Christ in us. Here at WOLBI we see our work assignments not as an opportunity for personal gain, but as an opportunity to store up eternal treasures in heaven. It has become an "Open Door" for us to use our abilities in order to reach out and serve others in various ways such as waitressing, housekeeping, dishpit, and maintenance. This enables us to be involved in a work situation so in fu ture years we will have the godly train ing to see with this well rounded vision. This makes us able to react quickly and 1 / 1 i- 1 a a n a X s~\
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rT' he wings of an eagle have many layers of feathers. Each layer makes its own cir cular motion. These layers all function as a unit for one goal and that is to raise the eagle far up into the sky. We view our ministries like the eagle's wing. There are many different ministries here and they all function in different ways. Groups such as Open Air Campaigners and Collegians travel into our many different cities in order to reach people with the Gospel. We also have ministries which reach out to local areas such as Prison Ministry, Local Church, and Child Evan gelism Fellowship. The ultimate goal here at Word of Life is that the Gospel might go out into the uttermost part of the world.
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HT he eagle, unlike many other birds, -*■ must constantly renew its feathers in order to keep itself from becoming totally helpless. We, as WOLBI students, must continually renew our souls and "put on the armor of God, that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Eph. 6:11) We must remember that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19) and we must keep ourselves physically alert. Here at WOLBI we do this through eating, sleeping, exercising, and studying.
A n eagle must spread his wings in order to overcome the law of gravity. Spreading his wings allows him to pick up and pull away from the gravity which is pulling him down. For us as Christians, the law of gravity is much like the law of sin which is constantly fighting to pull us down. As Christians we need to spread our wings by continually praying and living the truths of God's Word. We can over come the law of sin by prayer, meditation on God's Word, and fellowship.
T he nest of an eagle is situated either in the safety of a high tree, or in a crevice of a cliff. This provides protection, and also a clear surveillance of the territory. As students here at WOLBI, we aim to set our standards high, above that of the world's. One major area we keep our standards in, is our interpersonal relationships. We feel that God must be the center of our lives. In keeping ourselves above reproach, we have developed a new respect for one another.
"When the right eous are in author ity, the people re joice . . (Prov. 29:2a)
Director Jack Wyrtzen
Jack Wyrtzen, President and Founder of Word of Life. "I think the big problem we face today is that most Christians do not even know why we are here on earth. This is clearly explained in Acts 15:14, "God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name." Where from? Revelation 5:9, . . out of every kin dred, and tongue, and people, and nation." We also need to remember II Cor. 4:7, "But we have this treas ure in earthen vessels, that the ex cellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." It's wonderful to know these things but it's far greater to do them." JACK WRYTZEN Phil. 2:16 and Ps. 37:23 and 24
Harry Bollback, Co-Director of Word of Life, has been working with Jack Wyrtzen for many years. He is originally from Brooklyn, New York. He graduated from Philadelphia Col lege of Bible. His favorite verse is Joshua 1:9. "Through these many years. Word of Life has made an effort to train young people in the Word of God, then to see them move out for the Lord, all over the world. There is no better place to see this accom plished than at the Word of Life Bible Institute. May God make everyone of you to be men and women of the Word. May you always live what you have received here at the Word of Life Bible Institute." HARRY BOLLBACK Joshua 1:9
Co-Director Harry Bollback
George Theis, originally from Philadel phia, PA, has been working with Word of Life for twenty-nine years. He has attended Whitworth College, Columbia Bible College, Philadelphia College of the Bible, and Ref. Epis. Seminary. His favorite verse is Gala- tions 1:4. Daniel was an extraordinary example of how to overcome the pagan peer pressure of Gentile society. As you step outside the direct influence of the WOLBI, maybe you ask the question that so many ask: "Where do I begin?" In I Cor. 4:2 the Holy Spirit gives us an answer, "It is required in steward that a man be found faithful." Where's a good place to begin? A solid commitment to be faithful, obedient, loyal, dependable, and someone the Lord can count on all the time. This means that I faithfully obey the Holy Spirit promptings; I faithfully do what I know I should do; and I faithfully accept the Lord to fulfill His promises to me as His child. May the Lord bless you and use you daily as you strive to be faithful. GEORGE THEIS
I Cor. 15:58 "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord." I trust that as our year of study together in the mountain draws to a close, that the lessons you have learned here will be anchored fast in your own hearts and souls. In the coming months, may your testimony as a consistent, hard-working servant of the Lord be evident to all who come in contact with you. It is our prayer that this year will just be a starting point for your spiritual growth and that as the years go by, you will grow closer and closer to the Lord. Stu Page
Stuart Page Executive Dean
Mr. Davis was born in Val ley Forge, PA. He graduated from WOLBI in 72; Lancas ter Bible College in 75; Grace Theological Seminary in 78; American Institute of Holy Land Studies in '85. His favorite verse is Eph. 3:20, 21. Paul was an Apostle Paul spoke in tongues Paul had traveled widely Paul could perform miracles Paul was inspired by God Paul had seen Christ Paul had been carried into heaven Paul was dying in prison Paul wrote most of the New Testament Paul always wanted the Bi ble
Tom Davis Academic Dean
Joe Schenke Dean of Students
"I am from Chicago, Illinois, and attended WOLBI in 81-82 and SYM in 83, and Trinity College in Deerfield, Illinois. My favorite verse is Proverbs 14:23 'In all labor there is profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.' " "I wish God's very best to the Class of 1988 and pray that God would continue to open your hearts to the knowledge of His will."
Bob is from Allentown, PA, and his favorite verse is Jer. 33:3. "My prayer for the Class of '88' is that they would grasp what they have gleaned from God's Word and apply it to their walk and talk in order to glorify God, being faithful as they serve Him daily."
Ginny Newton Dean of Women
Dave James Dean of Men
Bob Hess Dean of Men
Ginny was born and reared in Baltimore, MD, and graduated from WOLBI, Maryland General Hospital School of Radio- logic Technology and is reg istered in x-ray and in nu clear medicine. Her favorite verse is Prov. 3:5,6. "These verses are very fa miliar and perhaps your favorites as well — The key phrase 'Lean not unto your own understanding' is something we often tend to do, but our Lord tells us to acknowledge Him and HE will direct our path. What hope and promise as we serve Him."
Dave is from Columbus, Indiana and graduated from Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech. (B.S. Mechanical Engineering), WOLBI ('85- '86), and Dallas Theological Seminary ('86-present). He currently is completing in dependent study work and field education require ments at DTS. Favorite Verse: Eph. 4:1-3. "Take care to continue to diligently study God's Word as you can faithfully walk with Him throughout your life. Your training at WOL will serve you well as you continue to grow in the knowledge of our Lord."
Sharon was born in De troit, Michigan and grad uated from Wayne State University, Highland Park Community College, and Monroe Community Col lege. Her favorite verse is John 13:1. "I really love this verse because it shows us that the thought of our Lord was concerned with us right up to the time that he had to face His own crucifixion. May you always acknowl edge the great sacrifice that He made for all of us and may you always be sheltered by His wings.”
Scott was born in Cambridge, IA, and at tended Drake Universi ty (2 years) in Music Ed ucation and WOLBI '87. His favorite verse is II Tim. 2: 1-4. "It is my prayer that those of the Class of '88' will continue to be strong, firm-standing leaders in the faith, and that this class will be re sponsible and put into practice all that the Lord has taught this year and in coming years."
Karen Hersey Assistant to the Deans
Scott Howarth Assistant to the Deans
Sharon Wagoner Assistant Dean of Women
Chris was bom in Indianapolis, In diana and graduated from WOLBI, Tennessee Temple University, Grace Theological Seminary, and Dallas Theological Seminary. His favorite verse is Habakkuk 2:4. "May the Lord bless you exceed ingly abundantly above all you can ask or think."
Marshall Wicks Professor
Chris Miller Professor
Marshall was bom in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. He grad uated from WOLBI, Tennessee Temple University, and Grace Theological Seminary. His favorite verse is Eph. 2:8, 9. "Sometimes we wish Linus' remarks, as he watched Snoopy crying over a melting snowman, weren't so true: "Poor Snoopy . . . I see he's lost another friend . . . it's too bad. He's so sen sitive." And even though partings do bring a kind of sorrow, they also bring a sense of great joy. For I know that many of you will step out and do many great things for God. Stand steadfast and unmovable in spite of the heat of God's testing, for we have no greater joy than to hear that our friends are walking in truth."
Brian Gower was bom in the state of Maine. He graduated from Greenville College, WOLBI, and SYM. His favorite verse is I Thess. 5:24. "Class of '88' ... Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it. Remember that no matter what God puts before you, 8 weeks of Snow Camp, Open Air Meetings, one on one witnessing, etc. He will enpower you to do it if you but remain faithful. As Dr. Colder taught you. Don't Quit.' Go out of here, use all that you have learned, and make Christ known to a needy and dying world."
Bob Grey Business Manager
Brian Headings Director of Admissions
Brian Gower Director of Evangelism
"I was born in a real 'roaring' metropolis — Blaine, Maine." Went to Gordon Col lege (graduated early) and then went on to Provi- dence-Barrington Bible College for his Ba and Th.B. Mr. Bubar's favorite verses are Isaiah 53:7 and I Cor. 15:57-58. "Learn to turn problems into victories! Learn to be a positive force for God in a very negative world!"
Paul Bubar Director of S.I.C.
Brian Donley Music Director
Roger Ellison Pastor
Brian was born and reared in Myerstown, PA. He has gradu ated from West Chester Univer sity (BS Music Ed.), The Univer sity of Michigan (MM Instrumental Music Ed.), Ithaca College, Westminster Choir Col lege, and Penn State University. His favorite verse is Psalm 40:1-3. "Continue to do great and mighty works for the Lord lesus Christ. He hath put a new song in your mouths, even praise to your God: Many shall see it and fear and shall trust in the Lord!"
CLASS OF 1988 ... WHAT A YEAR!!! From September's Registration . . . "What do you mean I need a physical, I wear ear muffs, take vitamins!" .. . and the Famous Mid Night Ride of Turkey Dorm ... "Hello, this is the Bolton Emergency Squad; we have your ambulance at exit 24 headed south, but we don't know where the patient is” . . . "Hello, this is the New York State Police at Chestertown, we have your ambulance at exit 23 headed North, but there's no one in it" . . . "Hello, this is Mr. Schenke, WHERE IS EVERYBODY?!" . . . through the fringe benefits of Snow Camp ... second week fever, fatigue . . . to the Joys and Fun of blood drives ... "You can get up now Kelly!" . . . "Can I eat before I give, I missed breakfast?" . . . the excitement of Black fly, mosquitos, and bee season ... "It wath thwimming in my thoda can and it thung me" . . . and all the sprains, cuts, cramps, crutches, slings, aspirin, cough syrup, and sympathy in between. YOU MADE IT!!
Don Lowe Director of Health Services
Joanne Espenshade Librarian
Guy Swarthout Bookstore Manager
STAFF ADVISORS ;v c -V & V-- V I i •-v>;
Mrs. Davis
Mrs. Gray
Mrs. James Inn Scholarship
Mrs. Schenke
Glenn Slothower Food Service Manager
Mike Bush Food Service Bus. Sup.
David Burlingame Chef
Fred Dinger Snack Shack Manager
Carol Rescigno Baker
Jim Harvey Chef Manager
Earnie Toledo Chef
Jay Buker Baker
George Scurlock Manager of New Construction
Fred Cotton Maintenance Manager
Gail Kessel Housekeeping
Yeh, Brian, Stu Page here. Listen, I've been noticing that the kids are having too much of an impact on my staff. What do you think can be done? A vacation?
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"Ye are of God , /zftZe children , and /zazze overcome them: because greater is He that is in you , /ze fhflf zs m f/ze world." 1John 4:4 33
Lori Ackerman Deborah Adams Samuel Adams David Alberti
James Allen Teresa Amick
Cindy Amstutz Kellee Andes
Andrews Joby Anthony
William Anton Paul Antonelli
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Denise Apthorp Andrew Arnold Charles Arscott Sharon Avery
Cynthia Bailes Darlene Bailey
Robin Barbery Mary Barker
Barnum Wanda Barone
Patty Bauslaugh Philip Beemer
Amal Bejjani Jeremy Bell
Tom Benjamin Amy Benoit Timothy Best Dan Bickers
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Dale Bieber James Bishop
No Photo Available
Amy Bloom James Bollback
Tim Botterbusch Tina Bowden
Stefani Brewer Regina Brodehl
Robin Brooks Esther Brown
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Michelle Brown Patrick Brown William Brown Cynthia Browning
Julie Buel Robin Bulmer
Elizabeth Burke Faith Burns
Veronica Burt Kelley Bushey
Linda Butcher Hettie Byers
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Todd Calhoun John Caminiti
No Photo Available
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Bill Campbell Richard Carlson Patrick Carpenter Paul Carr
Tammy Carr Venera Carrano
Milca Carrion Chris Cavanaugh
K;X_ \XEq
Li-Hong Chen John Cilladi
Todd Cohick Tracey Cole
Chris Coleman Melody Coles
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11 * ■ <*•*« «*
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Daniel Conrad Daniel Cook Penny Crabb Gary Craig
Crawley Dawn Cricchio
Deanna Crider Tami Crouse
Joseph Crowell David Curving
Casey Cutting Harold Dame
Robin Damon Todd Darling
I i
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Lisa Davoll Shawn De Graff Jeannine De Groat Robin De Vries
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Cheryl Dearing Cheryl Deinum
Julie Diello
Darren Dochuck Kathleen Donnelly
Janice Duerr Lloyd Dumond
Kelly Easton Kurt Ebrahim
Echevarria Darren Edgington Daniel Eger Robert Eldridge
- M W
Deanne Ellison Michelle Entenmann
Magdalene Erhardt Lynn Eulian
' “ 1
Wade Evans Wanda Evans
Neal Farmer David Farrell
Ferdinand F eliciano Tim Fila
Chris Flagg Gregory Fletcher Audra Fonger Margareta Fopiano
Neil Forney Johannes Foster
Stephanie F owlkes David Frazier
Mary Frey Jennifer Fritz
Jennifer Furbert Darin Gall
Rob George Stephen Gibson
Deborah Goodreau William Graham Ralph Grassi Lori Grimes
Bill Grubbs Linda Guest
Lisa Haan Cynthia Hafke
Larry Hall Harriet
lacqueline Hamer
Harriman Kelly Hayes
Julia Hess Todd Hibbard Charles Heister John Hodgson
Kristine Hoffman Wendy Holding
Adam Houston Larissa Huey
Sharon Hughes Sean Hummel
James Hunt Penny Hunt
mrna : is SS ss lisiii : I
Robert Hurd Ty Hutchins Peter Jankowski Dennis Jarvis
No Photo Available
Raymond Jedele Janice Jeremiah
James Johnson Kevin Jones
Trina Jones Jenifer Junis
Steven Kimball Lori Kinsey
IvXvX y «v i j}
Steven Kinsey Lori Kinzer
\ v
Dave Klaus Terressa Knoch Donna Koenig Kelli Kohler
Sharon Kopf Peter Kramer
William Kryger Douglas Land
David Landgren Caroline Landry
Arleen Lapointe Corrine Larsh
Brent Le Fever Judy Lehman
Gail Lester Tammy Lewis Deborah Lickman Stacie Liddick
Bryan Liebold John Lingelbach
SI or r v ^V*V,
Jonathan Lo Prinzi Jacqueline Long
Ellis Lowe Sharon
Anthony Manno Pauline Matchett
.v - i|p4::
Darla Mateyka Paul Mathews Jennifer Matlock Eric May
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Dan McArthur David McFall
m-y-yswm t jC ••v v V' « * i * * * * ^ ■ > 11
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Reid McKinley Mark McKinney
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Lisa MeVicar Jon Mentzer
James Miles Daniel Miller
7 . ”4
Darren Miller Dawn Miller Paul Miller Richard Miller
Susan Miller Karen Mingus
David Mitchell Daniel Mogase
Anita Molda Steven Montanari
Sherry Morse Christine Moy
'• • •-S
Stephanie Moyer Hans Mucher
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Brad Mueller Charles Mullins Richard Mulvaney Christine Mummah
No Photo Available
Deborah Myers Kimberly Neve
Mark Nicolle Dale Nolan
Linda Norton Peter Ogilvie
Faye Oglesby John Oliff
Steven Opdahl Tammy Oris
John Osire Ro Jean Paddock John Page Jennifer PagJiano
Jin E. Park Robert Paul
Robin Pelkey Laurie Pennington
Andre Percy Karen Perkins
Larry Perkins Le-Ann Perry
Brian Peterla Robert Petro
Valerie Petro Dale Phillips Kim Piell Kevin Pierce
Linda Pietzsch Mary Poff
Burt Powell Linda Powell
Timothy Preve Chris Prozzo
Monica Prozzo Dawna Purvis
Jeffrey Raber Veronica Rafferty
Shawn Ragonese De'Maris Ray Travis Ray Daniel Reese
I e S B '-Z
Tracy Reffeor Janette Rehfeld
Steven Reichert Richard Reynolds
Denise Rhoads Dave Richard
Ruth Richard David Rim
Aaron Robinson Michael Rogers
Lee Rohn Michael Romesburg Anita Roth Kurt Rothgeb
Brady Rothgeb Ruth Rozelle
Tom Rummel Holly Russell
Frances Sabia Annamarie Saeli
Schmidt Sherry Schmidt
Schnetzler James Schultz
Ken Schultz Brenda Scott Francis Scott Matthew Scott
Sal Sgroi Lynn Sharp
Marci Shaw Duane Shelly
Shepard David Sherwood
Cecelia Shloul
William Short La Vonne Siemens
Richard Smeal Dave Smith David Smith Ray Smith
Timothy Smith Laura Snyder
Lori Spurr Joanna Staples
Leslie Steeves Chris Stevens
Tara Stevens Deanna Stonehouse
Beth Stout Vicki Strait
Rebecca Stratton Carrie Stubbs Lance Stubbs Craig Stumpf
Summer Wendy Sweet
Marc Syler Paula Taylor
Kathy Thoma Lisa Thomas
Thakadiyel Thomson Theresa Thorne
Chun Thung David Tidball
v o
Wade Tonielli Lynne Trevathan
Pat Tucker Carl Utter
Shane Valdez Laura VanderLaan
Kristen Venlet Denice Veprek
Wadman Tina Wallace
Thomas Walsh Steve Walters
Scott Ward Joseph Warren
Maki Watabe Judy Watson Kevin Watterson Don Watts
Linda Watts Wendy Welch
Werkhoven Steve Whetstone
Sabrina White Jane Willenborg
Daryl Williams Jay Williams
Williamson Mark Withers
Pamela Wright Cynthia Wyman Willard Wyman April Yaworski
James Young Jill Young
Pamela Zawislak Twila Zehr
Connie Zell Lynda
“A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels." Prov. 1:5
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Laurel Adanti James Alderman Kenneth Barner Joyce Barwick
Patricia Becker Joel Befus
Marie Berry Shelly Bird
Kimberly Bobier Frank Born
No Photo Available
Joy Bryant
Morris Chaney Kelly Cluff
PTW m ?I
Diane Cooper Gary Cooper Scott Courbron Jeff Davoll
Amie De Groat Dave Eger
Jeff Farris Michele Fonseca
David Frazeur Lori Gatti
Beth Grantham Amy Harrington
Karen Hersey Robert Hess Kerry (Scott) Howarth Jeanette Jennings
Alcova Jones David Jordan Eric Mann
Grace Manne Eric Meyhoeffer
John Miller Kenneth
Byron Muller John Mulvihill
Paula Murphy Andrew Nelson
Dean Parrott Annette Peters Tamara Petersen Ingrid Peterson
Daniel Rambow Robert Rathbun Lisa Rhoden David Richard
Wendy Rutherford Kay Sawders Terry Stowell Thomas Sturzebecker
Adrian Tanner Vincent Tumia Daryl Vanella Colleen Varidel
Vasconcelos Carol Vermaas Robin Warren James West
Allan Winchell Scott Woods Deborah Wynalda Karen Zimmerman
Dale Bechtel
Ray Carlson
Gregory Centineo
Kathi Chapman
Paige Echols
Daniel Edwards
Tony Estes
Carol Coles
Marcel Frick
Elizabeth Gilaspy
Hugh Joyce
Jon (Peter) Fretheim
/ / / / .
Rene McGaffick
Laurie Kerlau
Jeffrey Macholz
Rebecca Lee
Jodi Singer
Stephen Schwarck
Clarence Rankins
Scott Morehous
Kaori Wada
Juliette Van Deraa
Anthony Vartuli
Bill Tracy
Thomas Caldbeck (SYM)
Mary Blayer (SYM)
Charles Butcher (SYM)
Sarah Whitman
Mark Chapman (SME)
Marisa Mosley (SYM)
Sean Nolan (SYM)
Kimberly Overholt (SYM)
Nicolasa Acero
Karen Rock ‘SYM/SME
Tadako Shimokuwaya ‘ SYM/SME
John Scott *SYM/SME
Charles Deinum
Linda Davidson
OUff Laurie
Mark Fogarty
Jose Luciano
Rodney Mitchell
Takeshi Suzuki
John Pierce
Jean Seiders
Richard Worley
Duane McDowell ‘ SYM/SME
Linda Armstrong ‘ SYM/SME
NOT PICTURED Gary Gallaugher Moses Khedi William LaGasse Joseph Pepitone William Turner Fred Wagner Ferdinand Feliciano *SYM/SME
Adam Houston *SYM/SME Walter Francis ‘SYM/SME Krishna King ‘SYM/SME Bryan Liebold *SYM/SME Deborah Perry *SYM/SME
Glenn Bailey ‘ SYM/SME
John Goss fSYM/SME
CUnt Webb
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his moth er, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Gen. 2:24
BShii Ebrahim Family
VS-L Wyman Family
Mulvany Family
Miller Family
* **
• •
Hess Family
Prozzo Family
It's hard, it's hard to tell you 'Bye, You, WORD OF’ LIFE, You mean me much. The France, that Dorm, I lived at first, I love you much, I love those guys. Oh. France and friends, those quartet friends, You, WORD OF LIFE, You mean me much. The Council Hall which counsel much And Cancel all my carnal thought, Sweet were those great mighty men, Who counsel within, Council Hall. Council Hall, I can't forget, You, WORD OF’ LIFE, You mean me much. Summer School and Shining days. Island, Inn, Those precious place, Dining Hall, Gym, Soccer Field, B.I. Office, 'Bye, Just now. Burning heart, I say, Bye, now. You, WORD OF LIFE, You mean me much. Page's Page, I see no more. Marshall's jokes and Davis' dreams, Schenke's, Gray's, and Gower's words. Always only in my dream. Sweet those precious men I count, You, WORD OF LIFE, You mean me much Love I you, Venezuela . . ., Love I you, The WORD OF LIFE, Love I you, the States so high. Jack, George, Harry, Precious men. You stand for God, God stand with You, You, WORD OF’ LIFE, You mean me much. See you all, and let us see. On that hopeful shore, so sweet, Resting in His Arms, always . . . Eternity, in His sight. 'Bye now; Bye, my sweetest home. You, WORD OF’ LIFE, You mean me much
Thakadiyel Thomson Mundathanam. P.O. Kangazha, KTM Kerala, INDIA
Ministries "But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise , let us go hence." John 14:31
Travel team was one of the best things that could have happened to me. We did car washes, Olympian rallies, and bas ketball marathons. We shared testimo nies and sang in services and we trav eled many hours with Bob Rathbun driving. Working together with different temperaments, together for the Lord, has helped me realize the importance of uni ty. — Joy
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Being a part of the Collegians with all of its various ministries has been a great experience and privilege. Hav ing practice every school day is great because it helps me get in a worshipful mood, a time when I can sing out for God's glory and praise. I had the joy and privilege of leading many people to Christ. What a joy it is to be part of the many ministries of the Word of Life Collegians. — Jeremy Bell Singing for the Lord has been fan tastic. We have seen multitudes of blessings in ministry to the local church and to crowds in civic centers. It's exciting to see the hundreds of peo ple saved and the many more blessed and encouraged by God-given tal ents. There's nothing like it. — Craig Stumpf
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My O.A.C. group went to Phil adelphia in early November. Alter a weekend of learning how to paint on the sketchboard and memorizing our messages, we were ready to go on the streets. All of our nervousness and fright was gone the first day when we saw lives change and people make decisions for Christ. To me O.A.C. made witnessing exciting and enjoyable. I learned so much about the ways different people believe and how a simple mes sage can lead them to the truth. — Kyle Hammersmith
I was in Boston O.A.C. *4. The Lord really opened my eyes to lost people going to hell. I was really blessed by a certain prayer the Lord answered. I prayed that He would send a witch that I could tell about Jesus Christ. On our first day on the streets, a witch came by one of the board meetings and she asked how she could get saved. I got not only a chance to lead her but her friend to the Lord. I really praise God for using me. — John Oliff
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The Prison Ministry deals with taking the Word of God into several prisons in the surrounding area. We bring hope and comfort to the many men behind prison walls and fences. Through the Prison Ministry we try to show the men that there is another life beside the one they are so used to living. Being an ex-inmate, the Prison Ministry has been special to me because it has shown me from where I come from to what I could become. — Larry Hall
My ministry is a very exciting one. What the team does is play basketball in prisons, keeping our testimony and being an example to the unsaved players as well as ourselves. The Prison Ministry has taught me to en c ou r a g e those around me. It's really taught me that no matter if you're be hind bars or not. all people have to hear the Gospel. I've got ten to witness to a couple of guys; but most of all I've gotten to be their friend and they respect me and what I stand for. This ministry has helped me to share the Gos pel and be more open to people that need the Lord. — Tommy Homedo
The CEF Ministry stands for Child Evangelism Fel lowship. Each week we go out into the community and take the Gospel message to children. My life has been greatly blessed. I have learned how to more effec tively work with children re garding their spiritual lives; and because of that, I have had the privilege of seeing children make life changing decisions for Christ. — Penny Crabb CEF has always played an important part in my life. I have grown up in Good News clubs, 5-Day clubs, and overnight camps. Through this influence, God has called me to work with CEF as a full time member. One of the main reasons I came to WOLBI was to be better equipped to minister to children. — Tracy Reffeor
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Our main ministry at Perth is working the bus ministry. To see the conditions these kids have to survive in breaks our hearts, predom inantly poor and almost en tirely living with only one of their natural parents. Sun day mornings, when they come bouncing out to our buses, smiling ear to ear, all their circumstances seem to disappear. All we can see is the love Jesus has for these little kids. Even with that in mind, we still must deal with kids that are violent by na ture. It is not uncommon for one of our students to be punched, kicked, shoved, and occasionally even bit ten. But when one of these comes to Christ, it makes it all worthwhile. — Billy Graham
My local church ministry is with Johns town. We spent our Friday nights teach ing and helping their AWANA program and Saturday nights leading their Word of Life club. We spent the rest of the time canvassing, going to local parks and playing ball with some teens while wit nessing and fellowshipping with mem bers of the congregation. Sundays were spent teaching Sunday School and Junior Church. This church ministry has taught me so much about God and His word. — Dave Richard .* . ■ V b *T5 v S \ iVW" . .. ;%v>S3‘* y . /• X ^ ' * I v.\v I really have learned a lot about work ing with the youth teaching them Sunday School and heading the WOL club meet ings. When I graduate, I'm planning on being a youth pastor for a church if it is God's will. — Wade Evans * > ’ * V \ S 3 -*’ *•** .*C‘^ )}* W v
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SNOW CAMP < ©* 0 <3 During the winter quarter usually two to five hundred campers would arrive on cam- < ;•. s \ pus ready to hit the snow and bombard their counselors. Our jobs? To become their friend and make that one weekend the best weekend of their lives physically and most of all spiritually. Here is just a glimpse of the "hard work" we put into nine weekends of camp. Each Thursday morning we as a campus had chapel for snow camp which consisted of challenges, encouragement, and prayer. The prayer for *SNOW* was always a H 09 k " u constant request and the Lord richly blessed us.
Yes, hard work was put into each weekend as if it were the first. Skits and meal time challenges were always different and definitely interesting.
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Each Thursday morning we as a campus had chapel for snow camp which consisted of challenges, encour agement, and prayer. The prayer for *SNOW* was always a constant re quest and the Lord richly blessed us.
The guest lecturers at the Bible Institute at Word of Life are godly men with a sincere desire to learn and grow in God's Word, and to share what they have learned about God's Word. Each different man comes to Word of Life and for ten hours a week teaches a comprehensive study of a particular doctrine, such as Creationism, or a specific book, such as Galatians, in a manner which is clear and easy for us to understand. The guest lecturers share in different styles, but each one of them is sent from God to help us learn what God said when He gave us this great Book, and how it applies to our lives today.
1. Dr. Wendell Calder — Ephesians and James 2. Dr. Charles Anderson — 1Peter 3. Dr. Mike Grill — Counseling 4. Dr. Ellison — Judges 5. Dr. John Davis — 23rd Psalm
Colonel Jack McGuckin Bob Parschauer — SYM Contemporary Problems Charles Wagner — Joshua John White — Genesis Sumner Wemp — Soul Winning
1. 2 . 3. 4. 5.
Organizations and Activities
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(1) Muslim (2) Ireland (3) Unsaved Family Members (4) Argentina (5) OAC
Marshall Wicks Yearbook Advisor
Shane Valdez Peter Ogilvie Photographers
Hattie Hammersmith Peter Ogilvie Robin Bulmer Darlene Bailey '88' YEARBOOK STAFF
Peter Ogilvie Artist
Putting this yearbook together has been a lot of hard work, and we've spent many long hours doing it! We hope that as you flip through its pages, it will bring back many memories of all the happy times, serious moments, and special things you've learned throughout the year. Mr. Wicks was our staff advisor, and we thank him for his support patience. Darlene did the faculty pages and put in a lot of extra time and creativity in many other pages. Pete did most of the artwork within the book — Fantastic job! He also took many pictures of the different activities we had on campus. Hattie put together all of the ministry pages plus a lot of extra time. Robin (yearbook editor) worked on the opening pages and tried to bring together everyone's ideas. Many of you helped us out in many different ways: borrowing your typewriters, volunteering your extra time, submitting your wacky photos, and creative artwork (thank you much Brad Mueller and Carl Utter) — Great Job Guys! Special thanks to Eric Mann for his pictures from SYM and many others. Thank you! — The Yearbook Staff
Thanksgiving Fiesta Thanksgiving day was full of activities and ex citement, a day long awaited. Many friends and family members came to help us celebrate. The first activity of the day was the Turkey Trot. Then there was the Powder Puff game in which the S.Y.M. girls defeated the B.I. girls. Next was the world famous Turkey Bowl. The B.I. guys won a victory over the S.Y.M. guys. The evening began with the Thanks giving Fiesta Banquet and Wendell Colder as our speaker. To top off our Thanksgiving day, a per formance of The Sights and Sounds ol Christmas was given. It was certainly a day to remember.
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Missions Conference One of the highlights of the winter quarter was the 1988 Missions Conference. Craig Stumpf was the president of the Missions Committee and many other students helped in the preparations. The goal for this year's faith promise was $59,600! As a result of this Missions Conference, many students ded icated their lives to be full-time missionaries and "stand in the gap."
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Many missionaries and representatives of mis sion boards came to speak at this year's Missions Conference. Some of the speakers included Carson Freemont, George W. Murry, and Bob Parschauer. The students were given the opportunity to speak with the mission board representatives and to learn more about becoming a missionary and "stand in the gap."
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"One thing that impress I me very much was the s ■ - cere attitude of the Jewi people in their love and c votion for God. One sta ment our guide mac (unsaved) was, 'While I w in Jacksonville, Florida, was shocked to see Chr tians coming out of chur Sunday morning and goii right to the supermarke This was a rebuke to me. Israel they close down ev ry Jewish shop from su down on Friday to sundov on Saturday."
Dale Beiber, Pat Carpen ter, Jennifer Ferbert, Peter Kramer, Steve Opdahl, Burt Powell, Travis Ray, Tom Rummel, Lori Spur, Kevin Waterson.
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"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind , that ye may prove what is that good, and ac ceptable, and perfect, will of God." Rom. 12:2
John Mentzer Todd Cohick Steve Montary Todd Calhoun Mike Carley Coach: Fran Sco BiH Grubbs Clarence Rankin Dave Tidbal James Allen Tommy Homado
Tammy Carr Jennifer Matlock LeAnn Harriman Denice Veprek Debbie Adams KeUy Easton Lori Spur Travis Ray Coach: Karen Hersey Margaretta Fopiano KeUy Kohler Beth Burke Tami Crouse
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Liz Alexander, Lori Grimes, Jennifer Fritz, Christine Moy, Wanda Ev- ans, Lynn Sharpe, Vicki Strait, Ruth Richards, Stephanie Moyer
Mike Rogers, Darren Dochuk, Larry Dame, Tom McFeaters, Dav Smith, Dan Reese, Rick Reynolds, Judy Lehman, Jennifer Furbei Jeanine DeGroat, Dale Bechtal, Craig Stumpf, Mr. Donnelly
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Joby Anthony Kellee Andes Lori Kinzer Kim Neve
Stephane Brewer Debbie Echevarric Lisa Haan Penny Hunt Melody Coles Denise Rhoads
"Greater love hath no man than this , that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
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We in no way mean you harm, We'D show you with ATLAS charm: AT TURKEY LADIES ARE SPECIAL!
What a nice place this would be If the boys were all transported Far from this vicinity.
I'm Larry. This is my brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl — we as representatives of the ATLAS Club would like to address you ladies on the subject of couthness and edification toward your feUow MAN . It was mentioned in your recent RO (without the man) TIC club appearance that there's proof in the Scriptures that man shaU enter the Kingdom of God: I Thess. 4:16 ''The dead in Christ shaU rise first!:'' This is unbridledness of the feminine tongue. May we draw your complete attention to I Peter 3:8-9, 16?
Violets are Blue Roses are Red We want you to know The Rotics are dead We like you a lot (Boys) We don't think you're square If you need a date We've got ribs to spare. So take the hint And call the Yenta — Ext. 401
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Renta Yenta Ribs Unlimited, Inc.
"Flee youthful lusts: but follow righteousness , /az£/z, charity , peace, zozf/z £/zenz £/za£ ea/Ton £/ze Lord on f 0 / a pure heart." II Tim. 2:22
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Congratulates the Class of 1987
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Lancaster Bible College would like to help you earn your degree!
Regionally accredited by AABC and Middle States Association; also, Teacher Education is certificated by Association of Christian Schools International. Plus, the Elementary Education has Pa. State certification. Offers 29 academic programs in these major areas of study m^ _ Mi M A Bible Education Bible/Music Education
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Vnr further information r i te or call: T
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