Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1988

hen I went to Word of Life in 1984,1had only been saved a year and a half. I really didn’t know what Christian service was all about. I didn’t know how much schooling a person needed to go into full-time work or what kind of background pastors needed. Those at Word of Life encouraged me to go on

for more schooling. They said, “You’re not ready. This year at Word of Life is just to get you started and really get you grounded in God’s Word.” I finally realized that I needed to go on. And I wanted to. I felt the Lord wanted me to, so I looked for a school. My friends and my home church in Ottumwa, Iowa, encouraged me to look into Faith Baptist Bible College. God showed me in many ways that Faith was the right school for me. Faith, like Word of Life, is a small school where you know everyone. And I like that. I had seen presentations from the bigger colleges, but I was looking for a school like Word of Life where there was more one-on- one interaction, a better ratio between profes­ sors and students. One of the things that I’ve appreciated most about Faith is their separatist view. The classes are sound and Biblical. They solidi­ fied my convictions. The administration, faculty and staff members are very helpful and supportive. They are willing to work with you and help you through your college experience. With the introduction of the counseling

Tony Rinkenberger, 1985 graduate of Word of Life Bible Institute, 1988 graduate of Faith Baptist Bible College.

minor at Faith, I was able to take counseling classes taught from a Biblical perspective. As I feel the Lord leading me into a family therapy career, these classes have given me a lot of practical things to use, not just theory. Faith is close to Des Moines, the state capital, where there are many opportunities. With so many churches in the area there are countless opportunities to become involved in Christian service. Presently my wife and I are teaching a Sunday school class on interpersonal communica­ tions. My education at Faith has built upon what I learned at Word of Life. It has better prepared me for the ministry to which God has called me. Word of Life and FBBC are similar in a lot of ways— size, separation, doctrine.... If you liked Word of Life, you’ll love FBBC! If you'd like to know more about Faith, write or call, we'd love to hearfrom you!

Faith Baptist Bible College & Seminary 1900 NW Fourth St., Ankeny, IA 50021 (515) 964-0601

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