Bob is from Allentown, PA, and his favorite verse is Jer. 33:3. "My prayer for the Class of '88' is that they would grasp what they have gleaned from God's Word and apply it to their walk and talk in order to glorify God, being faithful as they serve Him daily."
Ginny Newton Dean of Women
Dave James Dean of Men
Bob Hess Dean of Men
Ginny was born and reared in Baltimore, MD, and graduated from WOLBI, Maryland General Hospital School of Radio- logic Technology and is reg istered in x-ray and in nu clear medicine. Her favorite verse is Prov. 3:5,6. "These verses are very fa miliar and perhaps your favorites as well — The key phrase 'Lean not unto your own understanding' is something we often tend to do, but our Lord tells us to acknowledge Him and HE will direct our path. What hope and promise as we serve Him."
Dave is from Columbus, Indiana and graduated from Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech. (B.S. Mechanical Engineering), WOLBI ('85- '86), and Dallas Theological Seminary ('86-present). He currently is completing in dependent study work and field education require ments at DTS. Favorite Verse: Eph. 4:1-3. "Take care to continue to diligently study God's Word as you can faithfully walk with Him throughout your life. Your training at WOL will serve you well as you continue to grow in the knowledge of our Lord."
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