Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1988

Sharon was born in De­ troit, Michigan and grad­ uated from Wayne State University, Highland Park Community College, and Monroe Community Col­ lege. Her favorite verse is John 13:1. "I really love this verse because it shows us that the thought of our Lord was concerned with us right up to the time that he had to face His own crucifixion. May you always acknowl­ edge the great sacrifice that He made for all of us and may you always be sheltered by His wings.”

Scott was born in Cambridge, IA, and at­ tended Drake Universi­ ty (2 years) in Music Ed­ ucation and WOLBI '87. His favorite verse is II Tim. 2: 1-4. "It is my prayer that those of the Class of '88' will continue to be strong, firm-standing leaders in the faith, and that this class will be re­ sponsible and put into practice all that the Lord has taught this year and in coming years."

Karen Hersey Assistant to the Deans

Scott Howarth Assistant to the Deans

Sharon Wagoner Assistant Dean of Women

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