Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2001

Academics in the Life of a WOLBI Student. . .

Clockwise from top left: ★ At WOLBI, breakfast is die most important meal of die day... and an ideal rime for Craig Teitsma and Vijay Rajwani to study for diat morning’s exam! ★ Some days, the first class of die morning, like this one Kesha Sanders is sitting through, can be a real wake-up call! ★ A morning of classes and studying God’s Word is always rime well spent. Ken Yamaguchi and Lee Suitter understand diis, so they are paying attention! ★ Breaks between classes provide rime to talk to friends like Kevin Hensley, Tim Stein, Marc Harvey and TJ Armstrong. ★ If you are in second year, you get to do even more exciting things during class, like watching a bat fly around the room! ★ Class breaks can also be used for such activities as Shin Kato’s game of hackey-sack. ★ Later in the afternoon, students like Matt Hickok eagerly check their mailboxes to find out how diey scored on diat day’s quiz or exam. ★ As the day draws to a close, students like Luke Coburn “relax” in their rooms for study hours, and prepare to start the academic day all over again.

All day long, WOLBI students are studying The Book, as they dig into God's Word

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