Ministry Team 5 Our team did open air evangelism with Sam Frey. We went to Tampa once or twice a month to hold children’s meetings in the projects. It was so much fun. I could completely relate to the kids and how they are glowing up. I know it is not easy having to deal with a parent or parents on drugs. I got to share my testimony with diem and how God saved me from becoming a product of my environment. To see hope in dieir eyes w7as amazing. To see them accept Christ was the best thing I could ever have witnessed. Those kids were incredible!
(Front row L-R) Carrie Starshak, Michelle Dean, Aleksandra Bajenska, Joy Moody, Ceressa Simmons, Christina Beachy, Sarah Temple, Danielle Perricelli (Back row L-R) Tim Ruh, Chris Harford, Aaron Hudson, Lee Suitter, BJ Marland (not pictured- Grace Jackson)
Grace Jackson
Ministry Team Our team was involved in open air, the Judgment House, Inner-city gym night, and a Teens Involved competition. OAE was challenging. We often went to Clearwater Beach, where many of die people were cold and unrecepdve. However, one night we w7ere able to lead Five boys to the Lord. On anodier occasion, my team went downtown to Tampa on die night before the NFL Superbowl. There was a lot of partying going on there, but I had die opportunity to talk with three junior high girls and lead diem to die Lord. It w^as incredible diat amidst such darkness, God still worked. Our team is pretty dynamic. One member of our team, who is a new7 believer, kept reminding me that we need to be excited about our salvation. All of us are different, and yet we worked well etller. fenny Weethee to
(Front row, L-R) Jenny Weethee, Ginger Keithley, Jessica Nave, Angie Metzler, Kristin Peterson (Back row L-R) Jason Rolfe, Paul Kleiwer, Jon Welborn, Daniel Parsons, Charlie Williams, Kerry Brown, Ryan Shelton (not pictured- Vanessa Barrios)
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