Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2001

Witli the Valentine's Banquet approaching, the female studenMin Florida went into a frenzy of Finding the right dressy deciding how to do their hair, ancv worst of all, getting a date! When February 13th arrived, the dates had been chosen and the beautilling began. The students never looked better as they began to arrive at the Larihi /to" enjoy Hor d’Oeuvres. A 6-foot "heart made out of balloons was the festive backdrop for pictures. Friends took group shots and couples got as close as they could without touching! The students were all on dieir best behavior as they began dining, Italian style, at the Conference Center’s Signature dining room. The students were served by the Bible Institute staffralong with guest appearances by (Inna White0^Fran Ingersol) and Mr. Or&ile’s \ ubrother,0ilbarry Qrdile!</> The atmosphere w^as liglit, vet special, wkli big groups of friends laughing.and serious couples having romantic dinners alone. A Valentine’s service followed in the Lanai, where the students snapped photos, laughed, and were directed to die true love of dieir life, the King of kingkand Lord lords. After singing a phaise chorus, Rob, Annie and Paige sang, rTheTingerprliits enjovedMPaige’s contribution to the song! The the tale of thrfee dateless nerds who found a magic God0for special music, drama team amused the stud ’•if’ • L. ,, »• y. V) b - j / T V flower, and were dateless no atmosphere down to a more serious Zunz, from Exciting Idlewild reminded the students remember who sovereignly made their mate as dieir completor, not as special evening challenged and Will And es com ly hid Rebecca John^oh brought die iht, rCross of Love. 0 Next, Pastor Reno ought a challenge to, tlie students. He lales are, while challenging them to xchallenged the students to look at e students walked away fron Rebecca Johnson v>.

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Above: A couple of Florida’s best looking bachelors, Jon Welborn and Ryan Shelton, enjoy die meal togedier. Above right: Not too far away, a group of girls is enjoy dieir evening widiout die guys! Right: Jesse Holly has found true love widi her date, who looks good, listens well, and won’t talk back!

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