' ’ 0 0 % I * Dorm Life
On the. outside it may say Ecuador, Australia, or Germany, but we know it as our home for a year. Our dorm is a place to crash, cram, cry or count ZZZs. Remember the first time you walked into the rustic cabin you would soonTive in, met your doormate and asked yourself, uDo I really have i live with him/her ALL year?</> Eventually wei saw what incredible people our roommates were and soon diey became the ones that we were closest to. They saw us at our worst,jjhey*praiseel God and prayed for us during dorm devotions, and diey lent us clothes when we had imotmyg to wear!0Dorm life was when you really put i practice the things you were learning in classroom. It was one thingsto read the book l James and another thing to ucount it all joy</>; you took a cold shower! "Hie memories an friendships made in die dorms will last Ion after the stresses of Bible Survey tests an demerits are forgotten. % Rebecca Johnson
Right: Joy Amadee’s uother face.0 Middle: What in the world? Need I say more? Below: Brian Baker helps his roommate, Ryan Buczack, adjust to dorm life.
Above: Bobbi Babcock hard at work during study hours. Are you checking your e-mail? Left: Our on-campus beautician, Grace Jackson, cutting Natalie Ramo's hair.
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