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Thank you Angie, Jessica, Margaret, Scott M, Jeff S, Jason W, My RA’s, the Women’s B-Ball team, Mrs. Foreman and most of my family for always being there for me in your support and prayers. I love you all, Veronica
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Milo Keep trusting the Lord! Love, Mom, Dad, Esther, D.J., Lydia
Amy, co ngra tula tio ns! Mr. & Mrs. Milo, Esther, D.J., and Lydia
To Tanna: Our prayer is that you continue to heed to God’s Word and let it he your guidance daily. Love, Mom & Dad
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iniS IS MY HEART WRITTEN OUT ON PAPER TO THE ONES I LOVE! I' m IN AWE if my S avior tor allowing me to experience this year ! I t has grown E AND MOLDED ME LIKE NEVER BEfORE.. I LOVE YOU LORD. NEXT I WANT b THANK MY HERO.. MY MOM! T he REST Of MY fAMILY D ad , STEVE, RENE, |N5 MY BEST FRIEND SHANNON <BIG SIS HERS IS HERS>. I WANT TO THANK MY jilENDS AND fAMILY IN THE LORD THAT I LOVE GREATLY... AMY (SERVANT), randon (T eacher ), S ean ( J oyful ), A nna ( encourager ) , my 2 RA's, , oanna . A mber (A cts 17:10,11, thanx moose ) , my awesome dormy ' s LATHER AND L l IZABETH. H0ffY(PR0V0KED ME TO GODLINESS), R y AN (VIP), !UTCH (SELfLESS), M a LACHI (WORSHIPER), BIG LOVIN TO ASIA UPPELR ROJE.CTS!! I love and w ill miss you ALL. A special word to my OSE TRIEND JONATHAN, THE ONE WHO ENCOURAGES ME TO TALL MORE IN >VE WITH THE LORD EVERYDAY THANX BOY! AND TO ALL I DID NOT NT10N THAT IMPACTED MY LlfE FOREVER.. TflANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU! ■ oin B ack to CALI!! L ove K ristin T ull P salm 63. P raise the L ord !
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