Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2001

Dorm Life Dorm Life = a quiet, peaceful atmosphere % i ~ H *" to study, share blessings, and have quality fellowship. Dorm life became a fun part of the year. It was the place to be when you were not in class, at meals, doing laundry, away on ministry, in the "Library, checking your mail, I # f campus, or in a meeting. The dorms slowly became a place of unforgettable experiences. Experiences where one establi times that will never be forgottens, friendships that will last an eternity, and fellowship < might never have again. Differences anions roommates gave students opportunities to pyl into practice what they had learned in clas and helped them to work things out in a Christ-like manner. Through dorm jobs, devotions, and study hours, students learn to be more responsible in their daily lives and even mature in a godly way. For students, their dorms became a second home. Leo Dorado

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Right: Headier Borrell learns die value of study hours to catch up on her Z’s. Middle: Edian Shorey and Matt Powell bring die barber shop to

dieir dorm badiroom.

Above: Sam Linton, like most WOLBI students, spends many hours on the dorm phone. Far Left: The girls from Europe middle dressed up to sing Christmas carols to their brother dorm before die holidays. Left: Dorm devotions every night (such as here, in Hungary Upper) bring all die members of the dorm together as students teach and pray for each other.

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