Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2001

Right: Andrew Calhoun was able to minister to Senior High Retreat students through the drama “Leather Shoes.” Below: Luke Hayden and Kim Mumau go through scripts during a meeting.

•ave Carter and Rebekah deLivron—are iey really happy or just acting?

Below: Shaun Maynard and Bill Kay performed for those who rode the Harvest Jamboree hay ride.

|'ont row: Kim Mumau, James Nasman, Christine Bacon, Michelle Dow, Luke Hayden, Rebekah pLivron, Maria Aparicio. Back row: Christopher Knight, Chris Balint, Kris Kimlin, Jon Irvine, ,'irah Ellinger (Not Pictured: Andrew Calhoun, David Carter, Jason Field, Shaun Maynard)______

campers. It was a great opportunity to show the campers that diey could have fun while honoring Christ. The team also had several opportunities to perform a drama called “Leather Shoes” for senior trips and Campus Days students. This was a drama about real faith, and encouraged all those watching to check out what they were really living for. This year, the drama team chose to go by tire name Selah. It is a word which comes from the Psalms, and is translated “stop and think about this.” “We truly do hope and pray that all diat we have done this year has encouraged others to stop and examine their own lives, but most of all we pray that we have glorified our Master.” Rebekah deLivron

The drama team stayed busy this year with many unique opportunities for ministry. Fall quarter they traveled to different churches each weekend to minister through several different dramas, most of which encouraged evangelism and participation from church members. As much as everyone loved acting, the best part was the time spent ministering to church members afterwards. The team also put together an evangelistic drama performed during the hay ride for the Harvest Jamboree. Through this, they rejoiced as several people gloriously accepted Christ. Winter quarter was spent doing various skits and improvs for Snow Camp. Each Saturday, the team spent two hours doing improv comedy for the

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