Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2001

lives begun to change also, impacting them to keep reaching the lost. The Rescue Mission is another ministry the students got to be involved in reaching people who are less fortunate in life. They faithfully served in two different locations and ministered in many different ways. At the mission they did things from laundry, serving food, cleanup work, leading devotions, witness to the people, and simply handing out tracks. Also the students had opportunities to minister not only through their labor work, but also by their actions and attitude. To see people come to Jesus and see a change for these students was a blessing. Leo Dorado

“Go into all the world... For these guys, that also meant reaching those that are disconnected with society, people who did the crime and now are doing the time. Before entering prison the students go through several inspections. Beginning by a security station to sign in, then searched by metal detectors and officers. Followed by proof of identification and escorted by prison guards to the chapel . In the chapel, the students put on two hours of Bible studies, worship, testimony time, and scripture memory. Through all this, it allowed the people in prison to really grow and to some bring back a hope they never had. Lives were changed but as the year went on the students

Matt Currier, Christopher Poluikis (Not Pictured:Damon Shriner)

Seth Nelson, Keith Campbell, Tyler Aholt, Clint Bivens

Far Left:Keith Burnham, David McClain (Not Pictured: Lee Weeks) Left: Josh Pagano, Kevin Campbell

Far Right: Rescue team: Matt Powell, Harold Grant, Brandon Capuano, J usdn Batz, Lance Charlie’s angels? No, but they are on die right mission! Gross Right:


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