Right: Sarah Hendrie was excited to use die game she loved to play as a witnessing tool.
Below: Jackie Coltey, goalie, looks for a fellow teammate to throw die ball to.
Above: Laura Rhodes in the van on die way to a game. It was diese rimes when the girls were able to share testimonies of God working in dieir lives
Below: Team unity and friendship is always important in the body of Christ. Friends and teammates Erin Farris and Jessica Asbrand.
Front Row:' M Clark, Rebecca Emi Yokota, ' Brentliriger,‘Ju
mMwmmmie eng acre. Bnri Farris, Alyssa Orw ia Siegrist,'Coach Reeder.
, Ann Wacson ^ Sarah 1lcn
Women's soccer is an incredible opportunity to practice two things: Humility and Excellence. Humility in the aspect of having the mind of Christ as found in Phil. 2. For example, when another adilete fouls you, it gives you the opportunity to react the way that Christ would, with humility. There is the human response to want to hit back, but one must suppress that response when striving to be Christ like. Excellence is found in the statement “Whatever your hand finds to do, verily, do it with all your might.” Eccl. 9:10 . This holds within it die idea of putting ALL of die strengdi that you have into what you are doing, whether doing one drill for an hour or memorizing your
verses. You should put all of your effort into it. Anyone can put half of their energy into something, but if you strive to do it with excellence, it will take more than half of what you have. Although the record for the team w7as 1-13, it was still a winning season. The team learned wiiat it w7as like to win souls and 18 people came to know7Jesus Christ as their Savior as a result of the faidiful witness of the team. Praise the Lord! These wnmen grew from being timid about sharing their faith to being bold in dieir witness. Success is not measured by games won, but whether you have played the game for the glory of God. „ . Ken Reeder
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