Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2001

Second Year

Wicks and Dr. Tom Davis. Each quarter, these professors focus on a different topic to teach to the students; these topics range from studies of certain books of the Bible to more theological courses such as Hermeneutics and Apologetics. Students also take classes on public speaking and homiletics (for girls and guys, respectively) all year long and focus on a special topic taught by a guest lecturer each week. The subjects covered by the second year guest lecturers prepare the students for different ministries and situations that they might encounter in the future. The second year program continues to train students to walk in the truth, but also gives them instructions on how to help others along in dieir walk. Rachel Hosan

The two years of study diat Word of Life offer have often been compared to loading and shooting a gun. In first year, students learn how to load their “gun” with knowledge of the Word of God. The second year curriculum is a more practical program designed to teach the students how to shoot the information they’ve learned out into the world. Second year classes prepare the students for entering the world and the ministry they will have in it. J Academically, second year moves from scan- tron tests and quizzes to fill-in-the-blanks and ministry, philosophy, and principle essays. Second year students may have to devote a little more time to their studies, but the results are well worth it. The second year curriculum includes ongoing classes taught by Mr. Marshall

Below: The guest lecturers and professors at WOLBI are always ready to listen and offer answers to questions. Matasha Clark gets some answers from Mrs. Betsy Oris.

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Above: Lonnie Duckett realizes die importance of studying at WOLBI. Below: Katrina Dery talks with Rev. Larry Moyer after evangelism class.

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