Quick detection of interleukin-6 using functionalised gold nanoparticles Maria Gomes de Pinho Baptista 1 , Susan Giorgi-Coll 2 Keri L. H. Carpenter 2 Jelena Gavrilovic 3 , Simone Dedola 4 , Robert A. Field 4,5 and María J. Marín 1 1 School of Chemistry,University of East Anglia, UK, 2 Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge, UK, 3 School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK, 4 Iceni Glycoscience Ltd, UK, 5 Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, University of Manchester, UK Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a key inflammatory cytokine that works as an immunological signalling biomarker in acute inflammation and can be associated with several sepsis-related diseases. 1 Due to IL-6 crucial role in inflammation, there is a need for a quick and reliable method to detect this protein. A lateral flow device (LFD, Figure 1A ) is a point-of-care diagnostic tool with potential for the rapid detection of biomarkers. LFDs take advantage of the colorimetric capacity of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), using them as carriers of (bio)receptors that can detect the biomarkers of interest ( Figure 1B ). 2,3
Figure 1. A : Schematic representation of a lateral flow device. Adapted from Assadollahi et al. 4 B: Visual detection of IL-6 using aptamer functionalised AuNPs. 1 This work aims to evaluate different approaches to the detection of IL-6 via LFD. To select the optimal reagents configuration for the rapid assay, the impact that the nanoparticle size and constitution, and the type of (bio) receptor have on the efficiency of the detection were evaluated. Two types of AuNPs, nanospheres (40 nm) and commercial nanoshells (160 nm), and two types of bioreceptors, antibodies and aptamers, were investigated. Each system configuration was characterised by UV-Vis spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Following characterisation, the systems were evaluated against the effective detection of human IL-6 in a dipstick assay. References 1. S. Giorgi-Coll, M. J. Marín, O. Sule, P. J. Hutchinson and K. L. H. Carpenter, Microchimica Acta, 2020, 187 , 1–11. 2. C. Parolo, A. Sena-Torralba, J. F. Bergua, E. Calucho, C. Fuentes-Chust, L. Hu, L. Rivas, R. Álvarez-Diduk, E. P. Nguyen, S. Cinti, D. Quesada-González and A. Merkoçi, Nature Protocols , 2020, 15 , 3788–3816. 3. M. Bauer, M. Strom, D. S. Hammond and S. Shigdar, Molecules, 2019, 24 , 4377. 4. S. Assadollahi, C. Reininger, R. Palkovits, P. Pointl and T. Schalkhammer, Sensors, 2009, 9 , 6084-6100.
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