Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1996






Student Life




Special Events

Administration St Faculty 72 Tribute to Jack Wyrtzen 80a People 81 Academics 120 Directory 130

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"We went on a hike up the mountain, and you felt so close to God up there. There's just so much proof of the Creator's work." Susan Brown "It's like home: it's stuck between two mountains and a lake. The trees... the country... I like it." Shiloh Marlin

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"One of my favorite things to do when the weather's nice is to go out by the water and sit and talk to God. It reminds me that He is awesome, and that He is in control." Lisa Mark "I can remember the walks through the pine trees, sitting and looking at the lake; I often wonder how God could hang the world on nothing. I can't count all the sands on the shore. I can't figure out how God, who created all these beautiful things, could send His one and only Son to earth to die for me." Rich Beecher

"Picture-perfect." Sarah Sterner

Photo by Carlos Uribe

Scenery *


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Student Life




Ministries J p C 9

Field Opportunities Africa Asia Caribbean l umpe lftv|xinic. fjitn America Musli m I Suuc itnertcun

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Special Events

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Photo by Josh Adams

Photo by Chris Barksdale


14 sSl People







It is in the details of daily life where people are tried in thousands of little — or big — ways and are refined into who God wants them to be. It is the challenge of daily circumstances which stretcfi people to be optimistic and content in all situations. The student life activities lay the foundation for the stu-

suppordve friend. Enrichment of the mind is gained tftrougfi tfte hours of study spent in God’s Word each week night Faitft is tested by ministries. Stress es can cdways find outlet with friends which create all those unforgettable college moments. The lessons, vaiues, disci­ plines, and servitude (earned

dent's life —ftis survival and his spiritual disci­ pline. S p iri tu a( edification and conviction are provided by chap­ els. Emotional turmoil can al- w ays b e un­ loaded onto a

throughout the cour­ se of a “normal ’ day all work to­ gether to refine each student and prepare eaeft one for every­ day life and a life of • • ministry as eacfi and every one shines forth the light into the world.

ection Editor: S a r a h B o o n s t r a Student Life



Student Life

A Presenting: Taste of Heaven. Sponsored by: Word of Life. A Derek Doherr displays his talents of "chubby bunny" with grapes. A^Lisa Van Nostrand & Mandy Landry take a quick time of stress relief. A No wonder girls at WOLBI are single. (Jessica Bramhall) A^Heather, Bonnie, Holly, and Stacy try for a different perspective of the fall foilage. A Scary! (David Joslin) A Even scarier!! (Danny Rice) ►Kenya men attempting the G.Q. look. (Howie, Quinn, Peter, Aaron, Danny, Tom, Steve "Joey", Josh, Matt)

Student Life

“Two are 6etter tfian one; 6ecause they have a good return for their work: If one fads down his friend can heip him up.” Ecdesiastes 4:9} 10

A4"But Sir, no one told me this was a 'no parking' zone!" (Terry May) A◄Don't get too excited guys, your picture is only going to be in the yearbook. (Chuck Woods & Kellie Warner) A Yves Perodin goes for the afro look — scary! A "Like my newly shrunken jeans fresh from the WOLBI dryer?" (Nicole Bowerman) ◄Smile! (Quinn Denning & Samantha Turner, or was that Quinn & Samantha Denning?)

Life at WOLBI

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ATracie Williams — just one representative of the many people on crutches this year. AScott Foreman — "Is that the tactic you normally use to sleep in class? ►"Sean Carrel, I hope your face doesn't freeze like that! ►"Could there possibly be a pimple lurking on the end of Chris Barksdale's nose?" (Jeremy Dykes) ►"Quack, Quack" (Derk Adkins & Kensa Lotzgesell) ▼"Dancing at WOLBI?" (Quinn Denning & Derek Brycko)

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Student Life

A'Have you been awake a little tooo long?” (Fernando Bolivar & Erin Burke) AOn break Jonathan Minors, Andrew Carman, and Craig Dowdy break the menotony of study hours. ◄"Share and share alike!” (Derek Brycko & Matthew Schumacker) ▼"Bad Boyz” (Tom Sobek & Kelvin Hatcher) ▼Arcelio Rodriguez & Fernando Bolivar "splish- splashin' ” in the laundry room.

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." James 3:13

Life at WOLBI

DORM LIFE Dorm Life! What could ever be like it? It is truly unique among the category of living arrangements. It provides the "home," away from home, on campus. Privacy? No we did not say that, but it does provide friends, roommates, and dormmates who become as close as siblings. They solve our problems, they are our problem, we are their problem, we get each other demerits for having too much fun after "lights out." We provide stress relief for each other and encourage­ ment for those "it just can't get any worse" days — and then it did. They are the people who see us at our worst and live with us anyway. They annoy us, challenge us, encourage us, and love us. Throughout the year roommates and dormma­ tes grow, learn, and mature together as children of the King striving to shine forth the light to the world in all aspects of their character.



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A'Pucker Up!" (Christina Newman) A"They love me so much!" (Becky Uminn) A"Don't you even think about submitting this to yearbook" (Tanya Stewart & Laura Haggerty) ►"I can't believe my girls would actually get me with a practical joke!" (R.A. Julie Kennedy) ►Who says the girls are the ones always on the phone? (Carlos Uribe)



Student Life


A"Anybody hungry?" (Tracy Gilbert) ◄"AAAH — Scary!" (Antoinette Henriquez & Erin Fournier) ◄"Smile God loves you!" (Carrie Winslow & Christina Newman) ▼Eric Frenchak jamming in his room. ▼Must have been fish night in the dining hall!VNathan Potts, ▼Kelly Ford, ▼Sarah Boonstra & Tracie Williams

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Dorm Life

The time and energy of the Word of Life student is all but completely ex­ hausted by the time all the re­ quirements are put into the students' schedule, yet priorities are still priori­ ties. To help students keep on track two and one-half hours are set aside every Monday through Thursday night for silent study of God's Word. For those students who have a GPA of 2.0 or lower helpful tips are given to help the student improve. Special privileges are awarded for those who have a GPA of 3.5 or higher, as they are exempt from study hours, but have the added responsibility of taking the time they need for study on their own. The majority of students find this time a great help for their GPA and make good use of the allotted time.

A'Fuel for the brain!" A'Tll dream about it." (Faith Yansen) ►Reading, reading, and more reading — some things never change at WOLBI. ►"Oops" (Kori Kirschner) ►Becky Uminn & James Gehrke deep in studying...each other.

Student Life

Open my eyes that I may wonderful things your law.

Psalm 119:18

AAllison Caylor deeply meditating on her theology notes. ◄Anjanette Gourde, caught red-handed writing a letter during study hours. AT.J. Leach diligently studying the Word. ◄"Calvin & Hobbes 101."


Study Hours


Every week each student is required to work about six to eight hours on various jobs around the campus. Anything from mailroom to food service, office work to tech team — anything, and everything, that may need to be done. These as­ signments greatly decrease the cost of room and board for each student, mak­ ing the year at WOLBI much more af­ fordable. The work assignments often teach new skills, and they always chal­ lenge time management and character development.


28 4 Student Life


Work Assignments

CHAPEL Chapels bring challenges, spiritual advice and insight from the older and wiser, and the practical application of God's Word from many different guest speakers and from the Word of Life staff. Wednesday morning chapels are designated as Pres­ idential chapels, and therefore, the chal­ lenge is generally presented by the Pres­ ident of Word of Life International, George Theis. During the winter quarter, for Thursday morning chapels, students are divided by the different ministries for specific encouragement and training in the various opportunities and re­ quirements of those ministries. Overall, chapels are a time of edification and chal­ lenging to shine the love of Christ into the world!

▲Both in and out of church services and chapels Mr. Schenke takes the time to disciple students on a one-on-one basis. A Hungry Upper blesses the student body with a worshipful medley for special music. A^ Dave Garner proclaims the Word! ►Mr. Schenke shares his insights!

TJ Let us


m how we may spur one another on toward (ove and good deeds* Let us not give up meeting tog et her} but (et us encourage one another” Hebrews 10:24,25

30 A

Student Life

A< Jeff Bowerman intent on the Word. A The antics of Dick Dray! ◄Claudia meditating on the Bible ◄Kristen Heim also studies the Word. ▼◄Robin Grift, Annie Fischer, and Jessica Black. ▼One of the many times President George Theis shared with the student body.

Chapel 3^!



We've heard it ad our do it 6ecause we frnve to. Christian lives: uYe are It shouldn't he a task to the light of the world/' share the gospel with the hut do we ready believe lost hut rather, a hunting it? Wed its time to face desire to save them from facts! As Chris tians, held we've been commanded Word of Life offers a great to sftine our lights before variety of ministries. men. Even thoug ft its a Therefore, there ought to command, it should he he one just for you. Ton onr hearts desire to sfrnre can work with children or

tfte dight'. The doors

adults. You can use music or drama. Y on can speak Eng­ lish or Spanish. There's bound to be one group in wfticft you fit. Just be will­ ing to be used of God and be a rlight'.

ministry are wide open here at Word of Life. We ought to feel blessed by the many opportu­ nities laid be­ fore us, but so often we only

ection Editor: Stacy P index Ministries


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The Children's Bible Fellowship, better known as CBF, is a minis­ try which goes to Camp Hope in New York City for a week. CBF focuses on evangelism as do all Word of Life ministries. This ministry in particular holds meet­ ings for kids in parks after school. They also go door to door wit­ nessing and do surveys on the streets. As Faith Yansen says, "It's a life-changing experience."

A Michelle Faro, Shiloh Marlin, Nikki Robinson, April Regan, Doris Buhne, Chetna Purohit, Melissa Presciutti, Kellie Lantz, Jessica Whiteford, Jessica Bramhall

A Donnie Love, Carl Richards, Kory Kimble, Lisa Bitler, Angela Gast, Laura Tillapaugh, Katherine Rollison, Kimberly Blum

A Becky Watts, Susan Brown, Kimberlee Rakes, Faith Yansen, Anna Hendershot, John Ireland


34 S n C Ministry

Child Evangelism Fellowship, better known as CEF, is obviously a chil­ dren's ministry. Bible Institute students who are involved in this ministry go into a home every week. They sing songs, tell Bible stories, and do crafts. They meet with the same group of kids every week, therefore, building rela­ tionships with the kids. Evangelism is their goal as well as developing rela­ tionships. Students on CEF also attend classes on Saturdays. These classes train them in child evangelism and cer­ tify them to teach CEF clubs world­ wide.

A James Gehrke, Kristina Joner, Samantha Turner, Bethany Allison, Sarah Nagy, Karen Stacey, Kristen Vander Wiele, William Sullivan, Elizabeth Anderson, Kristie Kanehl, Karen Gorman, Josh Adams, Kelley Walton, Lisa Stembel, Mindy Roth, Y""\ 1 1 11 1 if* 1 1 1 M ▼ T 1 T X • | 1

A Karen Stacey

A Kelley Walton

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A Lisa Stembel


Open Air Evangelism is by no means a new concept in this world. In fact, Jesus and his disciples were open

air evangelists. So it's been happening for years. In following Jesus' example, Word of Life sends groups of students out for a week at a time to evangelize Brooklyn New York and New­ ark New Jersey. To accomplish this task, board presentations and ropes demon­ strations are used. They also hand out tracts to people in passing.

A The City

A Alonzo Johnson and Derek Doherr

▼Robin Grift and Corrine Cadinouche

▼OAE Group Three

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▲Lisa Biederman T Amanda Boudreaux and Rachelle Michaud

▲Greg Kershaw

v Jon Hixon

OAE has impacted my life big time! It has given me a new perspective on evangelism. Before OAE, I would never have done anything like that. It gets you out of your comfort zone, opens your eyes, and gets you out there talking about God. It teaches you the Sovereignty of God, the power of prayer, and the protection of God. — Jeannette Hopper



Living in an English-speaking country, it is so often assumed that everyone speaks English or at least understands it. This is a very poor assumption. There are many people in America which speak other languages besides English. It doesn't matter what language they speak, they all need Christ! With these thoughts in mind, Word of Life has developed a ministry to reach Spanish- speak­ ing people. The Spanish Ministry is very sim­ ilar to Open Air Evangelism except they target the Spanish-speaking people of New York Ci­ ty. One individual on Spanish Ministry tells of his week in New York. Carlos Uribe says, "The week itself was a great experience. I have never led anyone to the Lord and that week, I was able to lead two kids to the Lord with the help of a friend. My Spanish came in handy during the week because most of the houses we visited had Spanish-speaking people only."

ASpanish Ministry Team 1 ▼Antoinette Henriquez

"J praise the Lord for giving me the opportunity to come to a school where l can go out and speak to people and not just sit around. Going out on ministry is a way of applying what I've learned." — Carlos Uribe — "Going back home to N.Y.C. with the Spanish Team last fall w as such a rewarding experience. It was a blessing to see God use us during Halloween to win over tioenty souls to Him. Working with the Spanish Ministry has strengthened and challenged my relationship with the Lord. I don't know the capacity as to how God would have me serve , howeverf 1 am willing and ready."— Antoinette Henriquez —

▲Arcelio Rodriguez


'Churchmouse' is not listed on the ministry options and is a relatively new and highly effective ministry. It is headed up by WOL staff members: Roy and Barbara Davoll. Bar­ bara is the author of the “Christopher Chur­ chmouse" series as well as other children's books. Both Roy and Barb have a deep love for children and a heartfelt desire to minister to them in every way possible! They spend much of their time on the road bringing the gospel to children through the “Christopher Churchmouse" stories. Each year they take a team of students from the BI out on ministry. This is an incredible time of discipleship for the students as well as a time of extensive growth! It is exciting to watch God work through the DavolTs and to have the privilege of being a part of their work. As they literally pour their lives into their ministry to children, their example becomes an inspiration, not only to the students with them, but to every­ one who comes in contact with them! — Kerisa Lotzgesell —

AKerisa Lotzgesell and Jaime Hay ▼Jaime Hay, Derk Adkins, and Kerisa Lotzgesell

It was marvelous to be able to work with a couple that has such a great love for God, children, and each other. Under their guidance, I was able to draw closer to God and learn to place my cares, no matter how small they may seem, into His hands. ' — Jaime Hay — God reveals Himself in many ways! Each day that we were out on ministry, 1 had an answer to prayer. — Jaime Hay —

AKerisa Lotzgesell and Jaime Hay

Ministries 4 39

BASKETBALL Think about it: basketball, your passion; winning souls, your purpose. Passion and purpose have be­ come a dynamic duo here at the Bible Institute. The Basketball Ministry provides the opportunity for stu­ dents to compete against other colleges and universi­ ties, but this unique ministry also gives opportunity for sharing Christ after a game. That's right! You heard me correctly. During the winter quarter, both the guys and girls basketball teams go out and play games in hopes of winning the game, of course. More than that though, they go out with high hopes of winning souls for Christ. There it is, the passion and purpose combo. It's not surprising, however, if some­ time during their time on the team, their purpose becomes playing basketball and their passion then becomes winning souls. Need I say more? Who could ask for anything more as a Christian athlete.

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A Robin Grift

A Melissa Maulfair, Nicole DeBiaso, Lisa Biederman, Jamie Moore, Robin Grift, Kristin Taylor, Casey Montgomery, Erin Fournier, Coach Headdings,Kerri Harrel, Rachel Wicks, Rachel Adcock, Amy Bennet

A Hands of Unity

ARachel Wicks


A Coach Balsley, Kevin Kilgore, Robert Reinebach, Damon McGraw, Philip Pantana, Eric Tiller, Jamie Gower, Lyle Hartwell, Dano Clarke, Naoto Yano, Caleb Miller

▲Lyle Hartwell

A Coach and the Guys

It was really great knowing that just by our attitudes on the court doing something we really love can be a witness in itself. I've learned that that is how our everyday witness needs to be in everything we do. Robin Grift Every time I was running down the court , I remembered these words: "The basis for serving God , that is living righteously , is a full recognition of who God is rather than a desire for the benefits of serving Him. True success is humility. — Dano Clarke — ft

▲Dano Clarke



SOCCER The Word of Life Soccer teams are a fun- spirited bunch. They play other colleges and universities nearby. Their goal in go­ ing to these games is not necessarily to win the games, but instead to win souls. Soul-winning is the major focus in all Word of Life ministries, so why should soccer be any different.

▲Jonathan Brindle and opponent

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A Tracy Mousseau and Sarah Baker

A Fernando Soliz, Michael Kler, Jonathan Minors, Scott Osborne, Steve Boyles, Matt Lear, Tim Wright, Matt Summers, John Ford, John Brindle, Neil Nicholson, Christopher De Long

A Michael Kler

42 A


Radiant smiles come across their faces. The joy reflected here is a result of some little cloth characters raising their heads above a stage. Isn't it amazing how happy a simple puppet can make a little child. Since we know that this is a good tool for reaching children, what better way to communicate the gospel message to them. This is the goal of the Puppet Ministry.

▲Anjanette Gourde, Sarah Sterner, Daniel Munson, David Miles, Thomas Harmon, Shawn Jones

AShawn Jones ▼David Miles

The first year drama team had the opportunity to go to New York City just like an Open Air Evange­ lism team. They, however, also did skits on the street as a part of their evangelism. In the winter quarter, they perfor­ med “For This Cause" at the Mis­ sions Conference. They also had the opportunity to present this play several times at the Inn for the senior class trips. This play, about the lives of John and Betty Stam, held a challenge of dedica­ tion for all.


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▲Howard McDowell, David Lickmann, Scott Foreman, Julian Lockhart, Tina Carter, Holly Kinzer, Rebecca Anthony, Jamie Brown, Jessica Yarworth, Jerami Mahaffey

AMichael Buso, Jerami Mahaffey, Jessica Yarworth, David Lickmann

AHoward McDowell, Rebecca Anthony, Michael Buso, Jessica Yarworth ▼Jamie Brown, Holly Kinzer ▼Julian Lockhart, Jerami Mahaffey, Da­ vid Lickmann, Michael Buso, Howard


The On Call Drama Team is better known as the Second Year Drama Team. This group of second year students go into local chuches and schools to perform the heart-rendering drama “Bridge of Blood". This drama tells the story of the five missionary men who went to Equa- dor to minister to the Auca Indians. They devoted their lives completely to God's work even unto death. Only their tes­ timonies have been left behind, but what amazing testimonies they are!

▲Lisa Broestler, Heather Davis, and Sarah Boyles

A Julie Emerson and Sarah Boyles

A On Call Drama Team ▼Dan Alban, Ken Christianson, Jeremy De Frehn, Paul St. Denis, Lisa Broestler, Sarah Boyles, Brad Brodbeck, Martin Rembert, Karl Storman, Vanessa Fisher, Julie Emerson, Ginger Adkinsen

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Prison Team Two Locked away for a few days, months, years, or life, whatever it may be, prisoners probably have feelings of rejection, loneliness, or even helplessness. The Prison Ministry, however, ex­ tends a reaching arm of hope to these men secluded from the outside world. This unique ministry gives Bible Institute students the op­ portunity to step into this world of seclusion and offer the inmates hope in Christ. Life in Christ doesn't promise physical freedom, but it does guarantee spiritual freedom. For many of these men, this becomes their only hope. MISSION

Prison Team One

Prison Team Three




Release Time is a small ministry compared to some of the others, but it has a large impact. The gospel is shared with a group of elementary kids at Schroon Lake Central School. This team of six holds Bible Club where they tell stories, sing songs, per­ form skits, teach Bible verses, and develop relationships with the kids. The Release Time Min­ istry goes beyond evangelizing and concentrates on the spiritu­ al growth of each child, as the majority of them have already been saved.

A Tonya Chaltas, Jenny Smith, Jill Koser, Stacy Pinder, Melanie Lehr, Juli Nance

▼Jill Koser, Juli Nance, Stacy Pinder

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A Release Time Ministry ▼Jenny Smith, Tonya Chaltas, Melanie Lehr

Release Time is unique in the sense that we have the opportunity to develop relationships with the kids and we get to watch them grow spiritually. Stacy Pinder


Schroon Lake

Fairhaven, VT "Crucify! Crucify!" I've read those words so many times. I've heard sermons about them, les­ sons about them, and even songs about them. One time my local church group went out canvas­ sing and we had been witnessing to college students for five weeks. We'd passed out over 200 tracts, preached the gospel to over 100 people, and gone through quite a bit of rejection and argument without any de­ cisions. We went out again and met two people whose hearts were ready, and accepted Christ. We got back into the car and were so excited. We talked about how 'big' God is and how He let us face rejection prior to this. Then we talked about why God loves us so much. One of the people in my group said, "I know if I was there (at the cross), I would have yelled: 'Crucify! Crucify!', and He still would have forgiven me." She proceeded to weep. I've never felt like that before. Jesus was on the cross and He looked up to heaven and said: "My God, My God, why hast


Clifton Park


Ft. Ann




Grafton thou forsaken me?" Then I real­ ized what God's answer was. . . "For Brian Chidester and every other person that lived and will live." Someone once told me, "God would have sent His Son if you were the last person on earth. You would have crucified Him, but He still would have for­ given you and promised you eternal life." Who is this God who has so much control, to bring college students to bow their heads in the middle of a secular campus? Who is this God that walked down a path barely alive, only to be hung in misery? Who is this God that hung before a crowd with the words "Crucify! Cruci­ fy!" echoing in His ears? "I don't understand Him; I don't deserve Him, and I never will. . . but I believe Him!"(Bob Dowie) You want to know what local church is all about. It's about meeting God head on with the challenge of reaching and disci- pling. A very heavy responsibili­ ty indeed! One never to be look­ ed at as easy, simple or boring. — Brian Chidester —


Bus Ministry

Ft. Edward

Nursing Home

Youth Group

Minisrties 3 m G 49

The title Ministry Teams covers six different groups which do their ministries on weekends. Their ministries involve quite a number of activities. One week­ end a team may travel to a neigh­ boring town, city, or state to help run a Basketball Marathon, Super Bowl, or Jalopy Raid. On other weekends this same ministry team may have campus duty which involves organizing cam­ pus activities for the weekend. Going out to help in the commu­ nity is another activity Ministry Teams do.

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A Christopher Brody, Shawn Carrel, Mark Short, Amanda Reno, Prathama Allen, Kimberly Meisner, Jennifer Hill, Jessica Black, Rebecca Uminn, Renee Spoto, Thomas Baldwin, Andrea Miller

▼Thomas Baldwin and his hot dog helper

▼Kimberlv Meisner and Rebecca Uminn WTO- mmwm ■vr-m-jr 'jOT7 mmim :

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50 A


A Carl Argila, Jaclyn Stenger, Sarah Boonstra, Amanda Me Kinley, Lyle Llaverias, Mandy Landry

T Renee Spoto and Jessica Black

A Jessica Black T Shawn Carrel and Andrea Miller

▼Julie Kennedy, Sharon Cignoni, Jaclyn Stenger, Amanda Me Kinley, Sarah Boonstra

Being part of a Ministry Team has shown me that there are people out there ivho are ready to hear and receive the Word of Life, all they need is someone to tell them. It has also shown me that words and “preaching" aren't always necessary. By being a willing servant and living testimony, people want to know what you have, what they are missing, and how they can get it! — Sarah Boonstra —



"Sing for joy in the Lord, O you righteou: ones" - Psalms 33:1 j The Word of Life student choir, better knowi as the "Word of Life Collegians" had a grea time of joyous singing this year. They practicec long and hard during the fall quarter in prepa ration for the two Christmas tours. "Ring th« Bells" went North and "Every Knee Shal Bow" went South for two weeks each. It was, wonderful, yet challenging experience for eve ryone involved. Upon return from Christmas break, the Colie gians became an important part of Snov Camp. They were given the opportunity t< minister in song two nights every weekenc Their songs had a great impact on the campere Between weekends, the Collegians were han at work, practicing once again. This time it wa for the upcoming Passion Play. This musica portrayal of Christ's death and resurrectio was a reality biter for both the Christian an Non-Christian. One group went North and th other went South with this play during sprin quarter. The Collegians ministry is a unique ministry, i:| that its also a spiritual support group. Th members of this group pray, fellowship wit one another and, of course, sing together.

A"Ring The Bells" 1995

A"Every Knee Shall Bow" 1995 ▼"Every Knee Shall Bow" - backstage

AT. J. Leach / Jesus

A Wanda Martin, Kristen Firth, and kids on the tour bus ▼T. J. Leach / Jesus and the little children

The Passion Play tour changed the way that I will read about the Passion week in the Gospels. Now I will be able to visualize it. — Jana Glessner — Being a part of the Word of Life Collegians has not only introduced me to various causes and people, but it has brought a whole new meaning to praise and worship through music. — Saraan Gibson —

A T. J. Leach / Jesus and Matt Schumacher / Doubting Thomas



A Anjanette Gourde, Stacy Pinder ▼Daniel King

Holly Kinzer


The hopelessness in their eyes is so saddening; They seem so out of reach. God, shine your hope into their live: And pierce their hearts with love. The desperation in their sad smiles Speaks of tragedies untold. Lord, pour your love into their heart And wipe away each tear. Father, be a Savior to them, Turn their hearts to You. Reach into their souls, And do your miracle: Turn the sad to sparkling eyes, Hearts of hate to love, Sad smiles to radiant joy,

And unbelief to love! — Sarah Boonstra —

A Robert Reinebach

A Kristen Firth



They say faith is blind, And as I'm here I see, In the midst of God's love, We all have blind eyes- Not seeing the doubts,

We press on towards the promise, Believing in what we don't see, Having joy in eternal bliss. Groups of God's children, Growing in faith and love- Gathered together today, Singing praises to above. Students teaching and leading- Giving back all they've gained, Loving and serving the Lord; Showing us its not all insane. In a world full of anger, They reach out their hands, Showing us the truth, And helping us understand. Lives full of desperation, Now filled with pure joy, You taught us God's way, Its not just another decoy. Guiding us back on the path, Leading us to the mercy, Hearts once bound by bitterness, Have now all been set free. Lessons learned in this time, Priceless and always true, For all that you have done, We gratefully say Thank You. — Tonia Brown —

A Cory Schwartz

A Paul Weaver

A Holly Kinzer, Lisa Betham, Laura Tillapaugh and campers ▼Robin Grift

A Julie Maines T Jaclyn Haley

A Jessica Yarworth, Rachel Proch

Save some by snatching them from the very flames of hell

{ 1 f


Jude 1:23







At tfie end of a normal week dents witft tfte opportunity to at tfte Word of Life Bible enjoy each other's company in Institute, students seek re- a more formal setting. Each spite from the rush of daily 6anquet generally includes life of classes and work. special mus ic, special enter- Scheduling is necessary if tainment, and special speak- anytfting is to be accom- ers. To tftese events, many plishedj but an occasional students come witft a speeiaf break is necessary for the companion. sake of sanity. Tfte special Talent nigftt and a variety of events at tfte Bible Institute tournaments ranging from provide tfiis 6reak, anT are Kook to 6asfcet6ad give tfte also times which are much students each a chance to


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sftow off their skills. There are also such things as skipping study ftours, and movie nights when the students are al­ lowed to see tfte older fdms of Little RascaCs and tfte Tftree Stooges.

anticipated and enjoyed when the time finally ar­ rives. Our banquets , sucft as tfte Pres­ idential Banquet, Thanksgiving Banquet, and of course, , tfte mueft anticipated Vaientine Ban­ quet, provide stu-

Section Editor: Jessica Whiieford Special Events

58 4

Special Events 8N6 59

Thanksgiving Fiesta The Thanksgiving tradition was started in the early 1600s by a group of weary pilgrims who stopped to thank God for the wonderful things that he had done for them. This tradition has been carried on, and all across the nation people stop and gather with family and friends to enjoy food, and fellowship. Word of Life also celebrates Thanksgiving, and while there is plenty of food, and much fellowshipping the main theme is the praising of God, for all of the things that he has done in our lives over the past quarter, and will continue to do in the coming year.


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A^ Dr. George Theis delivers a vital part of the Thanksgiving message to students at this years banquet. A Mr. Duane Breining in chefs cap and apron carves a Thanksgiving turkey. Derk Adkins and his date armed with plates of food prepare to enjoy their evening at the Thanksgiving banquet 1995. Students often came together as groups of friends to praise God through the Thanksgiving Fiesta. Jamie Carsons serves the traditional pumpkin pie with a smile on her face.



Special Events

Presidential Banquet Students began this year with the Presidential Banquet. Dr. George Theis delivered his message, challenging the students, who, the next day would open yet another chapter in their lives, this one entitled, "Bible Institute." The evening was filled with excitement and anticipation as the students listened to the message, and the special music provided by the Fisher family. The challenge was well taken as the next day students trouped to the Council Hall to begin their classes which would provide them with a base on which to begin building the foundation that would last them the rest of their lives.

◄A Melissa Me Tamney looks delighted to be at the Presidential banquet and is obviously excited about starting a new school year at the Word of Life Bible Institute. ◄A Julie Emerson and Darrel Lacks enjoying themselves at the banquet stop the conversation to smile at the camera. A John Brian at the Presidential Banquet 1995. ◄A Two friends obviously enjoying one anothers company. ◄Rachel Galblicka and Breno Barros at the banquet.

Special Events

BasketBall Tournament

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Special Events


Special Events <0

Steve Camp Concert On May 17, students had the wonderful opportunity to hear Steve Camp in concert at the Bible Institute. It was an awesome sight to see a man of God so totally dedicated to the work of God, and so eager to let young people know the Word of God in the area of Christian contemporary music. Mr. Camp thrilled the audience with statements such as, "It doesn't matter who's in the White House, what matters is who's in the church house,"and "Jesus Christ is Almighty, Satan is just mighty." Mr Camp was joined for several numbers by the Collegians, and the concert was truly an impressive event to all who chose to attend.


Special Events


Special Events

Valentines Banquet February twelve, two days before the actual Valentines Day, we all rushed into the activities involved in preparing for the arrival of the anticipated Valentines Banquet. Many chose to take a special someone to the banquet and spent hours before-hand primping and preening in front of the mirror to make sure everything was just perfect. Others still primped in hopes of looking nice for the group of friends that they were to attend the banquet with. The evening began with a special meal and entertainment was provided by the Fischers, and the drama team. Mr. and Mrs. Davis also told the story of how they met. Dr. Charles Scheide then spoke on the topic of love. The wonderful evening ended with a western movie shown in Council Hall shortly after the banquet.

Special Events

Special Events

FOUNDERS WEEK The spring quarter started out well with the Founders Week Bible Conference. The theme of this year's conference was the home, and several speakers all centered on the topic of the Christian Home. Mark Bailey spoke on Our Earthly Home, Dr. Charles Wagner spoke on Our Church Home, and Dr. Jerry Falwell spoke on Our Heavenly Home, to conclude the week of humor and sobriety combined. The Collegians and Miss Robin Bulmer provided the special music for the week. According to student Trade Williams, the conference was, "Something none of us are going to forget for a long time." Another student, Chetna Purohit, commented that the conference was "inspiring and we all learned a lot of Biblical Principles." This week was truly unforgettable for the entire student body, as well as the staff , faculty and the visting alumni who were here to celebrate the Founders Week.

Special Events



Special Events

Special Events

Special Events


Tftis year at Word of Life has been a year that we wid neverforget W e have shared many laughs, as wed as many tears. We have add grown closer together, and learned to lean on each other for support. Most important­ ly, we have grown closer to the Lord, a relations flip tftat will never fail us. Of all the

Snow Camp weekends, or saying goodbye to loved ones, we learned to depend on Jesus to be our comforter. As we reflect on our year here at the Word of Life Bible Institute, we must never forget the many truths we have learned. Although our ministries here have ended, our ministries around tfte world are just be-

ginning. Our prayer is tftat we never forget all tftat God has done for us, tftis year especially. May we live lives that reflect this, so tfutt add we come in contact with can see our lights shine.

things we have learned tftis year, perhaps tftis is tfte most impor­ tant. Jesus Cftrist truly is the friend which sticks clos­ er than a brother. Whether it was through the five hour power outages, endless 72 5f

tion Editor: RacheKe Michaud People

People A


GEORGE THEIS Executive Director

Harry Bollback Founder

John Nelson Senior Vice President of Operations

74 A

Word of Life Directors


Stuart Page Executive Dean

Bob Brown Senior Vice President of Finances

Word of Life Directors A

Tom Davis Academic Dean

Joe Schenke Dean of Students

Tom Sampley Admissions Director

Bob Gray Business Manager

Ginny Newton Dean of Women

Steve Hobbs Dean of Men

Keith Balsley Director of Athletics

Dick Dray Director of Ministries

Brian Donley Director of Music


BI Staff

Duane Breining

Peter Cooney

Sue Detweiler

Amie De Groat

Susan Dowty

Greg Fankhauser

Denise Headdings ipf! ■'*11


Craig Hilton

Joanne Hess

Rebekah Hilton

BI Staff

Matt Hurja

Gary Holden

Sue Kirby

Sandra Johnson

Christy Page

Lisa Leonard

Elizabeth Nelson

John Mark Page

Jean Parke

Jennifer Parshcauer


BI Staff

Ann Peterson

Dale Phillips

Meriam Phillips

Scott Phillips

Martin Rembert

Paula Rummel

Shirley Richards

Karen Sainato

Rich Sainato

Jen Thomas

Bl Staff

Charlene Capron

Fred Dinger

Paul Frey

Glenn Slothower

Jim Harvey

▲Mr. Hobbs at­ tempts to figure out exactly how to work those bear bottles. ◄Millie Bollback, Joan Theis, Joan Wyrtzen, and Faye Phillips giving the second year girls a tea party in Florida.

Herb Winters


Madison Square Garden Rally


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year his certification tc

Jack Wyrtzen


2,1913 - April 22, 1996

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The Man - The Movement God has always used people to accomplish His work in the world and the man, Jack Wyrtzen, was used in a special way to touch the lives of millions of people . . . not only through his personal life and ministry, but also through the work that he founded, known around the world as Word of Life. Born again through the testimony of his friend, George Schilling, Jack turned from leading a dance band and began a Bible study with a handful of friends. He had a heart for soul winning and an insatiable hunger for God's Word. His passion to share his faith was evident everywhere he went - on street corners, in jails, rescue missions and anywhere a crowd could be found near his Woodhaven, Long Island, New York home. For nine years, he earned a living selling insurance, but his heart burned to preach. His enthusiastic spirit to present the Gospel attracted attention and in 1940, he was given air time on a New York City radio station. God burdened Jack to quit his job, step out in faith and begin the ministry of Word of Life. Jack believed that as an evangelist, "he must have a life above reproach, be yielded to Christ, have compassion for the lost and a gift of persuasive preaching." God abundantly blessed Jack and his ministry flourished . . . from a Bible study with a handful of people to overflowing crowds at Gospel Tabernacle in Times Square, then on to Carnegie Hall, Madison Square Garden, Philadelphia Convention Center, Boston Garden and eventually Yankee Stadium. Throughout the next fifty years, camps and conference centers were established in upstate New York and Florida, overseas ministries expanded into every continent, Bible Clubs for young people were developed and a Bible Institute was founded. Concerned by the reality that many organizations never continue beyond the founding leadership, Jack created room for younger men and in 1991, passed the leadership of Word of Life on to George Theis. Jack continued on for the next 5 years, speaking hundreds of times each year and sharing his contagious love for the Lord with young and old alike. He was a man like few others, strong in his convictions, loved for his enthusiastic spirit and respected for his exemplary life. His friend and co-laborer, Harry Bollback, once wrote about Jack, "Much that has been accomplished through the worldwide ministries of Word of Life was never really planned by Jack. Yet in all reality, the accomplishments did not just happen. God used a man who was available, a man who sincerely loved and trusted God, a man of explicit and almost childlike faith who believed that God would do the impossible." Jack will be greatly missed - as a husband, father, grandfather, evangelist, friend, visionary leader, soul winner and example to those who have been blessed through his ministry. Jack often said, "God starts with a man, whose ministry develops into a movement, and usually ends with a monument." Jack always went on to say, "There will be no monuments at Word of Life because this is the work of the Lord and God will share His Glory with no

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