Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1996

the Word of Godfor ayear, one cannot go wrong. As knowledge of the Worcf grows, and that knowledge is applied, stucfents (earn tfte trutfi of II Timothy 3:16,17. God’s Word truly is usefulfor all tftings so tfrat "tfte man of God may he thoroughly equippedfor every good work.” Although tire contents of God’s Word can hardly he studied in

The Word of Life academic program! The textbook: God’s Holy Word. The purpose: per­ sonal spiritual growth and preparation to spread the Word to light the way for the world. Sixteen flours a week are spent in instruction of God’s Word. The two professors of Word of Life are Mr. Thomas Davis and Mr. Marshall Wicks. They

teacfi stucfents in tfte areas of B i6 fe Survey ancf Tfteo- fogy. Guest lec­ turers such as Mr. Philip Moser and Dr. Charles Ryrie differ weekly and instruct on specific books of the Bihle. Intensely stucfying

detail in one year it does structure a foun­ dation for each stu­ dent to huild upon as fie matures in ftis Christian life and holds forth tfte Word of Life to a dying world ancf figfits tfte way to tfte Savior!

Ad scripture is inspired by God and p r o f tab te for teaching>for reproof for correction , and for training in righteousness . II Timothy 3:16

Section Editor: Saraft Boorcstra Academics


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