One year of intense study of the Bible! The ac ademics provide the core of the Word of Life program. The classroom instruction gives the knowledge and practical tips for applying the Bible to each one's personal life. The Bible In stitute focuses on the Word, giving students a skeleton to work from in their own personal sudy. The guest lecturers help to fill in that skel eton by focusing on, and detailing a specific book of the Bible. The one year of study challenges students in all areas of life teaching each one how to hold forth the Word and shine their light into a darkening world!
A Mr. Davis — 'Little boys don't grow up, their toys just get more expensive!" A Jim String, Alonzo Johnson, Erin Fournier, Bonnie Vander Wiele, Kellie Lantz, Kori Kirschner ◄Mr. Wicks and Carl Argila
First Year
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