Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1996

The time and energy of the Word of Life student is all but completely ex­ hausted by the time all the re­ quirements are put into the students' schedule, yet priorities are still priori­ ties. To help students keep on track two and one-half hours are set aside every Monday through Thursday night for silent study of God's Word. For those students who have a GPA of 2.0 or lower helpful tips are given to help the student improve. Special privileges are awarded for those who have a GPA of 3.5 or higher, as they are exempt from study hours, but have the added responsibility of taking the time they need for study on their own. The majority of students find this time a great help for their GPA and make good use of the allotted time.

A'Fuel for the brain!" A'Tll dream about it." (Faith Yansen) ►Reading, reading, and more reading — some things never change at WOLBI. ►"Oops" (Kori Kirschner) ►Becky Uminn & James Gehrke deep in studying...each other.

Student Life

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