CHAPEL Chapels bring challenges, spiritual advice and insight from the older and wiser, and the practical application of God's Word from many different guest speakers and from the Word of Life staff. Wednesday morning chapels are designated as Pres idential chapels, and therefore, the chal lenge is generally presented by the Pres ident of Word of Life International, George Theis. During the winter quarter, for Thursday morning chapels, students are divided by the different ministries for specific encouragement and training in the various opportunities and re quirements of those ministries. Overall, chapels are a time of edification and chal lenging to shine the love of Christ into the world!
▲Both in and out of church services and chapels Mr. Schenke takes the time to disciple students on a one-on-one basis. A Hungry Upper blesses the student body with a worshipful medley for special music. A^ Dave Garner proclaims the Word! ►Mr. Schenke shares his insights!
TJ Let us
m how we may spur one another on toward (ove and good deeds* Let us not give up meeting tog et her} but (et us encourage one another” Hebrews 10:24,25
30 A
Student Life
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