Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1996


We've heard it ad our do it 6ecause we frnve to. Christian lives: uYe are It shouldn't he a task to the light of the world/' share the gospel with the hut do we ready believe lost hut rather, a hunting it? Wed its time to face desire to save them from facts! As Chris tians, held we've been commanded Word of Life offers a great to sftine our lights before variety of ministries. men. Even thoug ft its a Therefore, there ought to command, it should he he one just for you. Ton onr hearts desire to sfrnre can work with children or

tfte dight'. The doors

adults. You can use music or drama. Y on can speak Eng­ lish or Spanish. There's bound to be one group in wfticft you fit. Just be will­ ing to be used of God and be a rlight'.

ministry are wide open here at Word of Life. We ought to feel blessed by the many opportu­ nities laid be­ fore us, but so often we only

ection Editor: Stacy P index Ministries


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