Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1996

The title Ministry Teams covers six different groups which do their ministries on weekends. Their ministries involve quite a number of activities. One week­ end a team may travel to a neigh­ boring town, city, or state to help run a Basketball Marathon, Super Bowl, or Jalopy Raid. On other weekends this same ministry team may have campus duty which involves organizing cam­ pus activities for the weekend. Going out to help in the commu­ nity is another activity Ministry Teams do.

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A Christopher Brody, Shawn Carrel, Mark Short, Amanda Reno, Prathama Allen, Kimberly Meisner, Jennifer Hill, Jessica Black, Rebecca Uminn, Renee Spoto, Thomas Baldwin, Andrea Miller

▼Thomas Baldwin and his hot dog helper

▼Kimberlv Meisner and Rebecca Uminn WTO- mmwm ■vr-m-jr 'jOT7 mmim :

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