The title Ministry Teams covers six different groups which do their ministries on weekends. Their ministries involve quite a number of activities. One week end a team may travel to a neigh boring town, city, or state to help run a Basketball Marathon, Super Bowl, or Jalopy Raid. On other weekends this same ministry team may have campus duty which involves organizing cam pus activities for the weekend. Going out to help in the commu nity is another activity Ministry Teams do.
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A Christopher Brody, Shawn Carrel, Mark Short, Amanda Reno, Prathama Allen, Kimberly Meisner, Jennifer Hill, Jessica Black, Rebecca Uminn, Renee Spoto, Thomas Baldwin, Andrea Miller
▼Thomas Baldwin and his hot dog helper
▼Kimberlv Meisner and Rebecca Uminn WTO- mmwm ■vr-m-jr 'jOT7 mmim :
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