Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1996


At tfie end of a normal week dents witft tfte opportunity to at tfte Word of Life Bible enjoy each other's company in Institute, students seek re- a more formal setting. Each spite from the rush of daily 6anquet generally includes life of classes and work. special mus ic, special enter- Scheduling is necessary if tainment, and special speak- anytfting is to be accom- ers. To tftese events, many plishedj but an occasional students come witft a speeiaf break is necessary for the companion. sake of sanity. Tfte special Talent nigftt and a variety of events at tfte Bible Institute tournaments ranging from provide tfiis 6reak, anT are Kook to 6asfcet6ad give tfte also times which are much students each a chance to


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sftow off their skills. There are also such things as skipping study ftours, and movie nights when the students are al­ lowed to see tfte older fdms of Little RascaCs and tfte Tftree Stooges.

anticipated and enjoyed when the time finally ar­ rives. Our banquets , sucft as tfte Pres­ idential Banquet, Thanksgiving Banquet, and of course, , tfte mueft anticipated Vaientine Ban­ quet, provide stu-

Section Editor: Jessica Whiieford Special Events

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