At tfie end of a normal week dents witft tfte opportunity to at tfte Word of Life Bible enjoy each other's company in Institute, students seek re- a more formal setting. Each spite from the rush of daily 6anquet generally includes life of classes and work. special mus ic, special enter- Scheduling is necessary if tainment, and special speak- anytfting is to be accom- ers. To tftese events, many plishedj but an occasional students come witft a speeiaf break is necessary for the companion. sake of sanity. Tfte special Talent nigftt and a variety of events at tfte Bible Institute tournaments ranging from provide tfiis 6reak, anT are Kook to 6asfcet6ad give tfte also times which are much students each a chance to
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sftow off their skills. There are also such things as skipping study ftours, and movie nights when the students are al lowed to see tfte older fdms of Little RascaCs and tfte Tftree Stooges.
anticipated and enjoyed when the time finally ar rives. Our banquets , sucft as tfte Pres idential Banquet, Thanksgiving Banquet, and of course, , tfte mueft anticipated Vaientine Ban quet, provide stu-
Section Editor: Jessica Whiieford Special Events
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