Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1996

Thanksgiving Fiesta The Thanksgiving tradition was started in the early 1600s by a group of weary pilgrims who stopped to thank God for the wonderful things that he had done for them. This tradition has been carried on, and all across the nation people stop and gather with family and friends to enjoy food, and fellowship. Word of Life also celebrates Thanksgiving, and while there is plenty of food, and much fellowshipping the main theme is the praising of God, for all of the things that he has done in our lives over the past quarter, and will continue to do in the coming year.


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A^ Dr. George Theis delivers a vital part of the Thanksgiving message to students at this years banquet. A Mr. Duane Breining in chefs cap and apron carves a Thanksgiving turkey. Derk Adkins and his date armed with plates of food prepare to enjoy their evening at the Thanksgiving banquet 1995. Students often came together as groups of friends to praise God through the Thanksgiving Fiesta. Jamie Carsons serves the traditional pumpkin pie with a smile on her face.



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