Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1996


Tftis year at Word of Life has been a year that we wid neverforget W e have shared many laughs, as wed as many tears. We have add grown closer together, and learned to lean on each other for support. Most important­ ly, we have grown closer to the Lord, a relations flip tftat will never fail us. Of all the

Snow Camp weekends, or saying goodbye to loved ones, we learned to depend on Jesus to be our comforter. As we reflect on our year here at the Word of Life Bible Institute, we must never forget the many truths we have learned. Although our ministries here have ended, our ministries around tfte world are just be-

ginning. Our prayer is tftat we never forget all tftat God has done for us, tftis year especially. May we live lives that reflect this, so tfutt add we come in contact with can see our lights shine.

things we have learned tftis year, perhaps tftis is tfte most impor­ tant. Jesus Cftrist truly is the friend which sticks clos­ er than a brother. Whether it was through the five hour power outages, endless 72 5f

tion Editor: RacheKe Michaud People

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