The Man - The Movement God has always used people to accomplish His work in the world and the man, Jack Wyrtzen, was used in a special way to touch the lives of millions of people . . . not only through his personal life and ministry, but also through the work that he founded, known around the world as Word of Life. Born again through the testimony of his friend, George Schilling, Jack turned from leading a dance band and began a Bible study with a handful of friends. He had a heart for soul winning and an insatiable hunger for God's Word. His passion to share his faith was evident everywhere he went - on street corners, in jails, rescue missions and anywhere a crowd could be found near his Woodhaven, Long Island, New York home. For nine years, he earned a living selling insurance, but his heart burned to preach. His enthusiastic spirit to present the Gospel attracted attention and in 1940, he was given air time on a New York City radio station. God burdened Jack to quit his job, step out in faith and begin the ministry of Word of Life. Jack believed that as an evangelist, "he must have a life above reproach, be yielded to Christ, have compassion for the lost and a gift of persuasive preaching." God abundantly blessed Jack and his ministry flourished . . . from a Bible study with a handful of people to overflowing crowds at Gospel Tabernacle in Times Square, then on to Carnegie Hall, Madison Square Garden, Philadelphia Convention Center, Boston Garden and eventually Yankee Stadium. Throughout the next fifty years, camps and conference centers were established in upstate New York and Florida, overseas ministries expanded into every continent, Bible Clubs for young people were developed and a Bible Institute was founded. Concerned by the reality that many organizations never continue beyond the founding leadership, Jack created room for younger men and in 1991, passed the leadership of Word of Life on to George Theis. Jack continued on for the next 5 years, speaking hundreds of times each year and sharing his contagious love for the Lord with young and old alike. He was a man like few others, strong in his convictions, loved for his enthusiastic spirit and respected for his exemplary life. His friend and co-laborer, Harry Bollback, once wrote about Jack, "Much that has been accomplished through the worldwide ministries of Word of Life was never really planned by Jack. Yet in all reality, the accomplishments did not just happen. God used a man who was available, a man who sincerely loved and trusted God, a man of explicit and almost childlike faith who believed that God would do the impossible." Jack will be greatly missed - as a husband, father, grandfather, evangelist, friend, visionary leader, soul winner and example to those who have been blessed through his ministry. Jack often said, "God starts with a man, whose ministry develops into a movement, and usually ends with a monument." Jack always went on to say, "There will be no monuments at Word of Life because this is the work of the Lord and God will share His Glory with no
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