Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1996

Leadership on the Rise STUDENT COUNCIL

Student Council Officers: Chris Caldwell- Missions Vice President, Johnathan Burson- Chaplain, Darrel Lacks- President, Missy Maulfair- Secretary, John Ireland- Vice President

The Word of Life Student Council committee is a group of students who are willing to commit their free time in trying to help the student body to get along better and grow closer to the Lord. This year the Student Council has tried very hard to make your B.I. year the best. We planned activities for weekends in the fall and spring so that you would always have something to do. We have tried our hardest to decorate the banquets in a way which you would enjoy. We have started Prayer Bands to allow you as the students to get into groups and pray for the missionaries in areas which you are interested in. But none of this could have been done without the help of the student body. Most of the work and dedication was put forth by the Student Council Board members. As a dorm representative I can honestly say on behalf of the rest of the committee that everything that was done this year was by the grace of God, and it was all done to honor and glorify Him. Tanya Stewart

Everything that was done this year was by the grace of God, and was done to honor and glorify Him.

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BI Student Council

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