Populo - Volume 1, Issue 2

thought he separates a European and U.S. civilisation and therefore a separate

world order for each. Acharya competently undermines this vision of two

different orders, rather denoting them as ‘overlapping phases’ (p. 27) of the

current world order. The continuation of colonial rule in the form of U.S.

imperialism elucidates this overlap, where such imperialism was permitted

through the establishment of the UN trusteeship system, where at the same

time colonialism was effectively ignored. Institutions such as the trusteeship that

avoid racial terminology within their foundational documents may well include

race in their clauses these days (United Nations, 2020) but this approach is so

evidently colourblind in a postcolonial and racial framework. While ostensibly

producing an image of racial equality, such institutions do not care to pay

attention to the process of ignoring existing structures of racism or the role of

race in the founding of world order. By exposing this issue of absence in the study

of world order, Acharya successfully brings race to the forefront and confronts

the credibility of traditional race-neutral narratives.

What makes Acharya’s work well-balanced is an awareness of the

obstacles that hinder the increase in the study of race and racism in IR. For

instance, Acharya cautions against treating the problem of race as something

transient that depends on the political and academic climate, as well as events

that play out. Here, Black Lives Matter (BLM) is used as a fitting example where

certain critics accuse the responses to BLM as accruing very little (Tao, 2020).

Posting a black square on social media will not overturn systemic racist

structures, and this is what Acharya seemingly alludes to when he discusses

transience. Even so, Acharya is more ambitious in his aims and is aware these

challenges must be confronted first. After overriding the phenomenon of

presentism in IR that obfuscates the significance of race, a key step in achieving

global change is made. Acharya offers a transformative and critical commitment,


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