Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook1984



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COLLEGIANS OPEN AIR New York Chicago Baltimore LOCAL CHURCH Perth Internship Campus Westerlo Gansevoort Fonda Corinth Saratoga

Bible Institute January ’83 March ’84 September ’84 January ’84 March ’85 SYM January ’83 May ’84 Married Students

President Vice-President Administrator Executive Dean Deans Instructors Business Managers Director Music Director S.I.C. Assistant Advisors Nurse Secretaries Guest Lecturers

Lake George Ticonderoga

Maintenance Food Service


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Activities Page 87

Advertising Page 133

Organizations Page 109

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Presidential Banquet Scare Mare Thanksgiving Fiesta Snow Camp

Dorm Supervisors Overseas Students Student Council Yearbook Dorm Reps.

Missions Conference Sweetheart Banquet Variety Night Spring Bible Conference Holy Land God’s Portrait of Love Revelation Passion Play Special Guests

Yearbook Staff 100 Mile Club Basketball Cheerleaders Pep Band Prayer Bands W.O.L. Overseas Directory


PSALM 143:5

I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands.


The staff of the 1984 Open Door would like to dedicate this yearbook to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We pray that as you look through these pages and see faces and events from the past year, you will remember the One who brought us together. Learn­ ing more about our Lord and growing closer to Him has found us learning more about ourselves and those around us. Know, Grow, Show . . . these are three words that, when applied to Christian living, have a great deal of meaning. We have learned through our Quiet Time Diarys, work assignments, ministries and classes what these words really mean. They are the "motto” of Word of Life, and we have adopt­ ed them as the theme of our year­ book. We hope that when this school year is over, each one of us will continue to learn more about the Lord, grow in Him each day, and show others what He means in our lives.


KNOW For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers. 1 Peter 1:18

And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgement. Philippians 1:9



And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation; the fear of the Lord is his treasure. Isaiah 33:6


He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside still waters. Psalm 23:2

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Walk in wisdom toward them that are outside, redeeming the time. Colossians 4:5

That I may know Him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death. Philippians 3:10


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge . . . Prov. 1:7

. . . knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Romans 13:11

And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Ephesians 3:19

1 hou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalms 16:11

Bow down thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge. That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee. Proverbs 22:17,21

A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength. For by wise counselors there is

Proverbs 24:5,6

GROW . . . As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that ye may grow by it, if so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. I Peter 2:2,3

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season; Its leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalm 1:3

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. II Peter 3:18


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Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1



The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree; he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall bring forth fruit in old age. Psalm 92:12-l4a


Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain. Phillippians 2:16

He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galations 6:8b-9

In all labour there is profit. Proverbs 14:23



For the kingdom of God ... is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. Rom. 14:17-19







SHOW . . . But ye are a chosen generation, a royal

priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. I Peter 2:9

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. II Timothy 4:2


In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity. Titus 2:7

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a

workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15

m By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples. If ye have love one to another. John 13:55

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23,24

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4:18

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Psalms 100:1,2






I am sure there were times when you wondered if this year would ever end, and now, suddenly, it has ended. Life is a lot like that. This should point up the urgency of making each day count: "The Night cometh, when no man can work,” (John 9:4); and "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil,” (Hph. 5:16). "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom,” (Psalm 90:12). "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand,” (Psalm 37:23,24). "I know the plans 1am planning for you. They are plans of blessing and not of calamity; to give you a future and a hope,” (Jeremiah 29:11, Rotherham Translation). The proof of how well you have adapted to the teaching of The Word and the biblical principles set forth here at the Bible Institute will be found in the way you apply yourself in the days ahead. When the ways of God become our ways, we become firmly grounded and will not be attracted to the ways of the world. You will have to be on your guard against false teachers who would seek to lead you astray. Whether it be some whim of doctrine, the charismatic or ecumenical movements, or devilish humanism that has so engulfed the world, you need to stand fast in the faith. "Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints," (Jude 3). Remember, even great leaders have fallen, so keep your eyes upon our risen Lord. I have been praying for you while you were here and will continue to pray as you go. We are all apart of the same family; you are always welcome at my home. God Bless you. Yours On the Victory Side,

Jack Wyrtzen Philippians 2:16







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Congratulations on "finishing the course" of W.O.L.B.I. May I remind you that commencement actually means "beginning". Today you begin another chapter of your life. A chapter that will demonstrate how much of what was taught, you have caught. How much of it will become a vital part of your daily lifestyle? You are about to understand what a little bird feels like when he is kicked out of the nest. You are going to try your wings. You'll experience what the disciples felt as the Lord ascended into Glory and left them behind. But everyone of them resisted that initial let­ down, got it all back together, and poured out their life’s blood as martyrs for the Lord. Would to God we would catch this same drive and out of the Class of '84 God would raise up firebrands for his honor and glory. At the end of his life Peter gave us the secret to this lifestyle. "Grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ" II Peter 3:18. As I say "so-long" to all of you, may the Holy Spirit engrave this on your soul and make it your daily and lifetime goal. "Grace” and "Knowledge of the Lord". George Theis


"Behold, I have given him for a Witness to the people, a leader and a commander to the people.” Isaiah 55:4

"Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.” II Timothy 1:13 During your year here, you have spent a lot of time and effort in learning many of the practical truths of the Christian faith. Our instructors and guest lecturers have done their best to convey the truth to you, and you have shown, by test grades, that you have given much. However, the true test will come as you continue in life in your chosen profession. Will you retain the standard of sound word that you have learned? It is our prayer that you will.



During the dark hours of World War Two, Winston Churchill told the people of England, "I have nothing to offer you but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.” Perhaps during the course of this year you have felt the same way! There are, however, three great symbols of Christianity that I would offer for your consideration. The cross, Mark 8:34, is a symbol of blood. The yoke, Matthew 11:29, is a symbol of sweat. The towel, John 13:4, is a symbol of the tears of travail and humility. Put your hand to the plow and don’t look back! In Christian Love, Tom Davis



Augustine asked, "for myself a heart of steel, for my fellow man a heart of love, and for my God a heart of tire!" May our lives reflect similar desires as we go forth to a needy world and give them the Good News. Moreover, be thankful. Thanks for the blessing you've been to me and my family. Ray Namie

ROBERT GRAY DEAN OF STUDENTS But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.” Revelation 2:25


"The class of '84 gives more" Give of your best to the Master; Give of the strength of your youth; Throw your soul’s fresh glowing ardor Unto the battle for truth! May the Lord richly bless you in all your endeavors! Mr. Gray



As you leave this great place called the Word of Life Bible Institute, remember this, God is not so much interested in what you are doing for Him, but in what He is doing in you. God Bless You Richly

Mr. Schenke Proverbs 14:23


To the class of 1984: As the songwriter has shared:

"We have an anchor that keeps the soul Steadfast and sure while the billows roll, Fastened to the Rock which cannot move, Grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love." Priscilla J. Owens

"Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord,” (1 Cor. 15:58). May this be a class firmly grounded in the Word, steadfast in the work of the Lord, and rejoicing in opportunities that lie ahead. Go forth victorious for Him! Ginny Newton





MARSHALL WICKS INSTRUCTOR Each year we make new friends, but somehow we seem to remember the goodbyes so much better. Linus commented to Charlie Brown as Snoopy anguished over a melting snow man, "Poor Snoopy ... I see he’s lost another friend . . . it’s too bad . . . he’s so sensitive . . . " Don’t look back, new friends and great victories lie ahead, but let's not melt from each other’s memories.

Mr. Wicks Eph. 2:8,9

CHRIS MILLER INSTRUCTOR I ransforming? Enlightening? Life-changing? The best year of your life? I trust that these words describe your year here at WOLBI, and if your fellowship with the Lord stays close, they will describe every year after this! Remember that apart from a warm, abiding relationship with the Lord we "can do nothing” (John 15:5). Be faithful to the basic disciplines of the Christian life you have learned this year and you will agree with the songwriter, "the longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.” My prayer is that the Lord will bless you "exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ask or think” as you serve Him! Chris Miller





Brian Donley Music Director

Paul Bubar Director S.I.C.

Roger Ellison Pastor

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Connie Hile Assistant Dean Of Women


Mike Hobbs

Gelana Trout





Gertrude McGuckin Staff Advisor

Jerilyn Higgins Staff Nurse

Susie Davis Staff Advisor

Carla Gray Staff Advisor



George Scurlock Director of Central Maintenance


Peter Gushee

Herb Winters


Lynnetta Brown Admissions Secretary

Shirley Richards Academic & Exec. Sectretary


Guy Swarthout Bookstore Manager

Lisa Yeip Receptionist


Burt Powell Food Service Director

Glen Slothower

Jim Harvey

Jackie Vebber Secretary

Steve Brosinski

Jim Dise


Dave Johnson

Mike Bush

Tom Graham

Paul Dilger

Robin Koetzner



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Rodney Clarke

Clayton Burch

Carl Boudreau

Guy Baldwin

Judy Francis

Ken Fitts

Valerie Fausey

Kimberly Doty

Brian Goss

Jennifer Jayne

Alan Lindmark

Janet Jordon


Patrick Scott

Stephen Peterson

Susan Noyle

Margaret Murray

Daniel Still

Tonya Sellers

Sam Wood

Doris Tober


MARCH 1984

Lem Ebanks

James Gabriels

Carol Cormier

Troy Hassell

Chris Heckman

Earle Hastings

Ron Heck

Sherral Hastings

Janeen Kaufman

Susan Logan


Walter Mallory

Cindy Mishler

Malcom Salisbury

William Rengle

Peggy Sorenson





Jonathan Adler

Pam Adams

Scott Adcock

Brenda Adams

Brenda Andes

Crystal Allis

Susan Alexander

Laura Albright

Michael Armstrong

Harmony Ayers

Ron Anthony

Bonnie Arensmeyer

Dawn Ayles

Tim Bagg

Rosario Baez

Lisa Bailey


Mary Barker

Richard Barclay

Pat Baker

Dean Ball

Dan Baumgardner

Bob Bauman

Dina Batcheider

Lennie Barrand

Gerald Benoit

Carl Benedict

Bruce Bender

Marc Beaulieu

Deanna Bimpson

Heide Bernhardt

Daryl Bernard

Lee Benwire 38


Grej* Bokash

Bruce Bolio

John Boch

Louis Bishop

Amy Breed

Amy Boutieller

Kathleen Boysman

Fric Bolio

Jeff Brown

Ruth Brown


David Bubar

Thomas Bucklin

Debbie Busch

Martin Butler

Melinda Caldejon

Randy Caldejon

Loriann Cardoza

Candace Carmichael

Mark Carmichael

Chris Cate

Joan Cerak

David Cavanaugh

Cliff Cespedes

Wendy Clemens

Lesa Cochran

Fabiola Cleofa


Cherie Cook

Gerry Collicutt

Sean Connell

Douglas Coffin

Leilam Danigelis

Dean Crider

Robert Cunningham

Jonathan Damon

Charles Darras

Bill Davis

Robin Davis

Beth Dawson


Joseph Dunnuck

Richard Dray

Charles Hbron

Kimberlv Haston J

Kent Dvment 42

Connie Ellyson

Brian Emmerson

Tammy Eliston

Teresa Eger

- —

Mary Espenshade

Debbie Fareno

Karisa Lynn Epperley

Robbie English

Diane Ferrari

Christine Fenicle

Nikki Eerrante

Susan Faulkner

David Ferrell

Kathy Fisher

Cynthia l ink

Linda Field


Wendy Frye

Bill Freeman

Dawn Frey

Jeff Fournier

Kim Garnett

Chris Fuqua

Lisa Fuller

Terry Fussell

Maria Guzman

Jennifer Gonzalez

Dennis Gray

Lisa Gokey

Richard Hart

John Hales

Harold Hallas

Linda Haigh

Dwayne Hartmann

Gerald Hartranft

Darla Hassevoort

Faith Hawkins


Rupert Hewison

Shirley Higgins

Cheryl Hilbert

Daryl Hilsher

Marvin Hinkley

Mark Hodel

Pamela Hodel

Brenda Hoffman

Julie Hoffman

Phil Hohulin

Lisa Horton

Amy House


Kent Howell

Richard Hower

Pamela Howard

Jan Hull

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Steven Huffine

Debra Jackman

Dorothy Hughes

Janice Johnson

Russell Jones

Janet Kallassy

Craig Kallgren

Kathleen Kauflman

lOdd Kauffman

Joel Kehres

John Kellough

Rebecca Kinzie


Jenni Kratz

Debbie Krause

Marlise Linauer

Meredith LeMaster

Kenneth Lilly

Donna Loose

Donald Lough

Mary Lyon

Sheldon MacGillivray

Roseann Maiorana

Marcus Manuel

Delray Martin

Larry Martin

Joseph Mas

Hope Mason

Robin Matula

Beth McComb

Krista McGeorge


Kenneth Me Heard

Jeff Me Leod

Kent McIIeard

Paul Me Kee


Jon Miller

Magdalena Molina

Sandra Moll

Jeff Monroe

Everett Moore

Sandy Moore

Robert Morgan

Dawn Morris

Chris Muller

Dorinda Murray

Larry Muzik

John Nazario

Julia Nesbitt

Pat Newman

Mike Nicholes

Lorene Noethling

Debbie Norman

Keith Nutt


Michal Nutt

Kevin Oliveira

Pamela Oliver

Chris Nyland

Jeffrey Palonen

Gary Parke

Yvonne Olmstead

Timothy Page

Brian Pelletier

Judy Perry

David Payne

Kevin Partello


Bryan Peters

Scott Phillips

James Pittman

Robbin Pickard

Angelo Polihrom

Stephen Podmaska

Mike Portzline

Kristy Postle

Corena Price

Shawn Rafferty

Kim Pyle

Mark Ray

Bradley Reider

Mark Rennick

John Reuter III

Diane Richard

Michael Richards

Ruth Ricker

Dawna Ridge

Cheryle Riley


Leigh Roe

Michael Rodrigues

C. Jared Robinson

Steven Riley


Charles Roughton

Micah Rosier

Robin Rupp

Mary Rudy

David Schlee

Roger Schiele, Jr.

Brent Schein

Tor Schiander

Carl Schofield

Rainer Scholtz

Kathy Schlonecker

Arlene Schmitt

Virginia Schuler

Brian Schwartz

Merrilea Schrack

Duane Schweitzer

Lisa Sharp

Lisa Scott

Timothy Shaw

Nick Shear

Beverly Shelley

Deena Shriver

Kathy Sibert

Ruth Simons


John Sipe

Roger Skepple

Susan Slattery

Lori Slyman

Trish Smeltzer

Becky Smith

Chris Smith

Linda Smith

Steven Smith

Donna Snyder

Joan Stanton

Eve Steenalnd

Jaime Strohecker

Charles Straubcl

Robert Surprenant

Timothy Swavely

Sidney Summiel

Joan Sturgis

Andrew Tobin

Norman Tober

Stephen Tillio

Robin Tibbetts

Jay Van Schaick

Sarah Tucker

Daniel Van Laar

Kileen Tyler

Antonius Van Straalen

Jill Van Dam

Diana Vestrand

Shell 1 Vaughn

Cheryl Vivian

Nancy VonSprecklcson

Traci Voorhis

Peter Walden

Pamelyn Wallace

Juleen Warne

Brad Warner

Mary Warner


George Weaver

Kenneth Weaver

Cliff Webber

Philip Weber

Donna Weinmann

Richard Weiss

Amy Welch

Rodney Wells


Stephen Whitney

Rhonda Wick

Julie Wheeler

David Windham

Barb Wood

John Wright

Vicky Wood

Marguerite Yannetty

Ruth Yeager

Mark Zart

Rebecca Zender

Phil Zentz

Charles Zielke


Harold Adkins

Susan Baker

Tamara Artuch

Greg Behrens

Joseph Centineo

Arthur Chapman

David Chung

David Conley

Agnes Corkill

Robert Corkill

Edward Curran

Cheryl Dangler

Reuben Feliciano

Gary Fizzano

Diane Garnett

Joe Gilbert


James Grilli

Anthony Hall

Cheryl Hensley

Michael Hetrick

Carlos I lidal^o

Denise Jeanloz

Robin Lewis

Kathy Howland


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Larry Mastromarino

Tony Minter

Arthur Moran

Keith Minter

Stephen Neborak

Kelly O'Deens

Theresa Parme^iani

Diana Petty

David Pryce


. I Hudson Vanderhoff

Kenneth Sewall

Aleca Smpraou

Bruce Stafford

Daniel Weir

Richard Wetzel

Rhonda White




Front: Lori Logan, Debbie Mercaldo, Marie Gilbert, Charlene Hartman Back: Ed Voorhees, Scott Flint, Dan Paradis, Manuel Deza, Doug Topham, Beverly Hedger, Mark Glodfelter, Paul Crowe


Front: Valerie Schrack, Mary Elliot, Mary Soucier, Cindy Stier, Ruth Nazarian, Sue Goodwin, Amy Smith Back: Stan Rodrigues, Dan Frazer, Shawn Walkner, Eric Boutillier, Don McCasland, George Grimes, Carl Boudreau


Rhonda Cart

Albert Osden

Don Best


David Pinckney

Larry Ritter

Gerald Smith

Neal Adanti

Tim Avery

Melody Ayers

Jim Bickers

Nancy Brantner

Tony Childers

Michael Davis


1 (

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Steven Englehard

George Farrell (Jr.)

Clay Ersig

Brian Gower

Michael Hobbs

Jon Grassi

Michael Holton

Photo Not Available

Gary Jacobs

Daniel Langless

Karen MacLean

Robert MacQuarrie

Glen Parke

David Perry

Sharon Piercy

John Reimer

Bill Samson

Angela Sexton

Valdeci (Vava) Silva

Gelana Trout

Jamie Weber

David Welch

James Wessing

David Wing




The Hastings Family

The Salisbury Family



The Corkills

The Edwards

The Hodels




Row 1; Faith Hawkins, Lorene Noethling, Ginny Schuler, Judy Perry, Sue Alexander, Sue Slattery, Dori Murray, Kelly O’Deens, Brian Emmerson, Cliff Cespedes, Daryl Bernard, Don Lough, Ron Glessner, Phil Weber, Dean Crider, Hiroshi Takoma, Ton VanStraalan, Tim Swavely, Tammy Ellston, Dina Batchelder, Merrilea Schrack, Robin Matula, Ruth Simons, Dawn Frey, Heide Bernhardt Row 2: Sherri Dickinson, Julie Wheeler, Brenda Hoffman, Mary Ellen Steeves, Janet Kallassy, Sue Hess, Rebecca Kinzie, Rainer Scholtz, Peter Walden, Lennie Barrand, Paul Lee, Mike Portzline, David Payne, Brent Schein, Micah Rosier, Jeff Monroe, Russ Jones, Bruce Stafford, Loni Danagelis, Cindy Fink, Lisa Gokey, Krista McGeorge, Jan Huff, Jane Fountaine Row 3: Beth Dawson, Chris Muller, Trish Smeltzer. Jamie Strohecker, Amy Boutilier, Kim Easton, Robin Pickard, Jared Robinson, Bob Bauman, Craig Largent, Phil Hohoulin, Sheldon McGillavary, Cameron McKinney, Rick Barclay, Jon Damon, Carl Schofield, Gary Fizanno, Dean Ball, John Knaus, John Wright, Mary Warner, Rebecca Smith, Joan Cerak, Darla Hedges Row 4: Barbara Thurlow, Eileen Tyler, Robin Davis, Donna Snyder, Heather Healey, Bonnie Arensmeyer, Sandra Moore, Kathy Sibert, Phil Zentz, Mike Rodrigues, Andy Deitrich, Hudson Vanderhoff, Carl Benedict, Brian Peters, Norman Tober, Bob Switzer, Roger Scheile.Joe Dunnick, Mike Hetrick, Clif Weber, Bill Davis, Dan VanLaar, Bill Freeman, Cherie Cook, Terry Fussell, Monica Deitrich, Meredith Lemaster, Dawn Morris, Pam Oliver, Maria Guzman, Laura Albright


The Word of Life Quartet

White Ensemble

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Red Ensemble

Blue Ensemble





NEW YORK CITY #8: Front: Marc Beaulieu, Dave Krizon. Jon Miller, Scott Teachout, Middle: Dawn Ayles, Debbie Fareno, Debbie Busch, Lori Logan, Lynn Owens, Nikki Ferrante, Lisa Fuller, Chris Nyland, Debbie Mercaldo, Kathy Fisher, Back: Mark Delorenzo, Brian Sturgis, Steve Huffine, Ken Kobs, Steve Podmaska

NEW YORK CI1 Y #7: Front: Brian Pellitier. Bob Cunningham, Randy Calde- jon. Lee Benwire, Harold Hallas, Middle: Arlene Schmidt, Chris Fenicle, Kim Garnett, Cheryl Dangler, Donna Weinmann, Marguerite Yannetty, Dawna Ridge, Back: Arthur Moran, Sidney Summiel, Harold Adkins, Kevin Olivera

NEW YORK CLFY #4: Front: Duane Schweitzer. Tim Page, Rick Mower, Steve Whitney, John Reuter. Dave Eerrel, Mark Zart, Back: Yvonne Olmstead, Magdalena Molina, Lesa Cochran, Tammv Artuch, Cheryl Hilbert, Mimie Stcenland, Lisa Horton, Diane Ferrari, Lisa Sharp, Jan Johnson, Rhonda Wick, Sue Baker, Judy Knapp. Chris Fuqua, Joan Stanton, Barb Cooper

NEW YORK CITY #3; Front; Scott Phillips, Ed Voorhees, Jim Pittman, Mark Glodfelter, Middle: Amy Welch, Heidi Stout. Pat Baker, Mary Ellen Rudy. Mary Barker, Darla Hassevoort, Sarah-Anne Tucker. Robin Rupp, Back: Char­ lene Hartman, Harmony Ayers, Beverly Hedger, Diane Kordon, Tor Schiander, Mike Armstrong, John Nazario, Bruce Bender, Tom Bucklin, Delray Martin

CHICAGO #2: Front: Dave Chung, Jeff Fournier, Mark Carmichael, Shawn Rafferty, Jim Grilli, Greg Behrens, Middle: Wendy Clemens, Karen Stuart, Timothy Shaw-, Martin Butler, Beverly Shelley, Hope Mason, Shirley Higgins, Connie Fllyson, Sandra Tracy, Doug Coffin, Brian Schwartz, Louis Bishop, Bud Moore, Back: Kevin Partello, Greg Bokash, Keith Minter

NEW YORK CITY #1: Front: Bruce Gilchrist, Marcus Manuel, Rob English, Anthony Hall, Joe Centineo, Theresa Eger, Middle: Kristy Postle, Carol Mercer, Lisa Trevathan, Ronda White, Julie Nesbitt, Chris Florczykowski, Mary Lyon, Jennifer Gonzolez, Marlise Linauer, Denise Jcanloz, Allen Creveling, Back: Steve Neborak. Larry Muzik, Shawn Rafferty, Bob Morgan, Marvin Flinkley, George Weaver, Andy Tobin

Open Air Groups Not Pictured

PHILADELPHIA: Gerry Collicutt, Kelly Dotson, Kent Dyment, Amy House, Kenneth Lilly, John Boch, Dan Paradis, Rojer Skepple, Chris Smith, Robin Tibbetts, Greg Tripp, Juleen Warne

BALTIMORE: Melinda Caldejon, Fabiola Cleofa, Ed Cordis, Mary F.spenshade, John Hales, Gerald Hartranft, Mike Nicholes, Larry Mastromarino, Lisa Scott, Bob Stevens, Ruth Yager



"Brethren! This ought not to be so among you, for we preach Christ crucified and risen from the dead; as the scripture saith, "Ye MUST be born again!”


Fonda: Front-Linda Haigh, Candace Carmichael, Cal 1ie Leach, Debbie Norman, Back-Angelo Folihrom, Terry Gee, Vicky Wood, Jay VanSchaik, Glen Parke, Charles Straubel

Saratoga: Front-Dan Baumgardner, Richard Fdwards, Dich Dray, Tony Winter, Back-Dorothy Hughes, Sharon Meigs, Linda Field, Brenda Adams, Rebecca Kline

Westerlo: Bruce Bolio, Diane Richard, Linda Smith, Cheryl Vivian, Chrystal Allis

"And we proclaim Him, admonishing every man, and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ. And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me." Colossians 1: 28, 29

Corinth: Front-Lori Slyman, Todd Kauffman, Dennis Gray, Middle-Eve Steenland, Loriann Cardoza, Vonda Bronson, Shirley Menditto, Deena Shriver, Diane Garnett, Back-Arthur Chapman, Kent McHeard, Jeff Brown


The local church is founded upon the foundational Stone Himself, Jesus Christ. What a privilege it’s been to serve in it these past eight months! As a group of Christians we’ve shared and experienced joy­ ous salvation decisions, baptisms and dedications, as well as feeling the despairs and discouragements that come when serving the Lord on the front line against our foe the Devil. God has certainly blessed us all and allowed us to grow in His grace while serving the Lord. Our past experiences now will lay the foundation for the years ahead of serving the Saviour in His body the Church. In Christ’s service, The Saratoga Ministry

Center White Creek: Rick Martens, Rebecca Zender

Lake George: Front-Ken Weaver, Rich Hart, Sean Connel, Middle-Tara Goheens, Kathy Howland, Diana Petty, Pam Adams, Kim Pyle, Cheryl Hensley, Kathy Boysman, Sue Fitton, Back-Mark Rennick, Jeff McLeod "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.” Galatians 6; 9


Front row: Brenda Adams, Dan Weir, Pat Newman, Cheryle Riley, Chris Cate, Ruth Brown, Sandy Moll, Gerald Benoit, Corie Price. Middle row: Daryl Hilshire, Dave Conley, Joe Linglebach, Donna Loose, Marie Gilbert, Wendy Frye, Rosann Maiorana, Beth McComb, Robin Lewis, Shelli Vaugn. Back row: Joe Gilbert, Rich Weiss, Ken McFIeard, Paul McKee, Charles Darras, Eric Bolio, Dave Windham, Charles Roughton. Not pictured: Traci Voorhis, Michael Klink, Nicholas Shear, Charles Ebron

"Brethren, rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. Grett one another with a holy kiss. All the saints greet you. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Floly Spirit, be with you all." II Corinthians 13: 11-14


"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men; knowing the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve." Colossians 3: 23,24

Perth brought with it many opportunities to learn, grow and serve as Sunday School lessons were prepared and given, fellowship shared and enjoyed and even some tough times of patience and endurance accompanied by much prayer through the past year’s weekends where God’s promised blessings proved true.

The Perth ministry had both a bus visitation and a craddle roll service that had involved the WOLBI students.


The staff topped it all off with a little class.

The Happy Boys’ trio sang an inspiring chorus of "This Little Light of Mine.”


A night of comedy and drama, laughter and smiles that proved to be of great variety — even some good talent and humor as the SYMers gave a live demonstration of career opportunities that is . . . "If you weren't at WOLBI!”



Even some of our midgets just had to jump in on the act.

"My old flame, I can’t even remember her name."

A fine duet by Rainer and Tor.


England dorm got together for the evening to share some of their WOLBI memories.

A real sucker’s imitation of a lollipop.

'The world famous” but totally unknown Collisions gave an exciting performance with the tape "Blessed be the Rock.”

Valerie and Merrilea share a sweet song with us.

John showed off some of his skill for a snappy ending! 85




Beginning a terrific year with the Presidential banquet presented a great opportunity for students to get to know one another, and our WORD OF LIFE directors, Jack Wyrtzen and Harry Bollback. We enjoyed musical entertainment provided by Bert Britt and the 1983 Collegians as well as a special message from Jack. The banquet was a perfect introduction to an exciting year.

Vinny, don’t take so much food!



Our own 3 stooges trying to "strike” up some sporting fun!

Diving in on WOL was SYM’s Super Sportsman as he called the play-by-play action on the Fall Sports Day. News ran rampant as the scoring event was televised; capturing some of the highlights of the Crabb soccer competition as viewers watched in marvel.



The Thanksgiving Banquet was one of the highlights of the 1st quarter. With the excitement of having families here, and the anticipation of going home soon, it was a great time. Ironically, the day was started with an Ecclesiastes test at 8 o'clock, but after that things were rolling. The Gobbler's Gallop was at 9:30, and then the Cham­ pionship football games with the all-stars from Phys. Ed. classes competing. With the rain dampening the field, but not the spirits of the players, it turned out to be a mud bowl of sorts. The highlight of the day was Thanksgiv­ ing dinner in the afternoon. There was plenty of turkey to go around. Rounding out the busy day, was the Collegian's performance of God's Portrait of Love.




Hat Day



Dr. Jerald, or Mr. Hyde!?

Need a room item??

A W.O.L.B.I. "Basket” case!

Will sell cheap.

Flying ace Baron-von-Cate

Yes, there really is a person in there!




Dear Father,

Thank You for ...

Snow Camp, Turning WOLBI into a mission field every weekend of the winter quarter, The practical training we all received working with the kids, The joy it brought seeing kids’ lives changed, The "behind the scene” jobs that kept us humble, Making us better leaders and better followers, The unity Snow Camp brought to our special class, The Holy Spirit who saved lives and brought others closer to Him, Using us as tools in Your hands to love those in need, The busy schedule that made us dependent on you, The way You changed our lives and made us more like You. in Jesus’ name, Amen L. Muzik


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GO FOR IT!! Exciting skiing on Mt. W.O.L.B.I.!!

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"Don’t we look alike?"


Dawna & Jim in an ancient tomb in Bethle-

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John floats on his stomach in the Dead Sea



The Dome or the Rock on Mt. Moriah


Looking at the empty tomb of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane

Near the hill of Golgotha


MISSIONS CONFERENCE 1984 The Missions Committee started late in the fall quarter, as they diligently organized ideas for what would become the greatest Missions Conference ever. The first thing on the agenda was a slogan. Many were suggested, but after long deliberation the slogan "Reap Don’t Sleep" was chosen. Soon after, the Word of Life professional Drama team put their minds together and came up with the first of many skits. "What could be happening?’’, the class was inquiring, Z’s everywhere in Council Hall, and strange skits were being performed. Little did they know the stage was being set. During the winter break much time was spent in prayer. The Missions committee asked that the Lord would grant wisdom upon themselves concerning an offering goal, and moreover that lives would be motivated toward missions. LJpon returning, last minute details were still being attended to, including one last important assembly with Harry Bollback. This meeting had the purpose of choosing the 1984 Missions Faith Promise goal. Everyone seemed to have their minds set on reaching the entire

list of mission needs which totaled to $63,100.00. Well it was a unanimous vote and the goal was set for the entire amount. The mission boards represented were as follows: Mission Representative Unevangelized Field’s Missions Bob Cable

Atlantic City Rescue Mission

Rex Whitman

Council of Evang. Bapt. Church Natasha Vins Child Evangelism Fellowship Bob Howe New Tribes Mission Bill Martin Open Air Campaigners Eric Briscoe Worldwide European Fellowship Gerald Smith

WOL Clubs

Roy Davoll

The Special speakers were: Jack Wyrtzen, Ron Blue, Rex Whitman, Harry Bollback, Don Kelso, Jack McGuckin and George Theis. The Conference consisted of general meetings with the above special speakers, workshops that included individual mission boards, Prayer groups, devotions with missionaries, The International Banquet, and closing with the Faith Promise offering. Oh! Let’s not forget special appearances by the one and only Super Missionary!! The results were overwhelming as over 200 people committed their lives to missions. To the glory of God, the Class of 1984 pledged $63,631.00. The night of the offering, over $4,500 was received in cash alone. Praise the Lord!! ’84 GIVES MORE!!



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SWEETHEART BANQUET One of the highlights of the winter quar­ ter was the Sweetheart Banquet. Everyone was in a panic to get a date before "The Computer” matched them up. It was a great time, with a chance to relax and enjoy yourself. Following the meal, there was special music by Christine Wyrtzen and Paul Schumacher. Harry Bollback was the speaker. It was a neat way to break up the winter quarter.

"What's your name little boy?” "My name is Lemme.” "Lemme what, little boy?" "Lemme Kiss ya!" "What’s your name little girl?” "My name is Ida.” "Ida what, little girl?” "Ida Wanna!” . . .






The Spring Bible Conference was a great way to start off our Spring quarter. With Acts 17:11 as the theme verse, we "searched the scriptures" with Dr. Clarence Didden and Dr. Elmer Towns. Dr. Didden, a pastor in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, spoke to us about Bible prophecy and current events. Dean of the School of Religion at Liberty Baptist College, Dr. Towns touched us with the subject of active faith. The closing meeting of the conference was a Banquet with Jack McGuckin, WOL Evangelist, as the speaker. It was a challenging weekend with much insight given from these great men of God. Hopefully, we will carry this knowledge with us, remembering the things prophesied which God shall bring to pass in the future, and, that our faith is a working faith and not just the something we say we have.

Jack Wyrtzen

Dr. Clarence Didden

Janet Kallassy, soloist

"These (the Bereans) were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether these things were so.” ACTS 17:11

Word of Life Collegians

Jon and Kelly sing at the banquet

Anticipation before the banquet

Word of Life Quartet


Lee Scurlock and Barb Da- voll became very special to the Collegians during the course of the year at WOLBI. These two ladies work very hard to make the tours run smoothly on stage. Mrs. Scurlock has made most of the costumes used in the productions and Mrs. Davoll is the drama coach for the productions. We all appreci­ ate the time they’ve put in, for us, this year.

Barb Davoll

Lee Scurlock





Guest Lecturers

Jack Murray-Ezra/Nehemiah

Ron Blue-Acts

Paul Brownback-Contemp. Problems

John White-Revelation/Leviticus


Tom Taylor-Church History

John Sproule-Hebrews

Wendell Calder-James

John Davis-Daniel

Joseph Mauk-Pneumatology

Earle Osborn-1 Peter

Renald Showers

Michael Grill-Counseling

Daniel Gellatt-Ecclesiology

John Whitcomb-Genesis

Joe Stowell-Philippians



Paul Bubar

Ken Mayhan

Dr. John White, Jr.

Mike Calhoun

Wayne Vanderwier

Roger Ellison

Sherril Babb

Lou Nichols



Row 1: B. Schein, C. Schofield, J. Centineo, D. Payne, D. Dray, R. Caldejon, J. Pittman, C. Cate, K. McKeard; Row 2: C. Ellison, B. Kline, R. Maiorana, P. Oliver, C. Nyland, P. Howard, M. Guzman, L. Scott, J. Cerak, A. Schmitt, S. Fitton, K. Postle, D. Ridge, Row 3: D. Krizon, T. Gee, R. Hewison, R. Skepple, B. Supprenant, L. Muzik; Absent: C. Fuqua, R. Davis, J. Farrell, J. Reimer, N. Brantner



I want to teach my dormmates how to live this WOLBI life on earth, To face its struggles and its strife so God can change their worth- Not just the lesson in the Book or how the verses flow; But how to choose the proper path wherever they may go- To understand eternal truth and know the right from wrong; And capture the full beauty of a lost soul washed clean from wrong For if I help my dorm to grow in your wisdom and your grace; Then all the demerits that I have given have worked their rightful place- And so, I ask your guidance, God that I may do my part; For character and confidence having Christ The Ford of their Heart! Adapted By Pam Oliver from "A Teacher’s Prayer” By: James J. Matcalf



Front: Mark Carmichael, Brian Schwartz, Je ff Brown, Marcus Manuel, Shawn Rafferty Back: Chris Muller, Heide Bernhardt, Linda Smith, Julie Wheeler, Debbie Busch, Cindy Fink, Kathy Fisher, Heidi Stout, Mary Espenshade, Ruth Brown, Robin Tibbetts, Deanna Bimpson, Pam Oliver, Heather Healey, Brenda Hoffman OVERSEAS INTERNS

Fabiola Cleofa-Netherlands, Antilles; Anthony Hall-Bermuda; Troy Hassell-Bermuda; Michael Holton (SYM)- England; Magdolina Molina-Netherlands, Antilles; Kevin Oliveira-Bermuda; Jared Robinson-Bermuda; VaVa Silva (SYM)-Brazil; Sueli Franco (SYM)-Brazil; Tor Schiander-Norway; Rainer Scholtz-Germany; Hiroshi Takama-Japan; Sarah Anne Tucker-Bermuda; Ton Van - Straalen-Netherlands, Holland


Dave Krizon-Vice President, Dave Payne-President, Teresa Eger- Treasurer, Randy Caldejon-Chaplain, Dawna Ridge-Secretary DORM REPRESENTATIVES

(L-R)R-l: Bob Cunningham, Rich Weiss, Mark Beaulieu, Don Lough, Ken Lilly, Dave Schlee; R-2: Jonathan Damon, Jill Van Dam, Jaime Strohecker, Dawn Ayles, Tracy Voorhis, Sue Alexander, Debbie Fareno, Robin Rupp, Debbie Jackman, Mike Klink; R-3: Steve Huffine, Kevin Partello, Dan Van Laar, Micah Rosier, Greg Behrens, Absent-Barb Cooper


photographers in the dark are Steve Smith and Shawn Rafferty workers and choice men in the Lord, who worked hard!

The Yearbook staff advisor, Mr. Wicks, who was a guide to the blind . . . "instructing them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed/’ I Timothy 6: 18,19

To this present hour ... we toil, working with our own hands; . . . when we are persecuted, we endure . . . I Corinthians 4:1 la,12

Yearbook editors Corie Price, Cheryl Vivian and Lisa Fuller pictured here in the midst of their "organized" but cluttered office.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made knowrs to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus ... I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:6,7 & 13 "Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress may be evident to all ... persevere in these things ... "I Timothy 4:15,16

". . . but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor I Corinthians 3:8b


Front: Andy Tobin, Dick Dray, Mike Portzline, Back: Dwayne Schweitzer, John Kellough, Lee Benwire, Larry Muzik, George Weaver, Brian Sturgis, Steve Podmaska WOLBI BASKETBALL

"if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the prize unless he competes according to the rules.” II Tim 2:5 "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil 3:14

"Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” I Tim 6:12

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PEP BAND Top-Front: Dean Crider, Judy Perry, Julie Wheeler, Leilani Danigelis, Debbie Busch, Barbara Thurlow, Virginia Schuler, Merrilea Schrack, Bruce Stanton. Back: Micah Rosier, Charles Roughton, Bill Davis, Brian Emmerson, Mike Rodrigues, Brian Peters, Rupert Hewison, Carl Benedict, Roger Schiele, Gary Fizzano, Hudson Vanderhoff,


Left-Front: Judy Perry, Deana Shriver. Back: Dawn Ayles (coach), Lisa Horton, Maria Guzman, Roseann Maiorana, Wendy Frye (coach) Not Pictured: Mary Espenshade, Juleen Warne

One of the many prayer bands posters inving you to join in prayer and fellowship . . . James 5:16b PRAYER BANDS

EUROPEAN Front: Ginny Schuler, Cindy Fink, Fabiola Cleofa, Aleca Smpraou Back: Ken Lilly, Ton VanStroalen, Debbie Fareno, Tor Schiander, Sharon Meigs, Angelo Polihrom, Mike Richards Not Pictured: Harold Hallas, Scott Teachout

SOUTH AMERICAN Lisa Trevanthan, Kent Dyment Not Pictured: Neal Adanti*, Harold Adkins, Cheryl Riley

ARMED FORCES Front: Pat Newman, Becky Kline Back: Jeff Fournier, Terry Gee*, Nicholas Shear Not Pictured: Rich Hower GERMAN Front: Dave Pryce, Rainer Scholtz*, Tor Schiander Back: Steve Smith, Scott Teachout

COLLEGE & CAREER Front: Linda Smith, Sherrie Dickinson, Sharon Meigs Back: Joe Mas*, Eve Steenland, Bud Moore, Jaime Strohecker, Amy Boutellier, Kim Easton, Kathy Kaufman

ALASKA & CANADA Front: Larry Martin, Eileen Tyler, Bob Morgan* Back: Ken Kobs, Marvin Hinkley, Sean Sonnell, Robbie English, Jay VanSchaick, Craig Kallgren, Sheldon MacGillivary Not Pictured: Karen MacLean, Ken Weaver, Tim Swavely, Ron Heck, Steve Whitney, Deborah Norman

WOMEN & CHILDREN Front: Aleca Smprau, Kathy Boysman*, Brenda Adams, Shelli Vaughn, Back: Sharon Meigs, Kathy Sibert, Juleen Warne Not Pictured: Barbara Cooper, Dori Murray, Lisa Horton, Donna Weinman, Sue Fitton, Bev Hedger, Wendy Frye

WOL CLUBS: Mark Ray*, Gary Parke, Sidney Summiel Not

STUDENT BODY: Ken Lilly, Ruth Simons, David Payne*

Pictured: Steve Whitney, Ed Mitchell

"The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.” - Luke 10:2 The emphasis of the Prayer Bands this year was to encourage and to pray for missionaries around the world. The prayer bands have endeavored to fulfill this emphasis by establishing correspondence with missionaries and mission boards. This has given the students the opportunity to become aware of the needs and to share the burden missionaries have. Throughout the year the prayer bands have had activities such as banquets, fellowships and student body missions chapels to encourage the student body to participate in prayer bands and to challenge students to consider missions. The Prayer Bands were organized according to geographical areas of the world or specific ministries and every student was encouraged to meet regularly with one of the 21 Prayer Bands.

Randy Caldejon Student Body Chaplain

Chaplain Randy Caldejon hosted the pizza party for prayer band members and their guests.

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