Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook1984

CITADEL BIBLE COLLEGE PROGRAMS: One year basic Bible program. Four year program offering a Bachelor’s Degree. MAJORS: Every student is enrolled in a Bible major plus one of the following: Pastoral Studies, Missions, Christian Education, Christian Elementary Education or Sacred Music. YOUTH MAJOR: Two full years transferred. Finish your degree in two more years. CAMPUS: 143 acre campus on the summit of Mt. Manitou in the midst of the Ozark Mountains. COST: Fees per semester 1984-85: Room $385.00, Board $545.00, Tuition per hour $45.00. Average semester cost in approximately $1690.00. INDEPENDENT: Citadel Bible College is not affiliated with any denomination. GEOGRAPHICAL: Students come from 25 states REPRESENTATION: ranging from Minnesota to Flor­ ida; California to New England; and eight foreign countries. LOCATION: Near 1-40, 120 miles west of Little Rock; 7 driving hours from Dallas, Texas; 16 hours from Atlanta, Georgia; 24 hours from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 17 hours from Denver, Colorado; and 15 hours from Chicago, Illinois.


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