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We changed our name. . .
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MASTER BOOK PUBLISHERS (Formerly Creation-Life Publishers)
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We have broadened our scope to include other needed areas, in addition to creation/evolution subjects. Now we also publish Bible study and reference books, as well as youth novels and children's books. Read Covered Wagon Boy, Bitter Waters, Cold Rush Town, or The Stubby Story Series. Write for free booklist. MASTER BOOK PUBLISHERS P. O. Box 15908 San Diego, California 92115 i l
Brown & Son Lumber Co.f Inc Box 175 POTTERSVILLE, NEW YORK 12860 1 (518) 494-2998
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Awell-rounded “Disticntively Christian” education, nurtured in the atmosphere of 'A a dynamic local church, can be yours at Tennessee Temple Unievrsity.
If God has called you and you have the faith to step out, we invite you to consider Tennessee Temple University. "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it."
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Tennessee Temple consists of the divisions of Arts and Sciences, Bible and Christian Ministries, Graduate Studies, Temple Baptist Theological Semi nary, Deaf Studies, and Academy (K-12). • All-Christian faculty • Full sports program • Teacher education curriculum approved by Tennessee State Board of Education
Chattanooga, Tennessee Telephone (615) 698-6021
J RFaulkner
Lee Roberson Founder-Chancellor
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