Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook1984


A Baptist college of arts and sciences, Cedarville offers an excellent, aeeredited Christian college education. Maintaining conservative standards of conduct and an active Christian serv ice program, the college program includes a broad background of general studies, a required minor in Bible, and a major field or special program selected from fortv-three areas:

Major f ields of Study Accounting American Studies Behax ioral Science Bible, Comprehensive Bible, Preseminarx Biologx Broadcasting Business Administration ( Jiemistrx (Church Music (lommunication Arts Computer Infomation Systems E Ieme nta rv Kducation English

Special Programs Bible - one \ear Medical Tcchnologx Preagriculture Predental Preengineering Premedical Prepharmacx Prc\ ctermarx ROTC -Army R()IC - Air Force Study Abroad Program Secondary Education (JO areas of certification) Secretarial \dministration Special Education l rban Studies

I Iistorx Mathematics Music Music Education Nursing Physical Education Political Science Prelaw Ifsychologx Public \dministration Science, (-omprehensix e Social Science Sociologx Spanish

Join the other WOl. graduates orho are continuing their education at Cedarville College . WOl.HI alumni typically transfer 57 quarter hours; SYM students may transfer an additional 5t} quarter hours. h'or more information vrite: Dim tor of Admissions, ('.atarnlie College, Ho\ 6dJ, Cctlamllc . OH 4x114

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