Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook1984





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Congratulations on "finishing the course" of W.O.L.B.I. May I remind you that commencement actually means "beginning". Today you begin another chapter of your life. A chapter that will demonstrate how much of what was taught, you have caught. How much of it will become a vital part of your daily lifestyle? You are about to understand what a little bird feels like when he is kicked out of the nest. You are going to try your wings. You'll experience what the disciples felt as the Lord ascended into Glory and left them behind. But everyone of them resisted that initial let­ down, got it all back together, and poured out their life’s blood as martyrs for the Lord. Would to God we would catch this same drive and out of the Class of '84 God would raise up firebrands for his honor and glory. At the end of his life Peter gave us the secret to this lifestyle. "Grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ" II Peter 3:18. As I say "so-long" to all of you, may the Holy Spirit engrave this on your soul and make it your daily and lifetime goal. "Grace” and "Knowledge of the Lord". George Theis

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