Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook1984

The local church is founded upon the foundational Stone Himself, Jesus Christ. What a privilege it’s been to serve in it these past eight months! As a group of Christians we’ve shared and experienced joy­ ous salvation decisions, baptisms and dedications, as well as feeling the despairs and discouragements that come when serving the Lord on the front line against our foe the Devil. God has certainly blessed us all and allowed us to grow in His grace while serving the Lord. Our past experiences now will lay the foundation for the years ahead of serving the Saviour in His body the Church. In Christ’s service, The Saratoga Ministry

Center White Creek: Rick Martens, Rebecca Zender

Lake George: Front-Ken Weaver, Rich Hart, Sean Connel, Middle-Tara Goheens, Kathy Howland, Diana Petty, Pam Adams, Kim Pyle, Cheryl Hensley, Kathy Boysman, Sue Fitton, Back-Mark Rennick, Jeff McLeod "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.” Galatians 6; 9

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