The staff of the 1984 Open Door would like to dedicate this yearbook to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We pray that as you look through these pages and see faces and events from the past year, you will remember the One who brought us together. Learn ing more about our Lord and growing closer to Him has found us learning more about ourselves and those around us. Know, Grow, Show . . . these are three words that, when applied to Christian living, have a great deal of meaning. We have learned through our Quiet Time Diarys, work assignments, ministries and classes what these words really mean. They are the "mottoā€¯ of Word of Life, and we have adopt ed them as the theme of our year book. We hope that when this school year is over, each one of us will continue to learn more about the Lord, grow in Him each day, and show others what He means in our lives.
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