Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1990





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Right: Racheal Johndro and Kerri King make the most of a ten-minute break! Below: Flash us those WOLBI smiles! (Tera Terzakos, Kim Dame).

Above: You never know who’s watching you! (John Tice). Right: There’s something for everyone at WOLBI! (Ted Pullen, Bill Turpin, Troy Stimson).


Left: Hurry up-take the picture! It’s cold out here! I want to be me — an in­ dividual — my own person — different. But the only way I can be totally me — is if I am being what You want me to be. If You are shining through me — if You are being You in my life, then people will see the me that I was destined to be — the me that reflects You clearly. So, Lord, help me to allow You in — every corner — every part of me, so I can be as me as I can be. Then, I will be different, unique, the indi­ vidual You have planned for me. Because I am the only one who can be me, and You are the only One Who can be You through me, therefore allowing me to be me — The way You planned me! — Jennifer Hale


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Left: Merry Christmas, Ring the Bells '89!




Right: Asia 14 really gels into Valentine’s Day! (Natalie Temple, Melissa Mahurin, Linda Bennett, Nadia Kandia). Below: Would somebody please give him a dollar so he can ride inside? (Terry Martin).

Middle Right: Chris Miller and his body­ guards barely escape another vicious attack. (Jeff Dowling, Mr. Miller, Joel Hoffman, Scott Ludington). Right: How can you not love WOLBI girls? (Julie Schwartz, Amy Mercier, Pam DcVrou).






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Left: Peanut butter and Jelly — it’s hard to get them apart. (Klara Kruger, Vera Thielmann) Below:“Hiike!” (Mr. Schenke)

Above: A grape float with chocolate ice cream, prunes, and rainbow jimmies didn’t sound that bad! (Johnny Walters). Left: What are friends for? (Mike Bauer, April Olivencia).



Sometimes I need to take time out of my schedule and think of all the things I’ve been blessed with. God has done so much for me. When I think of all He’s done, it stirs me. Why would the most awesome being of all care for me? What’s even more frustrating, is how little in return I give to Him. My prayer for my life is to have a peace in my heart about what I give God. Sometimes nothing seems enough. If I give myself to God, and let Him do with me what He plans, I will be able to take a closer look at my life and know that it was Christ who lived His life through me, in me, and was praised by me. — Tim Kirschner

Right: The game is behind you, Chris! (Chris Allen).

Above: Dig these pants! (Tricia Davis, Tammy Mikusow). Right: The long and short of it all. (Jason Breda, Chuck Deinum).


Left: My earmufTs are bigger than yours! (Linda Bennett). Below: TEA TIME! Andrew Wilson enjoys a cup of tea-British style!

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Above: Behind closed doors! Is this really what happens during study hours?! Left: Banquet time is so much fun! (South America memories will never die!)


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Right: Closeness of WOLFBI friends — shown by Jodi Goff and Christine Gorczy- ca. Below: An African punishment for talking in chapel. (Unity Nkosi).




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Right: Lone Ranger one and Lone Ranger two check the direction of the wind before the big game. (Bumper Hidalgo, Tim Kirschner).


Left: Charise Green models the latest fash­ ions for winter.

Above: A closer look at two diddly-boppers. (Gale Nocella, Jennifer Schwartz) Left: 73 .. . 74 ... (Andrew Wilson)


Right: Is this proper behavior for a WOLBI girl? (Charise Green, Linda Denton) Below: Good morning, Jason! Only four more days left! (OAC#5 Boston).

Above: So, is this where the real men hang out? (Dave Kaminkow, Mark Sellers) Right: Lisa Neary and Don Swanson take time out for a quick snapshot.


Left: Precious Moments. (Kelley Hillard, Tania Dochuk).

Above: Keep practicing, Denise, someday you'll get it right! (Denise Watchorn). Left: The only kind of hugging that won't cost you demerits. (Pam DeVrou, Julia Rehfeld).


Gently God transforms leaves in the fall To colors that glorify the season. The same way He works in all our lives For all things there is a reason. Soon winter comes and cold sets in Your warmth and love does soothe You're spread through hearts and lives and minds How strongly Your spirit moves. Spring is the time for things anew flowers in bright array We lift our voices to praise Your name

For bringing new life each day. Summer sun beats on our brow reminding us of Your glory And how the Saviour lives today Oh what a wondrous story!

— Christine Kallassy



FACULTY God has put certain people in our lives. Teachers, deans, and staff advisors here at WOLBI, were all divinely assigned to you. They are all part of the Lord’s plan for your life. God knew who would instruct you and teach you. These people, our “authority,” are now a part of our lives. I thank God for them and their willingness to be used by God, here at the B.I. The things that they have taught us, will never part. We need to pray that we can pass on what we have learned, for we are held more accountable as we grow spiritually! So let’s cut out those Calvin & Hobbes cartoons and show the; a friend. §1


CLOSER LOOK In 1940 few would have believed that the ministry of Word of Life would expand into t4§fe world wide organization it is tocHy. God took one man, who had a dream who was willing to do things that no one had done before. God took this man and has used him to bring thousands of every race, language and nation into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The man is Jack Wyrtzen. Throughout the years, God has led other great spiritual leaders to Jack. Men such as Harry Bollback, George Theis. Men who shared the vision of what God could do, with Word of Life. These men, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, have expanded the ministry of Word of Life into other countries. Camps, Bible Institues, and Bible Clubs mark the ministry, in every country in which it exists. As time continues to progress, Word of Life will continue to grow, to enter new countries, to enter new areas of ministry. Word of Life has held faithful to the Word of God and to the preaching of the Gospel of Christ. As Word of Life continues to hold faithful, God will continue to show His faith­ fulness by bringing thousands of people to a relationship with Jesus Christ. A man, a vision, a will­ ingness to be used by God.








Jack fVyrtz President, Harry Bollback Vice President, George Theis Vice Presi­ dent





Stuart Page A CLOSER LOOK Mr. Page was bom in New York and raised in Massachusetts. He graduated from Syracuse Univer­ sity with a B.S. degree in Forestry. While working for a pulp mill in Maine, he responded to the Gospel under the ministry of Wendell Cal- der. He had a strong desire for the Word and wanted to know it, so he came to the Word of Life Bible Institute. He was a member of the first graduating class of the Insti­ tute, the class of 1970. It was dur­ ing that year he became the Dean of Students. Mr. Page felt the call of God to continue on at Word of Life and stayed on after gradua­ tion. Today he is still staying on as the Executive Dean. He is respon­ sible for all aspects of the Bible Institute. He and his wife, Bette, have one daughter and two sons, of which all three attended the Bible Institute. because of your sin. Thank him for rising from the dead and conquering the grave. The Bible says, “Whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13) So right now, Thank Him for saving your soul! Sound too good to be true? well just believe what God says — and act upon it! “Faithful is He that called you” (I Thessaloni- ans 5:24). But remember, its up to you to answer His call, and receive Christ as your personal Sav­ ior. Let me know of your decision by dropping me a note, and I’ll send information that will help you in your decision. What a glorious thing it is to know “He is God, the faithful God” (Deuteronomy 7:9)! Why not come to Him today? — Word of Life, Schroon Lake, NY 12860

John Nelson

Doug Mieras

TWENTY YEARS of Academic Excellence

turers over the years have included; Ron Blue, John Whitcomb, Charles Ryrie, Dave Wyrtzen, to name just a few. All visiting lecturers are experts in their Fields. This varied staff of experts makes the program of Word of Life, like no other. Students graduating from the Institute have gained the knowledge of a 4 year Bible Major, in one year. Students going on for more education, upon completing the In­ stitute, are highly valued and desired by other Christian colleges. They say, “Bible Institute Students are educated and disciplined, higher than any other school.” Schol­ arships are given by most of these colleges to encourage Word of Life students to attend. Word of Life is an organization that meets the needs as they rise. The Bible Institute was started to meet a need in the area of Bible training. In the past few years, needs have arisen in the area of youth work and missions. Word of Life responded to the need, with the School of Youth Ministries and the School of Missions and Evangelism. Both programs follow the same pattern as the Bible In­ stitute, but their programs are designed to train people to meet the needs of youth and people of the 90’s, no matter what country, culture, race, or language. Twenty years of academic excellence, that has touched and changed the lives of literally thousands. Twenty years of academic excellence that has trained thousands in the Word of God. twenty years of academic excellence that is continuing into the future.

With the Celebration of the 50th anniversary of Word of Life Fellowship this year; few have realized that one of the many divisions of Word of Life is celebrating an anniversary also; The Bible Institute is celebrating it’s 20th anniversary. For many years. Jack Wyrtzen was burdened with, an area that he saw lacking, the area of Bible training. He saw a need for a school that taught one thing, the Bible. The thought of a one year school where students studied nothing but the Word of God, never left his mind. In 1970, that school became a reality, and the Word of Life Bible Institute came into existence. The school was designed after a pattern set, by the very First Institute in San Paulo, Brazil; which was begun a few years earlier, by Jack’s son-in-law, Dave Cox. The Institute program was set up on a system where, a Guest Lecturer, would teach a different class each week. (Each class was Bible related.) Along with the Guest Lec­ turers, were the residing Faculty, teaching Theology and Bible Survey. Through this type of program, the Bible was taught and completely gone through, three times in one year. Jack realized that true learning actually applied those principles, which were learned. Therefore ministry be­ came an outlet of the Bible Institute. Here students might apply those things which they have learned. Since that First year, nothing has changed. Student en­ rollment has increased from 40 students that First year, to over 500 in the class of’90, but even with this growth, the underlying principles haye never changed. Visiting lec­

A MESSAGE FROM JACK WYRTZEN When Word Of Life was founded in 1940, America was emerging from the worst economic depression of its history — and facing a world war unprecedented in its scope and destruction. Yet today, our nation is gripped by a moral decay that threatens our survival as surely as any war of financial catastrophe. Abortion, drugs, homosexuality — all were un­ heard of fifty years ago. Although it’s important to address the concerns of the day, the basic issue never changes. That’s why Word Of life has al­ ways stuck to the root problem of sin, by pro­ claiming its solution in Christ. The 1990 OPEN DOOR theme is “A Closer i

Look.” We’ve chosen “A Closer Look” as an appropriate theme for this edition, because 1990 marks Word Of Life’s 50th anniversary year. We are taking A Closer Look at God’s faithfulness. Word of Life isn’t perfect, but we can offer abun­ dant testimony that in being faithful to God’s calling, in turn “God is faithful by whom ye were called” I Corinthians 1:9) God’s faithfulness not only applies to organ­ izations, but to individuals as well. For example, God promises “if we confess our sins. He is faith­ ful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9) Perhaps you are wondering how to appropriate that promise? First you must personally admit, “Lord, I have sinned.” Remember, Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Then thank Him for dying on the cross for you, dying in your place


Sam Adams

Tom Atema

Dave Barber

Paul Bubar

Davia Burlingame

Amy Bush

Above: Three peas in a pod, as happy as can be, serving the Lord together, throughout eternity. (Jack, George, and Harry)

Len Charron

Mike Calhoun

Office of President Jack Wyrtzen, Founder, President ■ 9 ?■ ' Harry Rollback, Vice President George Theis Vice President Board Of Directors:

Paul Bubar Leander Chute Edward Galenka Kermit Gehman Donald Hershey Andy Horner Abram Horst John Janho Jr.

Donald R. Kelso Wendell Kempton Bob Moore Sr. Bill Price Jack Saunders Robert Steed Barney Van Dyk

p Sr.

Rich Ahl Perry Brown

Executive Administration



Roy Davoll

Tom Davis

Susie Davis

Lesli Cotton


Brian Gower

Kim Goode

Roger Ellison

Brian Donley

Heidi Haselhorst

Carla Gray

Bob Gray

Judy Gower

Women, Staff Adv. Sharon Wagoner Asst. Dean of Women, Staff Adv. John Tice Asst, to the Deans Bill Turner Asst, to the Deans Sue Kirby Asst, to the Deans Brian Gower Dir. of Evangelism, P.E. Dir., Snow Camp Dir., Staff Adv.

Tom Davis Academic Dean, Prof., Staff Adv. Brian Headdings SYM/SME Dean, Staff Adv. Dave James Dean of Men, Staff Adv. Sam Adams Asst. Dean of Men, Staff Adv. Ginny Newton Dean of

Dong Mieras Administrator, Staff Adv. John Nelson Operations Manager, Staff Adv. Stuart F. Page Executive Dean, Staff Adv. Administration Joe Schenke Dean of Students, Staff Adv.


Bob Hess

Brian Headdings

Joanne Hess

Dave James

Above: “You say your face is cold, Mr. Donley, pull the hat all the way down.” Left: “You want to go where on internship? Your local church!” (Brian Gower)

Dave Barber Asst, to Dir. of Evangelism, Asst. Snow Camp Dir. Heidi Haselhorst Asst, to Dir. of Evangelism, Asst. Snow Camp Dir. Tom Sampley Admissions Dir. Staff Adv. Bob Gray Business Manager,

Staff Adv. Paul Bubar Overseas Dir., Missions Conference Dir. Roger Elliso I Pastor Faculty and Staff Chris Miller Prof., Computer Prog., Staff Adv. Marshall Wicks Prof., Yearbook Adv., Library Dir.,

Married Student Adv. Brian Donley Dir. of Music Elizabeth Nelson Dir. of Public Speaking, Staff Adv. Barbara Davoll Drama Coach and Instructor Keith Balsley P.E. Instructor Kim Goode Nurse, Staff Adv. Pat Newman Nurse


Sue Kirby

Karen James


Chris Miller

Carol Lough

Above: “SYM/SME, here I come! I think I am going like it here.” (Brian Headdings) Right: “Got to keep them posted. I am their only source to the outside world.” (Tom Davis)


Davia Burlingame Executive Sec., Staff Adv. Joanne Hess Receptionist, Staff Adv. Shirley Richards Academic Sec. Elaine Sampley Librarian Dir., Staff Adv. Lesli Cotton Admissions Sec.

Jodie Sewall Admissions Sec. Colleen Nazarene Business Office Sec. Tom Atema Dir. of Gift Planning, Staff Adv. Chris Atema Staff Adv. Bud Brentlinger Personnel Manager, Staff Adv. Beth Brentlinger Staff Adv.

Amy Bush Staff Adv.

Mike Calhoun Dir. of Clubs, Staff Adv. Len Charron Overseas Business Manager, Staff Adv. Susie Davis Staff Adv. Roy Davoll Staff Writer, Staff Adv. Judy Gower Staff Adv.


Pat Newman

Elizabeth Nelson

Colleen Nazarene

Pam Miller

Ginny Newton

Shirley Richards

Above: “Don’t mess with me, Jon Bubar. I am in the middle of totaling demerits and your name is up!” (Dave James)

Tom Sampley

Elaine Sampley

Glenn Slothower Food Service Dir., Staff Adv. Mike Bush Food Service Business Manager, Staff Adv. Ernie Toledo Chef Manager Fred Dinger Snak Shak Manager Linda Powell Food Service Clerk

Instructor, Staff Adv. Rick Warken Spanish Ministry Dir. Staff Adv. Linda Warken Staff Adv. Vanessa Wicks Married Student Staff Adv. Larry Porter CEF Instructor Debbie Porter CEF Instructor Food Service

Garla Gray Staff Adv. Robert Hess Office Services Manager, Staff Adv. Karen James Staff Adv. Carol Lough Staff Adv. Pam Miller Staff Adv. Robert Parschauer Rep. of Eastern Europe, Staff Adv. Connie Schenke CEF


Jodie Sewall

Joe Schenke

Above: “Go tell the world that Jesus lives . . (Jack at the Missions Conference)

Bill Turner

John Tice

Vanessa Wicks

Marshall Wicks

Rick Warken

Sharon Wagoner

Joyce Barwick Maintenance Secretary Otto Lubrich B.I. Maintenance Dir. Gail Kessell Housekeeping Dir. Tours Sam Sewall Bert Britt

Scott Freeman Paul Barney Scott Phillips Bill Sherman Scott Sjostrom Lynn Horton Lynell Smith

Jim Harvey Chef Bob McFadden Chef Dave Knabenshue Baker Tom Stoll Baker Maintenance Fred Cotton Maintenance Dir., Staff Adv. George Scurlock Manager New Construction


Len Charron

Roger Ellison

Mike Calhoun

Ron Blue

Lou Nicholes

Connie Schenke

John Masters

Joe Mauk

Dave Wyrtzen

Tom Taylor

Elmer Towns

John Whitcomb

Dave James Methodologies of Missions Dr. Charles Wagner Joshua Dr. Leslie Madison Nehemiah

Len Charron Time Management James Bjornstad Cults I and II Bill Gothard Institute in Basic Life Principles Dr. Roger Ellison Judges, Christian Education Dr. Ron Blue Acts Lou Nicholes Deputation and Finance, Christian Family Dun Gordy Methodologies of Missions Boh Parschauer Missionary Realities Dr. Wendell Calder James, Ephesians, Theology and Methodologies of Evangelism Steve Hobbs Philippians

Dr. Sumner Wemp Personal Evangelism Rev. Art Williams Personal Evangelism Rev. Bill Fortner Personal Evangelism Dr. Dave Wyrtzen Proverbs, Counseling Jack Wyrtzen II Peter/Jude Dr. Charles Scheide Local Church, Pastoral Epistles Joe Mauk I Peter, Contemporary Problems Jerry Day I Corinthians Mike Calhoun Developing a Philosophy of Ministry Dr. Tom Figart Contemporary Problems

Sam Frey Methodologies of Missions Connie Schenke Methodologies of Missions :|i}:f t Dr. Tom Taylor Church History Dr. Bob Dowie Hebrews Dr. John Davis Psalms


Rick Garland Youth in the Local Church Dr. Elmer Towns Ecclesiology, Youth in the Local Church Dr. John Morris Creation Ken Ham Creation

Dr. John Whitcomb Genesis Dr. John Masters Leviticus


Dave Knabenshue

Ernie Toledo

Mike Bush

Glenn Slothower

Fred Dinger

Bob McFadden

Jim Harvey

Linda Powell

Otto Lubrich

Gail Kessell

Fred Cotton

Tom Stoll



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STUDENTS By the end of this ’89-’90 school year between 500-600 students will have sat in classrooms at the Word of Life Bible Institute, School of Youth Ministries, and School of Missions and Evangelism. As we take A Closer Look into the future, we see that those who are students now, will soon be leaders; leading in government, churches, business, and homes. When that day arrives, many will consider themselves to no longer be students. They will find no need to continue their learning. At that time, they will cease to be a leader. For a leader is a student, learning from others, learning from the Word of God, and learning from the circum­ stances in which he finds himself. A leader will never stop learning. A leader will stop and take A Closer Look to ensure himself that he is a student.


*Nicolasa Acero Dave Adams Joye Adolfson Joon Ahn

*Heather Aitken *Andrea Albury Esther Alcindor Chris Allen

Abigail Allison Jared Alsdorf *Michael Altland Daniel Altman

Scott Anderson Karen Andrews Emery Anstett Jeremy Armao

*Yvonne Astwood Jenny Aulph Brian Austin Andrew Avery


Scott Bader Joanna Baker Keith Balsley* Robert Banister

Patrick Banner David Barber* Rachel Barr Melodie Barron

Cindi Barry Tom Batchelor Michael Bauer Dennis Beasley

Jonathan Beemer Darlene Beiler Jenny Belcher David Bell*

Dawn Bell* Kyle Bellamy John Belland Linda Bennett



Harold Bergman *Chris Berner Norbert Binder Kenneth Bird

Renee Blackman Steven Blanton Gwen Blodgett Jacqueline Bolin

Tim Bouman Jody Bowers Susan Boyd Jason Breda


Eric Brennen Rich Broecker Deborah Brooker Michelle Brooks

*Andrew Brown Barry Brown Chamron Brown Michelle Brubaker



Dawn Bruno Jonathan Bubar* Brenda Butler Mimi Byers

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Ken Caines Tricia Caldbeck Janet Calder Heather Calderwood

Tammy Cammann* Douglas Cams* Jenni Case Glenda Chambers

Michael Chance Gail Chapman Kathi Chapman* Christian Charette

Heidi Childs Steven Chown Jeanette Chute Lori Chute


This year we’ve spent together We’ve grown so many ways, With close new friends and busy schedules, How quickly passed the days. We’ve seen God work so strongly — In lives, in hearts, in minds, We’ve had the chance to work for Him, With desires to help mankind. From class to camp to devo’s, Chapels, tours, and ministries One unified goal we set to reach Was to grow closer, Lord, to Thee. Now as we say our last farewell, We have one last request — That when we meet the Lord above, He’ll know we’ve done our best. Christine Kallassy 1John 5:5

Above Right: “I will not be late ... I will not be late!” (Jon Bubar — late again) Right: The few, the faithful, the Powder Puff fans.


Left: Joel Hoffman — at his “best!" Below: “Yes! You are working food prep for the fourth weekend in a row!” (Heidi Haselhorst)

Left: Gimme a break! (Emily Morris, Katherine Freeman) Above: “Hey — wherc'd everybody go?!" (Jeanette Holland)


Kevin Cischke Tricia Cleck Edgar Cole Julie Comstock


David Conner Karyn Cook Peter Cooney Suzanne Cooney

Laurence Corey Chuck Covelusky *Dawn Cricchio *Daniel Cymbal

Scott Cyphers Kim Dame *Larry Dame Heidi Dangler

Patricia Davis Todd Davis Woodbury Davis Pamela De Vrou



Tommie Dean Cheryl Dearing* Peter Dearing Chuck Deinum*

DeAnne DenBoer Linda Denton

David Dick Anne Diebel

David Diederich Amy Dirr Tania Dochuk Michele Dolbeck

Kaureen Dorsey Jeff Dowling David Dunham Carina Dunn*

Cherie Dunn Pamela Durand* Greg Ebert Betsy Elwell


*Robert Ely Johnny Emmerson Shawn Episcopo *Keith Erickson

Becky Eulian Deon Eve Kristine Fekete Carol Feliciano

David Ferguson Charles Field William Fields Wyatt Fisher

*Mark Fogarty Mindy Fonger Lori Fortier Jonathan Foster

Jennifer Fox *Melissa Fox Janice Freeman *Katherine Freeman




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Matthew Freeman Micha Frick Pam Fritz Angela Fry

Peter Funk Ken Fuss Robert Gardner Russ Garner

Anthony Gatti Kimberly Geremia Susan Geske Bobby Glauberg

Nancy Goldsborough Deborah Goodreau* Andrea Goodwin Christine Gorczyca

Waldemar Grabowski Lisa Gradwell Charise Green Chris Greene*


Below: Roomies — forever friends from WOLBI (Cindy Jellison. Michelle Dolbeck, Collyn McFadden, Melodie Baron) Right: Benson Omungo puts his classroom knowledge to work.

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Above: “Oh, I get it!*' (Jennifer Hale) Right: “You mean 1can't wear this to class?!" (Darren Miller)


Left: Paul Hicks wisely!

using his study hours

Below: “Hey! Who used up the hot water?! (Jeff Dowling, Jared Alsdorf)

Left: NERD ALERT!! Perfect example — Bumper Hidalgo.


Kent Gregory *Kevin Gregory *Bradley Grim Jodi Groff

Julie Grover Mary Grubbs Tom Grysen *Ann Guest

Babette Guhl Trevor Guiles *Cynthia Hafke Kristen Hagenson

Jennifer Hale Chris Hall Susan Hall *Catherine Halo

Julia Haltrich Tina Hamilton Christy Hanshew Nicholas Harkin



• ■

Tracy Hart Heidi Haselhorst Jenny Haselhorst Missy Hatch

Leonard Hayes Sean Hayward Robert Heim Staci Heindel


Phil Henderson Russell Herbert Stephen Hester Todd Hibbard*

Paul Hicks Bumper Hidalgo Dawn Higgins Kelley Hillard

Clark Hirt Angie Hobbs Kurt Hoff Joel Hoffman


Thomas Hoffman Jeannette Holland Steven Hoopes Bill Hopkins

Joel Hosier Rachel Hostetler Christine Howard *Ronald Huffmier

*Larissa Huey Bethany Hughes *Sharon Hughes Darrin Hunt

Debbie Hunt *Penny Hunt Donna Isett Robert Jacobs

Norman Jefferson Cynthia Jellison Racheal Johndro Julie Johns




Andrea Johnson* Anne Johnson Karen Johnston Greg Jones

James Jones* Wendy Jones Kimberly Joy Richard Kaffenberger

Christine Kallassy David Kaminkow Nadia Kandia Dorothy Karkada

Andrea Katz Sara Kauffman Deanna Keck Brian Kelley

Renee Kelly Todd Kenter Marion Kessler Caroline Kettering*


Below: “What do you mean my dorm job's not done0" (Todd Hibbard) Right: Bill Rose — one of our more so­ phisticated students.

Right: WOLBI's first snow brings out the little boy in all of us! (Bob Banister. Bob Sponable, Christian Charette, Wyatt Fish­ er)


Left: “Who says we look alike?" (Tim Mo- lesso, Dan Kleinau) Below: Bullwinkle — the trendsetter at WOLBI!

Above: Babette Guhl and Daniela Kurz daring another American meal!


Caterina Kilian Hae-Young Kim Patty Kim Denise King

Kerri King Shelly Kinzer *Sherry Kippycash *Susan Kirby

Edward Kirchberger Tim Kirschner

F’-ed Klein John Klein

Daniel Kleinau Christine Klinefelter

Aaron Knight *Dan Knight

Linda Knopp Fred Knowlton Tomoo Koike John Kray



Abram Kroeker Lilli Kroeker Stacey Kroh Klara Kruger

Daniela Kurz Suk-Kyun Kwon Clint La Vallee Steven Labbe*

Donna Lambert Robert Lane David Lawrence Gregory Lawrence

Robert Lawson Kerry Lewis Matthew Liber Deborah Lickmann*

Stacia Liddick* Tyra Liebo Gordon Loop Kokou Loko


Juan Lopez Mary Jo Lore Ken Lovelace James Lozada

Dan Luddington Todd Ludington *Jose Lugo Andrea Lundin

Bun Ny Ly *Sean MacDonald *Scott MacLean *Matthew Magdziarz

Melissa Mahurin *Patrick Marcoux Pedro Marroquin Beverly Marshall

Pamela Marshall Ryan Marshall Kim Martin Rhonda Martin



Wendy Martin Walter Mason* Danielle Mattson* Daron McAllister

Chris McClure Connie McConnell Janene McElree Jim McEwen

Colynn McFadden Jill McGee Deanna McGowan Scott McKie


Mark McKinney* Scott McKnight Jeffry McNett Melissa Mead

Stephen Melton* Helen Melville Amy Mercier James Mercaldo


Below: “See, it says right here, Thou shalt not throw snowballs at thy professor'!” (Mr. Miller, Mindy Fonger) Right: Michael Toney's way of letting loose after study hours.

Right: “Hey, guys, it really works!” (Penny Hunt, Beverly Marshall)


Left: “Shhh — THEY’RE SLEEPING!!” (Tim Kirschner, Melissa Mahurin, Chris­ tian Charette, Paul Hicks, Pam DeVrou)

Left: ‘T think I like Word of Life Florida better!” (Marek Wawrzyniak)


Sammy Mickel Paul Mieras Tammy Mikusow Carrie Miller

*Dale Kay Miller *Darren Miller Paul Miller Moagi Mogapi

Tim Molesso Kelly Mongold Ma~c Montei Viola Monus

Joy Moore Telemaco Moraes Vivian Moraes Jeffrey Morgan

Tony Morley James Morrell *Gregg Morrill *Emily Morris



Shawn Morrow Kelly Moyer* Lisa Moyer Chad Muessig

Julie Mulder Priscilla Munoz Scott Munson Christine Nawita*

Lisa Neary Rolland Neve Heather Nichols Steve Nichols

John Nicholson Unity Nkosi Gale Nocella* Patricia Norton

Donald Nugent Donny O’Wade April Olivencia Benson Omungu*


Jennifer Osborne *Jeff Oswald Dawn Oudman Jeffrey Owens

Wendy Parr *Bonnie Parschauer *Brent Parschauer *Bob Parschauer

Douglas Peck Philip Pesce Gregory Peters Tanya Posecznick

Kelly Poyser Peter Pratt Lynda Pray Elizabeth Price

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Ted Pullen Matt Ray Kelly Reed Julia Rehfeld



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Mark Reichert Tim Renkenberger Shawn Ressler Bart Rice

Kim Richeson Kevin Riggle Richard Risoldi Becky Robinson

Tera Rodocker Beverly Rohrbach Gladys Romo Lisa Root

Bill Rose* Allen Rosenfeld

Kathy Roux Kelly Rowe

Derric Rushlow Holly Russell* Dariusz Sacharzewski Camil Said


Above Right: So this is what tour does to you! (Sean Spoelstra) Below: “We’re substituting for Mr. Miller today!” (John Kray, Chris Holden)

Right: “Does anyone have a brush?!” (Tara Terzakos)



Left: Pottersville Vice. (Phil Pesce, Scott Vaccaro) Below: “This 6:20 Quiet time is killing me!'’ (Steve Nichols)

Left: Never a dull moment, in spite of a tiring tour! (Lisa Neary, Charise Green, Clint LaVallee, Tania Dochuk) Above: Who says WOLBI girls aren’t good- looking?! (Joni Baker, Jeanette Holland)


Rosemary Said *Robert Salizzoni *Tom Sampley Renee Schaffhauser

Dan Schamberg George Scheide Amy Schleh Stephen Schrader

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Christel Schroeder *Jennifer Schwartz Julie Schwartz Roger Scott

David Sellers Mark Sellers David Shawver Chris Shepherd


Walter Shockley Mark Silva Sackson Simon Jonathan Sinda



Kevin Skaer Audrey Smith* Bethany Smith* Bevan Smith*

Cary Smith* Dave Smith* Marcus Smith* Melissa Smith

Tim Smith* Angie Snyder Melanie Snyder Lorie Socci

Michael Spacek Simone Spieker Debbie Spiezio Sean Spoelstra

Bob Sponable Rebecca Spoonire Karen Stagg* Kevin Stanton


Todd Stimson Troy Stimson *Kenneth Strand Rusty Stratton

Chris Streppel Don Swanson *Lowen Tabor Vincent Taccardi

Priscilla Tarr Guy Taylor Ju’ia Taylor *Samuel Taylor

Natalie Temple Tara Terzakos Niranjalie Thamotheram Kimberly Theal



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Vera Thielmann Donna-Rei Tholfsen Jeffrey Thompson Solomon Thompson





David Thursby John Tice* Melissa Tidball Michael Toney

Ann Towle* Dennis Tracy Robbie Tubbs Bill Turner*

Rick Turner Bill Turpin Tracy Urner* Scott Vaccaro

Dave VanCamp Beth VanHouten Bobby VanHuss Mary Ann VanLandingham

Tina Vanatti Brian Vanderschee Timothy Vantuyl* Charles Vaughn


Right: “Merry Christmas, Scotland dorm!" Below: “All this work! If only I had an electric toothbrush!” (Vivian Moraes)

Middle Right: “Isn’t this ro-tic?” (Romantic without the man) (Kelly Rowe, Linda Denton) Right: “United we stand — Asia 18." (Tricia Caldbeck, Kim Geremia, Michele Brubaker, Joye Adolfson)


Left: “Start the game without us, we're pos­ ing!" (Don Swanson, Sean Spoelstra)

Left: “Once upon a time ..

Bob Heim

shares a story with his secret pal! Above: This is why women come to WOLBI! (Bart Rice)


Hope VerBerkmoes Esteban Villalba Martin Wagner *Malik Walker

Karen Wallace Jeannine Walsh Tim Walsh John Walson

John Walters Peter Wang *Eric Warner Marci Warriner

Timothy Washburn *Karen Wasielewski Glenn Wassmer Denise Watchorn

*Mischelle Watson *Marek Wawrzyniak Harvey Wentzel Marygrace Wetherbee



Melissa Wever* Tina Whetsell Stephen Whetstone Gene White

Jori Whittenburg Susan Whittington Michelle Wiant Patrick Wilcox

Jonathan Wildes Alfred Williams Andrew Wilson Brian Wilson*

Carlos Wilson* Charles Winters Eric Wolf Will Wonsang

Lynnette Wood Rachel Woodard* Brian Woods Michele Woodworth


Charles Woolson Eric Yoder Matthew Yohe ♦Wladyslaw Zapotoczny

Wendy Zepp Said Family

Blodgett Family Ebert Family Fuss Family Grysen Family

Huffmier Family Kreoker Family Moyer Family Moraes Family

Shockley Family Smith Family Tracy Family Van Camp Family



MINISTRIES There once was a beautiful pond, set in a valley between soar­ ing mountains. The spring that flowed off the mountains fed the pond with a crystal clear water that was refreshing to drink. The wind blowing across the water created a cool breeze. For years travelers found strength and refreshment from the waters and the cool breezes of that pond. Villages miles away were fed with water due to one spring which acted as an outlet and flowed from the pond. The pond grew to be im­ portant, for many depended on it as a source of life. Over the years, the spring which fed the villages began to run dry. In the pond itself, the waters began to turn green, their taste turned bit­ ter, and a stench began to rise into the air from its waters. The pond was dead for all practical purposes. It was no longer a source of life, or a place of refreshment. Upon A Closer Look, it was found that the outlet of the pond had become plugged. The sedi­ ment and minerals had, over the years, built up, shutting off its only outlet. The loss of the outlet caused the death of the pond. Take A Closer Look; ministry is an outlet for your spiritual life. If you lose it, you’re dead for all prac­ tical purposes.


SYM SYM is divided into four groups called travel teams. Each team is sent off on weekends to help dif­ ferent events such as Olympian Kick-ball Kickoffs, Volleyball Marathons, Basketball Marathons and Super Bowls. Each travel team member is put to work usually in pairs either refereeing, scorekeep­ ing, snack bar, entertainment or maybe running a bowling alley or ice skating rink during an over­ night Super Bowl. Every event is packed full of fun, excitement, and a complete gospel message. During the winter months, SYM goes on internship. Each student has the opportunity to practice what they have been studying whether it be in their home churches or a foreign country, or WOL Florida, or maybe the Inn. SYM is incredible and life changing. Come back and get A Closer Look.

Front Row: Chris Berner, Mark Fogarty, Rachael Woodard, Nancy Miller, Tami Neve. Back Row: Matt Magdziarz, Rob Salizzoni, Russ Nelson, Steve Labbe.

Front Row: Christy McGuire, Malik Walker, Glenda Middlebrook, Katherine Freeman, Andrea Albury. Back Row: Dan Cymbal, Chris Greene, Eric Warner, Steve Melton, Steve Knabenshue, Tony Babb.

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a,wn Cricchio so krathon.

Right: Leading little children to the Lord is a pure blessing (Jennifer Schwartz, Jose Lugo, Lowen Tabor, Gale Nocella).


V .

Front Row: Bill Turpin, Cheryl Dearing, Missy Scott, Yvonne Astwood, Elizabeth Magner, Pam Moore. Back Row: Steve Whetstone, Keith Fortin, Tim Vantuyl, Kevin Gregory, Jim Jones.

Front Row: Lowen Tabor, Bill Rose, Jennifer Schwartz, Gale Nocella, Ruth Schwarck. Back Row: Sean MacDonald, Marcus Smith, Eric Goodwin, Dawn Cricchio, Kenny Strand.

Good call, Chris! (Chris Greene — Bas­ ketball Marathon)

Left: Jennifer Schwartz, Chris Greene, Gale Nocella, and Dave Smith did their internship at WOL Florida. SYM 71

Christine Nawita, Brent Parschauer, Rob­ ert Parschauer, Cary Smith, Tim Smith, Ann Towle, Tracy Urner, Karen Wasielew- ski, Mischelle Watson, Tracy Weisberg, Brian Wilson, Richard Worley,

sell Herbert, Todd Hibbard, Sara Kauffman, Sherry Kippycash, Patrick Marcoux, Danielle Mattson, Mark Mc­ Kinney, Dale Kay Miller, Darren Miller, Gregg Morrill, Emily Morris, Kelly Moyer,

Emily Allsbrooks, Michael Altland, Rich Broecker, Jon Bubar, Tammy Cammann, Douglas Cams, Mari Dean, Pamela Durand, Robert Ely, Robert Gephart, Brad Grim, Catherine Halo, Brent Helwig, Rus­

SME Mission Conference representatives did an awe some job.


S.M.E The School of Missions and Evangelism is geared toward almost 100% practical training. As a January Student some of our ministries in­ cluded Snow Camp, a week of ministry at such places as rescue missions, Inner City Impact in Chicago, Bible centers, and various other out­ reach centers. It’s places like these that wake you up to the real world, and expose you to new opportunities. As far as classes are concerned, you’ll learn most everything you need to know about serving the Lord from the local church to the regions beyond, the foreign field. Fall and spring quarters are SYM and SME combined, learning the area of youth ministries. Winter is strictly SME, which teaches about hom­ iletics, various religions and cults, and the re­ alities of missions from children to the homeless to the third world. Summer is where all your training is put to the test. A summer internship includes anything from CEF to WOL camps to crisis pregnancy centers to overseas. Deputation is implemented to raise sup­ port, thus giving you a sense of what it takes to get to the mission field. All in all, SME teaches you, trains you, and sends you out to test your wings in the ministry. Unity is key to survival as a team, second only to prayer. IF you want a challenge and a taste of Matthew 28:19, SME is the place for you! Cary P. Smith I Corinthians 15:58

Working with Child Evangelism Fellowship in New York City

Left: Children play a big part in SME ministry.

Left: Manual is a common word on weekend ministry.


Inner City Impact and Chicago gangs during winter quarter. (Pam Durand)

Drama Team: Brad Grim, Emily Morris, Ann Guest, Brent Helwig, Darren Miller, Rob Gephart, Jon Bubar.

S.M.E. 73

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Joye Adolfson, Abigail Allison, Andrew Avery, Joanna Baker, Patrick Banner, Melodie Barron, Cindi Barry, Jonathan Beamer, Darlene Beiler, Kenneth Bird, Renee Blackman, Jac­ queline Bolin, Tim Bouman, Michelle Brooks, Brenda Butler, Mimi Byers, Tricia Caldbeck, Jay Callaghan, Gail Chapman, Christian Charette, Jose Cintron, Tricia Cleck, Scott Cyphers, Kim Dame, Patricia Davis, Chris De Long, Peter Dealing, Tania Dochuk, Michele Doibeck, Kaureen Dorsey, David

Carroll La Vallee, Andrea Lundin, Melissa Mahurin, Wendy Martin, Carrie Miller, Vivian Moraes, Julie Mulder, Scott Munson, Lisa Neary, Heather Nichols, Uni- | ty Nkosi, Dawn Oudman, Douglas Peck, Julia Rehfeld, I Kim Richeson, Kevin Riggle, Richard Risoldi, Roger I Scott, Mark Sellers, David Shawver, Melissa Smith, Angie Snyder, Melanie Snyder, Lorie Socci, Simone Spieker, L Sean Spoelstra, Tara Terzakos, Niranjalie Thamotheram,

Dunham, Elizabeth Elwell, Johnny Emmerson, Jennifer Fox, Robert Gardner, Russ Garner, Kimberly Geremia, Susan Geske, Jodi Groff, Trevor Guiles, Jennifer Hale, Christy Hanshew, Leonard Hayes, Staci Heindel, Phil Henderson, Paul Hicks, Kelley Hilliard, Clark Hirt, Joel Hoffman, Jeanette Holland, Bill Hopkins, Andrea Katz, Brian Kelley, Todd Kenter, Marion Kessler, Kerri King, Shelly Kinzer, Edward Kirchberger, Timothy Kirschner,

Above: The Celebration Singers, Beth Van Houton, Eric Wolf, Abigail Allison, Wes Vaughn, Hope Ver Berkmoes, Marion Kessler. Above Right: Mr. Donley puts a lot of time and effort into his direction of the Word of Life Collegians.



“When I first came to WOLBI, I didn’t intend to join Collegians at all. Now that the year is over, I wouldn’t have wanted to be in any other min­ istry. It combines so many of the oth­ er ministries. I’ve played sports, taught Sunday School, passed out tracts in a mall, witnessed door to door, and, of course, sang my heart out! Being able to be on ‘Ring the Bells’ tour was great; then ‘Passion Play’ practices started. Being up on that cross as Christ was such a ‘real’ experience and privilege. It really al­ lowed me to better visualize Christ’s sufferings for us. The only regret I have is this hair of mine. I definitely miss being a blonde. On the whole; however, this year has easily been the best year of my life and I’d like to thank Mr. Donley for all his hard work with the Col­ legians.” In Christ,

“My dream since I was a little girl was to be a Word of Life Col­ legian. This year, I found out how much more it entails besides just singing. I was able to teach Sunday School, minister in people’s homes, give my testimony, go door to door, learn more about music, and most importantly lead others to the Lord! Being in Praise Eight also proved a great opportunity. Being a Collegian fulfilled a child­ hood dream and much, much more. Mellisa Mahurin

Solomon Thompson, Robbie Tubbs, Beth Van Houten, Brian Vanderschee, Charles Vaughn, Hope Ver Berkmoes, John Walters, Marci Warriner, Harver Wentzel, Gene White, Jori Whittenburg, Jonathan Wildes, Andrew Wilson, Eric Wolf, Michele Woodworth, Eric Yoder.

Sean Spoelstra Proverbs 3:5, 6

Left: Praise Eight: Leonard Hayes, Melissa Mahurin, Scott Munson, Kim Richeson, Chris­ tian Charette, Marci Warriner, Brian Vander- schee, Wendy Martin.

Left: The Word of Life Bible Institute Quartet: Unity Nkosi, Johnny Emerson, Jay Callaghan, Clint La Vallee.


Above: Christ heals two blind men, a stirring scene from the Passion Play. Above: Dad, with a surprised book when he opens his present

on “Sights and Sounds” (Brian Vandershee)

Middle Right: A happy family in the finale of “Ring the Bells”

TOURS Tours are a unique way of taking the Gospel to different parts of North America. From Genesis to Revelation, New York to California, Florida to Canada, and September until August, Word of Life Tours are everywhere! Each year, the tours hit over 200 cities, like New York City, Los Angeles, Columbus, Tampa Bay, Pitts­ burgh, Toronto, and Houston — to name some of the smal­ ler ones. This year also expe­ rienced their first ever foreign language tour. Revelation was done in Spanish and minis­ tered to New York City, Long

Island, and Philadelphia. What an incredible opportu­ nity for reach out! This branch is expected to expand in the near future. The tours reach over 200,000 people each year. Setting up and tearing down, including the perfor­ mance, can take anywhere from five to ten hours — de­ pending on the set. Doing this each day can really get people worn down. Two words that are never used on tour are s-i- c-k and t-i-r-e-d. So many times you want to say them, but you always remember that God will bless your stress!

Above: Setting up and teanng down is a big part of tours, the part the audience never sees. Upper Left: The choir of Ring the Bells with Brian Headdings.


Above: Children play a big part in the cast Sights and Sounds.

Left: A glorified Christ in the finale of the Passion Play.


O.A.C. OAC 1: Dave Barber, Lawrence Corey, Mindy Fonger, Micha Frick, Tracy Hart, Cynthia Jellison, Gordon Loop, James Lozada, Janene McElree, Jill McGee, Tam­ my Mikusow, Bob Sponable, Vera Thielmann, Norbert Binder, Lori Chute, Amy Dirr, Klara Kruger, Robert Lawson, Bun Ny Ly, John McWilliams, Patricia Norton, Philip Pesce, Marisela Sanchez.

OAC 2: Nicholas Carbonaro, Angela Fry, Ken Fuss, Charise Green, Mary Grubbs, Stephen Hester, Nadia Kandia, Daron McAllister, Connie McConnell, Bobby Van Huss, Will Wonsang, Jared Alsdorf, Steven Chown, David Conner, Todd Davis, De Anne Den Boer, Becky Eulian, Kristine Fekete, Karen Johnston, Deanna McGowan, Amy Mercier, Tim Molesso, Jeff Morgan, Wendy Parr, Ted Pullen, Mat­ thew Ray, Mark Reichert, Allen Rosenfeld, Christel Schroeder, Debbie Spiezio, Troy Stimson, Chris Streppel, Alfred Williams.

Left: Sam Frey, OAC New York.

Right: David Braun demonstrates how tc use a paint board.


OAC 3: Harold Bergman, Keith Erickson, Susan Hall, Stacey Kroh, Steve Nichols, John Nicholson, Rusty Stratton, Tim Walsh, Chris Allen, Dennis Beasley, Linda Bennett, Jason Breda, Janet Calder, Cris- tine Gorczyca, Waldemar Grabowski, Chris Holden, Dorothy Karkada, Caterina Kilian, John Kray, Daniela Kurz, Rhonda Martin, Marc Montei, Joy Moore, Julie Schwartz, Natalie Temple, David Thursby, John Tice.

OAC 4: Jenny Aulph, Melissa Fox, Ann Guest, Tina Hamilton, Fred Knowlton, Todd Ludington, Helen Melville, Lisa Root, Todd Stimson, Ted Tennant, Susan Boyd, Julie Comstock, Julie Grover, Donna Isett, Anne Johnson, Tera Rodocker, Derric Rushlow, Mark Silva, John Walson, An­ drea Goodwin, Christine Howard, Kimber­ ly Joy, Hae-Young Kim, Linda Knopp, Juan Lopez, James Morrell, Kevin Skaer, Michael Spacek, Denise Watchom.

OAC 5: Daniel Altman, Michael Bauer, John Belland, Anne Diebel, Peter Funk, Nicholas Harkin, Rachel Hostetler, Melissa Mead, Kelly Poyser, Walter Shockley, Yukiko Yanagisawa, Christie Barkhaus, Dana Bazor, Kevin Cischke, Pam Fritz, Gary Groves, Jenny Haselhorst, Denise McConnell, David Slattery, Rebecca Spoonire, Carles Woolson, Scott Anderson, Timothy Clark, Natalie Frederick, Tad Frederick, Matt Freeman, Bethany Hughes, David Kaminkow, Mary Jo Lore, Walter Reisich, Jennifer Scalise, Melissa Tidball.

Right: John Tice does an excellent job in holding the kids attention. OAC #3

Above: Jori Whittenburg gets a good re­ sponse from kids in New York City. Right: Where to now? Lawrence Corey, Bob Sponable, Mindy Fonger.


Loop successfully gets anoth Left: Gordon er one. What could be so interesting that showing the kids? Below: Phil is

Left: Jill McGee has a lot of fun doing her message. the puzzle Above: Barry Brown gets into himself. Can you figure it out?

Yes, that’s the book to use for your me sage. (Rob Cole)

Rei-Donna Tholfsen, Susan Whit­ tington.

David Bell, Chamron Brown, Lisa Gradwell, Kristen Hagenson, John Hod- dy, Matthew Liber, Beverly Rohrbach,

•umper Hidalgo does a i awesome job «uring a children’s meet) ig.

Dawn Bruno, Jeanette Chute, Betty Clayton, Robert Cole, Dennis Fox, Heidi Haselhorst, Bumper Hidalgo, Christine

Kallassy, Kim Martin, Marygrace



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