abundantly beyond what they expected, but that w only one of the blessings that God was to give th night. For after the invitation was ended and the crow, returned to their seats, the missionary offering w taken. Pledge sheets were turned in, cash filled tl offering buckets. As the pledges and offering we counted, selected items were auctioned, with Har Bollback acting as auctioneer. Excitement and fi lowship filled Council Hall for that short period time as the crowd awaited the final total of the gil received. When all pledges and gifts were counte over $44,000 was raised, less than $6,000 away fro the goal. As the night grew late and the conferen came to an end, what a sweet sound the voices pr duced as Harry Hollback led the entire congregate in the Doxology. The congregation praised God f His faithfulness and for the moving of His Spirit the hearts and lives of the class of ’90. A CLOSE LOOK: Jesus is the way, the Truth, and the Life. E man comes to the Father, but by Him. (John 14:6) was for this cause that Christ came into the worl (John 12) It is for this cause that we remain in t world, that all people of every race, nation, langua* and color, may know Jesus Christ as their Lord a: Savior. “For this cause came I unto this hour, Fatb glorify thy name.” — Jesus Christ (John 12:2 Overseas Advisors Paul Bubar, Len Charron; Chairm Jonathon Bubar; Vice Chairman Wes Vaughn; Directc and Programs Robert Gephart; Music Robert Parschau Hospitality Brad Grim, Karen Wasielewski; Skits To Hibbard; Decorations Mike Altland, Dawn Bell; Proj< and Finance Darren Miller; Photography and Mul Media Keith Erickson; Publicity Emily Morris, Katheri Freeman
Dramas from the Challengers convicted and hit the hearts of all who watched. Dramas such as Shelly Kinzer’s, “Giving all I Have”; and the group’s, “Dollar Bill,” and “The Apostle Paul.” The annointed messages of Earl Poysti, Warren Wiersbe, Jack Wyrtzen, George Theis, Paul Bubar, Mike Calhoun, and Bob Parshauer, surfaced the needs of people, and clearly showed the short comings of Christian living today. • The Mission Boards and their representatives, pre sented a vast variety of fields. Boards such as: ABWE (Clarence Ledford), CEF (Larry and Deb Porter, Pat Williams), Missionary Aviation Institute (George
Few people would have believed, that the four short days, spent back at the Word of Life Bible Institute, at the return from their Christmas break, would change their lives in such a way, that they would never be the same again. They returned to find themselves in Missions Conference ’90. Months of toil, hard work, prayer, and even tears, went into making the conference the greatest ever. Men such as Jon Bubar (Missions Conference Chair man) and Wes Vaughn (Missions Conference Vice Chairman) worked with their committees and the Overseas Dept., to arrange the conference in every minute detail. They did everything from arranging the list of speakers, to setting up chairs in the field house. These men and their staff had one goal in mind, “that God would receive glory and that He would be honored by these few days.” They prayed diligently that the student body would allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives. The Committee Chairmen worked hard with those on their committees. The jobs of these chairmen ranged from keeping account of electrical cords (used in each seminar), to discussing and making decisions with our school President and Vice Presidents; Jack, Harry, and George. These chairmen worked for hours; for many days with the conference chairman. They arranged and rearranged the conference details and their own personal schedules so that the con ference would run smoothly and effectively, without too many flaws. The burden of each and every chair person was that lives would be changed, that fruit would be seen for their labors. As the Conference progressed it was obvious that the Spirit of God was moving. Music by Wes Vaughn, Carrie Miller, Marcie War ner, and Klara Kruger, ministered to the lives of those present.
Doughrty), New Tribes (Meredith Trout), OAC (David Braun, Sam Fry), Send International (Barry Keiser), SIM International (Brian Clark), UFM International (Robert Cutting), and Word of Life Clubs (Mike Calhoun, John Collins, Gary Holden). These gave valuable informa tion and presented different ministry opportunities that are needed in the world today.
The first three days went by quickly, but as the closing session got under way on Monday evening, it was obvious that the Spirit of God had melted hearts. Harry Bollback gave the closing message. As the mes sage ended and the invitation was given, tears rolled, as hundreds walked the aisle to dedicate their lives to foreign missions. Over two hundred and fifty people walked the aisle that night, half of the student body. The missions conference staff rejoiced to see the Spirit work in such a tremendous way. Their labor was far from being in vain. God did exceedingly
Above: Carrie Miller sings a song of true mis sionary dedication. Right: Our main speaker, Earl Posysti, stirred many lives for missions.
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