Above Left: Harry does his stuff to raise more money. Above Right: Barry Keiser with Send In-
H ternational, presents his mission. Left: The missions conference crowd. CLOSER LOOK FOR THOSE WHO MADE COMMITMENTS AT THE MISSIONS CONFERENCE
Start by daily choosing to obey God in seemingly smaller areas of life, such as: — prayer life 1 Thess. 5:16-18 — thankful attitude towards frustration James 1:2 (positive attitude towards life) — memorizing Scripture Ps. 119:11 — studying God’s Word diligently 2 Tim. 2:15 Do all this with the goal of getting to know God better and to love Him more. This requires a lot of “self-discipline.” Yuk! What a nasty word. It has been precisely stated that, “You must be a master of yourself in order to be a ser vant of others.” How true! When I get up in the morning, I often don’t feel like sitting down and concen trating on God’s Word and praying. Yet, I know it is essential to keep a “fresh” relationship with God. It is impossible to “effectively minister to others without being plugged into the source of power!” Remember, being a missionary is be ing a servant. Start being a missionary today! Reach out to others!
We praise God for the commitment you have made to “World Missions!” You are a minority in the “American Christian World.” Most believers don’t dare to make such a bold decision. You have taken a step forward for God, by committing your life to world missions. You might ask, “Well, where do I start? Where do I begin?” You must start by submitting yourself to God. God can only use people who submit to Him. This is an every day struggle.
Above: Bob Parschauer preaches one of his heart convicting sermons. Left: “What are you going to use your mon ey for?” (Challengers).
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