Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1990

The Spring Bible conference was exactly what a lot of students need­ ed to come back to after break. It is so easy to begin to look at God’s inspired Word as just another book when studying it so many hours a day. This conference was a great reminder of what exactly we were dealing with. The Sword of Truth with the power to win souls, eternal paradise is not just another book! This is God’s gift to man, a tool that can be used by man to gain inheritance in His wonderful Kingdom! With God’s Word, we can learn how to enable God’s spirit to work through us and use us for our Heavenly Father’s glory. Right: The German Quartet does another fabulous job for the Spring Bible Confer­ ence.

Above; The Spring Banquet set an awesome atmosphere for all as well as couples (Kim Martin and Todd Hibbard) Above Right: Derek DeCambra brought a tremendous message that stirred many. Right: The skit that kept us all in stitches. All the staff attended the B.I. at the same time. SPRING BIBLE CONFERENCE


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