Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1990


For A Closer Look at campus life at WOLBI, come with me to the Snak Shak on a Friday night; the dorm at 6:55 a.m. Tuesday morning; the library during study hours; Lake Placid on a Saturday afternoon; a Sunday morning wor­ ship service in Council Hall; vol­ leyball intramurals in the fall; working evenings at the Inn; work­ ing “D” hours on a free afternoon; playing ice hockey on the outdoor court; a skip-a-meal for missions; the dining room on Wednesday at lunch; Aviation Mall with your friends; 4th class period on Friday; Mrs. Hess’ desk at 2:00 p.m. any afternoon; doing aerobics on the track; basketball intramurals in the spring; the mailroom at 2:45 on a Thursday afternoon; Presidential Chapel on Tuesday night; a phone call during the break between study hours; the dean’s office; Bambi on a Friday night; a Snow Camp Rally on Saturday night; weekend work assignment; a Wednesday gym class; a pizza par­ ty given by a visiting college re­ cruiter; the airport for a visit home; the student lounge after din­ ner; to SYM, SME for an even Closer Look at Campus Life.


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