Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1990

We would like to recognize Pa­ tricia Davis, who served on Year­ book staff. Her great desire was to have a part in building the 1990 “Open Door.” She regret­ fully resigned her staff position. We would like to thank her for the work she accomplished in the time she was with us. We greatly appreciate and thank her.

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“It’s How oft attention hold so much'

Word of Life, m£ny of you leave things for God. You have just-finis life,” and rightly so. You’|| Lord. You ha I know yo dreams, but changes. They God, but they re; standard set fo James 1:22-25,. “Do-not meri yourselves"' does not forgetting what what he does.” ( They al$p forgo it from $i^yft)rld distorted, (prov. 4:23) They did fiott^aUze that when compared to vasttii Hundreds have left Word ished more than their wildest They mea$urdfflf^^^^^^ before you made it to They refused to .’ mirror arkOaite forgets what he prefect law that

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We want to thank Amy Devine and Deborah Chiarelli, our Taylor Publication Consultants. They have spent numerous hours going over pages, correcting errors, and sharing their ideas for our book. They have spent hours on the road driving between Word of Life and Albany. They have calmed Tim down, in the times he has gotten a bit wild. They have been a real encouragement to us. When it seemed the book would never get done, they kept pressing us on toward excellence. Amy and Debbie, you are two very special people, thanks a lot!

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“Keep your eyes on the Lord and He will do exceedingly abun­ dantly beyond what you could ever think or ask!” Robert W. Gephart Ephesians 3:20 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalms 37:4) As you, the WOLBI class of 1990, graduate and go out into the world, I pray that you will keep this verse in mind. Whatever your goals, wherever you have set your sights — if you are delighting yourself in Jesus Christ, you will attain them. I pray that, as you look through this book, you will be reminded — not only of the fun, the laughter, the friendships — but also of what we’ve learned here — what we’ve experienced. And I pray that your desire would be to change the world for Jesus Christ. He guarantees results! — Jennifer R. Hale “I pray that each one of you continue to reach for the mark (Phil. 3:14), and that you never try by your own strength, but by the Lord’s in order to reach it (Phil. 4:13).” — Timothy James Kirschner “Keep focusing on the Lord. Never lose sight of the child-like faith that has given us eternal life. God will never fail us nor leave us. Hide His Word in your heart and He will do great and wondrous things with your life. (Psalms 119:105) Be a servant of the Lord, and remember you are now on the mission field.” — Jennifer L. Schwartz “For I have learned in whatever state I am in, I am to be content loving the Lord with all my heart.” (Phil. 4:11) — Julie S. Schwartz

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The 1990 “Open Door,” is finished. We are excited with the way it has turned out. We feel that the hours we have invested have been worth the end product. We have tried to get everyone in somewhere, but it is not an easy job. We want to thank those of you who gave us of your own photo albums, that the entire student body might share in your memories. Here is our all to you! We hope that it will be more, than just memories. We pray that it might challenge you to have a closer walk with the Lord. We also pray that each time you take it out to look through it, that you would be forced to take “A CLOSER LOOK,” at your relationship with God and your relationship with others.


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