Stuart Page A CLOSER LOOK Mr. Page was bom in New York and raised in Massachusetts. He graduated from Syracuse Univer sity with a B.S. degree in Forestry. While working for a pulp mill in Maine, he responded to the Gospel under the ministry of Wendell Cal- der. He had a strong desire for the Word and wanted to know it, so he came to the Word of Life Bible Institute. He was a member of the first graduating class of the Insti tute, the class of 1970. It was dur ing that year he became the Dean of Students. Mr. Page felt the call of God to continue on at Word of Life and stayed on after gradua tion. Today he is still staying on as the Executive Dean. He is respon sible for all aspects of the Bible Institute. He and his wife, Bette, have one daughter and two sons, of which all three attended the Bible Institute. because of your sin. Thank him for rising from the dead and conquering the grave. The Bible says, “Whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13) So right now, Thank Him for saving your soul! Sound too good to be true? well just believe what God says — and act upon it! “Faithful is He that called you” (I Thessaloni- ans 5:24). But remember, its up to you to answer His call, and receive Christ as your personal Sav ior. Let me know of your decision by dropping me a note, and I’ll send information that will help you in your decision. What a glorious thing it is to know “He is God, the faithful God” (Deuteronomy 7:9)! Why not come to Him today? — Word of Life, Schroon Lake, NY 12860
John Nelson
Doug Mieras
TWENTY YEARS of Academic Excellence
turers over the years have included; Ron Blue, John Whitcomb, Charles Ryrie, Dave Wyrtzen, to name just a few. All visiting lecturers are experts in their Fields. This varied staff of experts makes the program of Word of Life, like no other. Students graduating from the Institute have gained the knowledge of a 4 year Bible Major, in one year. Students going on for more education, upon completing the In stitute, are highly valued and desired by other Christian colleges. They say, “Bible Institute Students are educated and disciplined, higher than any other school.” Schol arships are given by most of these colleges to encourage Word of Life students to attend. Word of Life is an organization that meets the needs as they rise. The Bible Institute was started to meet a need in the area of Bible training. In the past few years, needs have arisen in the area of youth work and missions. Word of Life responded to the need, with the School of Youth Ministries and the School of Missions and Evangelism. Both programs follow the same pattern as the Bible In stitute, but their programs are designed to train people to meet the needs of youth and people of the 90’s, no matter what country, culture, race, or language. Twenty years of academic excellence, that has touched and changed the lives of literally thousands. Twenty years of academic excellence that has trained thousands in the Word of God. twenty years of academic excellence that is continuing into the future.
With the Celebration of the 50th anniversary of Word of Life Fellowship this year; few have realized that one of the many divisions of Word of Life is celebrating an anniversary also; The Bible Institute is celebrating it’s 20th anniversary. For many years. Jack Wyrtzen was burdened with, an area that he saw lacking, the area of Bible training. He saw a need for a school that taught one thing, the Bible. The thought of a one year school where students studied nothing but the Word of God, never left his mind. In 1970, that school became a reality, and the Word of Life Bible Institute came into existence. The school was designed after a pattern set, by the very First Institute in San Paulo, Brazil; which was begun a few years earlier, by Jack’s son-in-law, Dave Cox. The Institute program was set up on a system where, a Guest Lecturer, would teach a different class each week. (Each class was Bible related.) Along with the Guest Lec turers, were the residing Faculty, teaching Theology and Bible Survey. Through this type of program, the Bible was taught and completely gone through, three times in one year. Jack realized that true learning actually applied those principles, which were learned. Therefore ministry be came an outlet of the Bible Institute. Here students might apply those things which they have learned. Since that First year, nothing has changed. Student en rollment has increased from 40 students that First year, to over 500 in the class of’90, but even with this growth, the underlying principles haye never changed. Visiting lec
A MESSAGE FROM JACK WYRTZEN When Word Of Life was founded in 1940, America was emerging from the worst economic depression of its history — and facing a world war unprecedented in its scope and destruction. Yet today, our nation is gripped by a moral decay that threatens our survival as surely as any war of financial catastrophe. Abortion, drugs, homosexuality — all were un heard of fifty years ago. Although it’s important to address the concerns of the day, the basic issue never changes. That’s why Word Of life has al ways stuck to the root problem of sin, by pro claiming its solution in Christ. The 1990 OPEN DOOR theme is “A Closer i
Look.” We’ve chosen “A Closer Look” as an appropriate theme for this edition, because 1990 marks Word Of Life’s 50th anniversary year. We are taking A Closer Look at God’s faithfulness. Word of Life isn’t perfect, but we can offer abun dant testimony that in being faithful to God’s calling, in turn “God is faithful by whom ye were called” I Corinthians 1:9) God’s faithfulness not only applies to organ izations, but to individuals as well. For example, God promises “if we confess our sins. He is faith ful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9) Perhaps you are wondering how to appropriate that promise? First you must personally admit, “Lord, I have sinned.” Remember, Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Then thank Him for dying on the cross for you, dying in your place
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