Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1990

Bob Hess

Brian Headdings

Joanne Hess

Dave James

Above: “You say your face is cold, Mr. Donley, pull the hat all the way down.” Left: “You want to go where on internship? Your local church!” (Brian Gower)

Dave Barber Asst, to Dir. of Evangelism, Asst. Snow Camp Dir. Heidi Haselhorst Asst, to Dir. of Evangelism, Asst. Snow Camp Dir. Tom Sampley Admissions Dir. Staff Adv. Bob Gray Business Manager,

Staff Adv. Paul Bubar Overseas Dir., Missions Conference Dir. Roger Elliso I Pastor Faculty and Staff Chris Miller Prof., Computer Prog., Staff Adv. Marshall Wicks Prof., Yearbook Adv., Library Dir.,

Married Student Adv. Brian Donley Dir. of Music Elizabeth Nelson Dir. of Public Speaking, Staff Adv. Barbara Davoll Drama Coach and Instructor Keith Balsley P.E. Instructor Kim Goode Nurse, Staff Adv. Pat Newman Nurse


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