Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1990


“When I first came to WOLBI, I didn’t intend to join Collegians at all. Now that the year is over, I wouldn’t have wanted to be in any other min­ istry. It combines so many of the oth­ er ministries. I’ve played sports, taught Sunday School, passed out tracts in a mall, witnessed door to door, and, of course, sang my heart out! Being able to be on ‘Ring the Bells’ tour was great; then ‘Passion Play’ practices started. Being up on that cross as Christ was such a ‘real’ experience and privilege. It really al­ lowed me to better visualize Christ’s sufferings for us. The only regret I have is this hair of mine. I definitely miss being a blonde. On the whole; however, this year has easily been the best year of my life and I’d like to thank Mr. Donley for all his hard work with the Col­ legians.” In Christ,

“My dream since I was a little girl was to be a Word of Life Col­ legian. This year, I found out how much more it entails besides just singing. I was able to teach Sunday School, minister in people’s homes, give my testimony, go door to door, learn more about music, and most importantly lead others to the Lord! Being in Praise Eight also proved a great opportunity. Being a Collegian fulfilled a child­ hood dream and much, much more. Mellisa Mahurin

Solomon Thompson, Robbie Tubbs, Beth Van Houten, Brian Vanderschee, Charles Vaughn, Hope Ver Berkmoes, John Walters, Marci Warriner, Harver Wentzel, Gene White, Jori Whittenburg, Jonathan Wildes, Andrew Wilson, Eric Wolf, Michele Woodworth, Eric Yoder.

Sean Spoelstra Proverbs 3:5, 6

Left: Praise Eight: Leonard Hayes, Melissa Mahurin, Scott Munson, Kim Richeson, Chris­ tian Charette, Marci Warriner, Brian Vander- schee, Wendy Martin.

Left: The Word of Life Bible Institute Quartet: Unity Nkosi, Johnny Emerson, Jay Callaghan, Clint La Vallee.


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