Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1990

CEF CEF gives a few WOLBI stu­ dents an opportunity to reach out to many young children. The friendships they make — with the kids as well as with fellow workers — are ones that they’ll never for­ get. They get a real blessing out of the opportunity to touch these children’s lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jenny Belcher, Jody Bowers, Deborah Brooker, Michelle Brubaker, Karyn Cook, Chuck Covelusky, Woodbury Davis, Linda Denton, Deon Eve, Julie Garrison, Thomas Hoffman, Andrea Johnson, Tyra Liebo, Joe McLaughlin, Lisa Moyer, Jennifer Os­ borne, Kelly Reed, Sackson Simon, Pris­ cilla Tarr, Rick Turner, Jeannine Walsh, Matthew Yohe, Wendy Zepp.

Top Left: Priscilla Tarr, Jeannine Walsh and their kids.

Left: Chuck Covelusky teaches the kids an interesting story.

CEF 87

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