Gateway Cathedral 1 nierdenominaiional Bible Church
God’s blessings on our graduates:
^ es&ica'C&asicino/ IflicAael and the entire student body, as you take what you have learned
Rev. Dr. Daniel Mercaldo Senior Pastor Phone: (718) 966-4500
back to our churches and our needy world!
200 Boscombe Ave. Richmond Valley, Staten Island, Home of Gateway Academy & Gateway Book & Gift
From the Yearbook Editor: Becky Weeks Having never worked with a yearbook before, this was quite tfte challenge! God, in His amazing sovereignty though, chose me to lead a group in a project completely unfamdiar to me! In this space, I just wantecf to give Gocf tfte gfoty for the entire thing! If it wasn’t for His amazing grace, this book would be non-existent! I thank Him so much for entrusting me with this task andfor choosing to teaeft me so much! I also thank Him for giving me such an amazing yearbook advisor (thanks, Christy>) and staff, friends, andfamily to pray, help, encourage, and teach me! To Gocf be the glory! Timothy 1-:12~
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