As the year drew to an end we were challenged by many different people to finish strong. But we are not really finishing, we are just beginning. We are just beginning to be put into the Potter’s hand. Through our child and teen years the clay has been kneaded and worked with until the texture was perfect. A few of the lumps of clay were dropped and some were even kicked around a bit. But the Master Potter was always there to pick the clay up, clean it off and continue •sf •' Si w ^ ' ^ v ^ kneading. All along the Master has had a special piece in mind, something He is making each, and every one of us into. Sometimes when we look at ourselves and examine ourselves it looks like we are never going to get there, but the Potter has it all in control. #J This year, for the first time, many were placed on the Potter’s wheel. Oh, how many times we thought we were going to spin right off of there, but the Potter’s hands were always in place guiding here and pressing there. He knew what He ; * was doing even though we did not. We got dizzy and got poked and sometimes even had a piece of us cut off, but as hard as it may have seemed or as much as it may have hurt, the Lord was in • f * control. His hand was guiding the speed of the wheel, the position of the clay, and the temperature of the oven. Some this year started the baking process, at times thinking they were being cooked to a crisp or were going to die of heat, but once again the Potter was in control. As we leave here, we know we are not the finished product, there is still a lot of kneading, spinning, baking, painting, and even things we would never imagine, that needs to happen. Sometimes it may seem like we will never be finished, but day by day and minute by minute we must remember that we are in the Potter’s hands and He is still working on us and some day according to f His timing we will become. . .
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